Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1861 Methods to Destroy the Empire

Tazmi, who was a little weak, was eating food like crazy.

Esdeath said that he meditated cross-legged for three whole days, and it was difficult to interrupt him in that special state.

No wonder I woke up with a horrible feeling of hunger.

Several dangerous species were put on the bonfire, grilled in the most primitive way, sprinkled with seasonings and swallowed into the stomach.

After swallowing a large amount of nutritious meat, his stomach immediately bulged, and then he moved a few times to adjust the efficiency of his stomach.

The realm of the Six Styles is still within the instinct, so controlling the original body's internal organs is a little difficult, but it's not impossible.

You can see with the naked eye that your swollen belly deflated immediately, and the nutrients are digested in an instant.

The second round of overeating began immediately. Countless marines with mediocre physical qualifications relied on the six postures to continuously change their physical bodies.

Eating is the most critical step.

But this level of control over the body was enough to frighten Esdeath.

It seems that this special training is very unusual.

Not only did the momentum change at the moment of awakening, it seemed that the whole person was completely transformed.

A calmer attitude and deeper eyes illustrate this point.

After eating and drinking, Tazmi lay down boldly on the snow and looked at the sky, and began to organize her gains in her brain.

Swordsmanship, domineering, and combat experience have all grown rapidly.

It just takes some time to turn all these results into practical power.

But for a supernova who has trained countless times, this is not a problem.

The more he gets to this point, the more he realizes how terrible it is to break the rules of the world.

The limit of domineering body and the limit of will.

Ichimonji definitely paid an unimaginable price that day.

At the same time, I also learned that Teacher Noah is not simple.

What is the Millennium Teigu? The history of 400 years ago and 600 years ago is very clear.

Now that I think about it, I realize that the other person must be snickering inwardly.

However, it is also the teacher's style to tamper with history and use all tools to complete the revolution.

Feeling the fierce flames in his chest and the memory of the god-slaying battle that destroyed the world, the young man smiled.

Brother Rody, I've burned this world to death.

Afterwards, under Esdeath's surprised eyes, he began to exercise crazy and self-abuse.

Esdeath, help me.

A new Northern Legend is born.

“Move the moving hills.”

Some people swore that they saw a hill running by itself on the northern ice sheet.

Every step forward carries the mournful cry of the earth.

And afterwards you can still see the footprints that are the same size as ordinary people.

It's okay to treat it as a legend, but the human-sized footprints don't fit the size of the hill.

It's impossible to run alone on a hill.

A dangerous species of humanoid in the desperate snow-capped mountains.

Yes, I read that right. There's a little black dot climbing up that dead end.

I can see the ripples of the battle between the dangerous S-class Eagledramon and the humanoid monster at the top from the bottom of the mountain.

The whole mountain was shaking, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to cover the sky, and there were black lightning.

A mercenary in the tavern was sharing his experiences, but everyone thought he was drunk and bragging.

That's a bad place. If it weren't for the precious and rare medicinal materials growing there, no one would come close to it for several years.

Various legends were spread in the North. Many people didn't pay attention to it, but those who witnessed it felt very happy.

Esdeath is very much looking forward to how powerful Tazmi will be after such special training.

He seems to be breaking the limits of ordinary people's power. Even the strong men in the empire cannot do such exaggerated things.

Moreover, his firm will suppressed all physiological reactions such as fainting and vomiting, and he did not stop exercising even when he was seriously injured.

Relying on the food you eat for violent recovery.

Tazmi, such rough exercise will shorten your lifespan.

Loss of life? What's the price?

The boy ignored the matter with a fearless smile.

After seeing the revolution in the sea, he understood that there was no way to change the world without paying a price.

Ivankov, Big Bear, Nanhai Representative, Teacher Noah, and thousands of soldiers died.

How lucky I am to have the power to break the rules now. The training to keep up with the teacher as soon as possible has just begun.

Esdeath is not a mortal. If your lover is willing, then feel free to do it.

Like a little woman, she provided all kinds of logistical support for Tazmi.

She had a feeling that the real battle she was looking forward to would soon come.

The fierce fighting spirit is burning the strongest in the empire.

In the empire.

The leader left Geralt secretly.

Walk among the crowd again with Noah's books to feel people's suffering and anger.

With his special power, he not only peeks into people's hearts, but also communicates with ordinary people more cordially.

Traveling in all directions, I feel how difficult people's lives are.

If it were before, he would use his powers to heal those who were physically hurt, and use his teachings to soothe the spiritual pain.

But he sighed after being taken away by officials again.

Are you going to take away even their last hope?

Finally, he woke up in the ruins of a noble manor. If he didn't break the reincarnation, such people would eventually appear in a few decades.

Neither the southern rebels nor the Anning Road can change the status quo.

In that case, find someone who can change the world.

After returning, he secretly found Noah.

Mr. Noah, I am not a god and cannot save the world.

There is no afterlife in this world, only the present.

Please sir, please teach me how to destroy this dirty world and completely break the rules that have existed for thousands of years.

The day has come.

Noah believed that it was time for the framework of the new world to be born.

So we started to call a few key people for a meeting.

This is Najehitan, former imperial general Nadjeta. She is also the leader of the night attack assassination team and a senior general of the southern rebels.

Najexitan was temporarily invited by Noah, although Geralt was still nominally under surveillance by the empire.

But Night Raid was already under Noah's care, and he could wander around the city as he pleased.

The four Rakshasa ghosts' keen sense of assassins was of no use, and their proactive reporting only resulted in a reprimand.

So she came here generously.

This is Will, who was originally affiliated with the Imperial Navy. His master is a big shot in the Imperial Navy.

Will was confused. He didn't know what this kind of high-level meeting could have to do with him.

And he has never told any information about his teacher among the hunters.

Another hunter member was also confused as to how he could intervene in this meeting.

Lan, a rural teacher in the central part of the empire, fell in love with the local female eunuch because of her handsome appearance, and the Teigu was also given to her by her lover.

This made the handsome teacher's face turn red. He said this as if he was a softie.

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