Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1863 Reverse Sister Beheading

The four Rakshasa ghosts were in a very bad mood.

Since the hunter arrived, they have become dedicated watchdogs.

It is quite sad that the four powerful men in the dark world have fallen to this stage.

Geraltli couldn't participate in so many interesting fun. He finally discovered the traces of the night attack and was scolded when he reported it. What the hell is that?

The disguise of the night attack was simply mocking their intelligence.

Chitong was a teammate back then. If she didn't even recognize him, why would they be the minister's executioner?

The smell of darkness appeared several times in the city.

I really want to hunt some people to relieve their anxiety.

But whenever this impulse arises, all emotions will be frozen by the terrifying eyes in my memory.

It is the deepest darkness, the most dominant oppression.

This kind of emotion cannot be felt by ordinary people at all. Only those who come from a dark background can be keenly aware of it.

As a pure martial artist, Zhu Tian is slowly overcoming this fear.

But time was not on their side.

On this day, the man named Noah reunited the four of them.

The people who attacked at night were too close to the church, so I planned to teach them a lesson they will never forget.

This is their lair, go and bring back the heads I want to see.

Noah, who was sitting on the main seat, had a low voice and his face was blocked by darkness. Only his outline and his eyes could be seen looking down at ants from the sky.

The other party's arrogant attitude of coming and going at a moment's notice was really irritating, and even Berlick didn't dare to do this.

So the four of them looked at each other and knelt down at the same time to express that they would complete the task.

Not to be cowardly, but to obliterate the night attack is also the empire's order.


The four of them headed towards the predetermined target location, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

The anger suffered by Noah must be vented with the blood of others.

Zhu Tian smashed the wall with a bursting fist, and several figures in the smoke broke out in four directions.

Hmph, very smart.

One for each person.

It was very obvious that they scattered and fled. The four Rakshasa ghosts each chose a direction to pursue.

Everyone was very confident that although hunting the Teigu user was difficult, it suited their taste.

The people of the Imperial Fist Temple have a very in-depth understanding of the Teigu users, and they have been established longer than the empire.

The ultimate goal of training is to kill these former leaders without relying on the Teigu.

Thorn's goal is very clear.

It’s Xiao Chitong.

His former comrade-in-arms was a traitor who betrayed the empire, but he loved this woman very much.

The straight black girl in front was very familiar with the terrain. She often made twists and turns and used many retreat traps to hinder the pursuit.

But none of this got rid of the pursuers from behind.

Xiao Chitong, your speed is a bit slow.

Did you not practice well during the night attack?

Ji ran faster and faster with a perverted smile, and finally intercepted the escaping figure in a mountain forest.

When he intercepted the opponent, the smile on his face became even more distorted.

It's really pitiful. It's like a mouse hiding in the dark. Do you miss the days we used to have?

Pity? Are you talking about the four domestic dogs chained around the church?

Although these words stung Ji's pride, that was not the reason why his face turned cold.

You are not Chitong.

The man with the red-eyed face, figure and knife showed a mocking smile.

The opponent is the strongest among the four Rakshasa ghosts, so naturally he needs a few good opponents.

Lord Noah said that the means are not important at all in things like assassination, but the result is more important.

I always feel like adults have done things that have no bottom line.

Of course, I kept this in my heart.

Chelsea continued to run away without saying a word, but Thorn did not pursue her.

Because he felt that several murderous intentions had locked onto him. This was a despicable trap.

A figure walked in front of him in the forest. He was a strange and powerful man with no information at all.

Is there anyone left who hasn't come out?

Ji's face looked a little ugly, even with his strength, he was a little unsure when facing the two Teigu users.

Especially if the person who doesn't come out will distract him a lot of attention and vigilance, this battle will be very tragic.


Members of Night Raid, please sign up.

My name is Susanoo.

Then the battle broke out, and Susanoo charged forward with a powerful weapon, smashing the ground beneath his feet with a powerful and heavy stick.

Ji dodged, his mind racing at high speed.

It is estimated that the remaining three people were also surrounded and suppressed, so the only one who betrayed himself and others was Noah.

He is really a dark and bottomless person.

Wait until I get back!

You must report it to the minister!

Just as he thought, the other three ghosts also met their opponents.

Standing in front of Zhu Tian, ​​the master of boxing in Huangquan Temple, were Bran, who was not afraid of being beaten, and Leonai, who was invincible.

This is a head-on direct confrontation, and the battle is about who is braver, who is more ruthless, and who is more fierce.

Haunted by evil spirits! Transformed into the king of beasts!

The ferocious humanoid armor, the domineering lion king.

Your name is Zhu Tian, ​​right?

We just want to beat you to death, or you will be beaten to death by us.


What is the difference between these two sentences?

But this kind of opponent full of madness and fighting spirit also made Zhu Tian very satisfied. He liked this battle.

Horsehead is the most junior assassin among the four ghosts of Rakshasa.

The little girl has a cute appearance and sexy body. She wears very revealing clothes and has a cute personality. Unfortunately, her life is not good.

What I encountered was the ace of the night attack.

It's not a tactic of a superior horse fighting an inferior horse, it's purely because there is some connection between the two.

Ma Tou’s biological father is called Goziqi.

The father of the elite seven members of the Empire's assassination force, a member of the Four Rakshasa Ghosts, and the original owner of the imperial weapon Murasame.

Now Murasame has changed her master, so she and Chitong have a grudge against killing their father.

As for whether Chitong will hold back? That is definitely not possible.

When Noah didn't intervene, she didn't even hesitate to kill her biological sister, let alone her adopted sister.

So the fate of Horse Head is already determined.

The last Rakshasa Shiki Suzuka encountered was an ordinary duo.

A naturally silly girl holding a pair of scissors and a little green-haired girl with an angry look on her face.

Lubbock pulled out the silk thread in his hand, looking like he was going to tie it up and play with it, which was really crazy.

She had made up her mind to escape at this moment. As the most intelligent being among the four Rakshasa ghosts, she could not stay in the trap and fight to the death.

It's just that the sharp threads around it are really difficult to handle.

At this moment, at the highest point of the church, Najexitan and Noah were waiting for the results.

Who do you think among the four Rakshasa ghosts will be killed first?

It must be Ma Tou. It's her misfortune that she met Chi Tong.

The Red Eyes of Cutting are really powerful.


Nothing, just complaining.

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