I can't see through your existence. You don't seem to be human, but you are very human.

So. What are you?

This doubt made the leader very happy. He could always tell the difference between light, good and evil, and could see through at a glance that these were not blessings, but curses.

Everyone around him has his own desires, black and white, and some people even have darkness in their hearts.

The unknown feeling of encountering a being who can't see through anything is very fascinating.

I am a humanoid auxiliary Teigu and an imperial civil servant.

Noah began to lie very calmly. The leader who could see through people's hearts was a little unconvinced, but he could not verify this.

As for the power of prophecy

The moment I saw you, I seemed to see endless war, endless flames, death, cheers, and a terrifying aggregation of darkness.

The details are hazy, but I still saw the Burning Empire.

Even this instinct makes me feel at ease with you.

You must be more than a simple Teigu.

The leader did indeed activate the power of prophecy upon meeting him, but he could not clearly see the general future of this self-proclaimed Teigu.

There are more unknowns.

Noah was not surprised. The Destroyer of Worlds specializes in the power of prophecy.

From Mrs. Charlie on the sea, to the prophetic rituals in the moon clock tower, to the giant toad fairy in the world of Naruto, all prophecies cannot accurately predict Noah's future.

Because he is the variable in the world and the existence that brings the power of humanity.

After all, Taoist An Ning is just a combination of human beings and dangerous species. The fact that some supernatural powers can achieve this level shows that his talent is extremely high.

Let's talk about it on the way. It's not good to block it here.

Noah gave his advice very calmly, and the leader naturally agreed.

Although you can't see through it, there is a high probability that the other person is a good person.

Among the middle and lower classes, Anning Road was a powerful force at the hegemonic level. However, among the high-ranking officials of the empire and the nobles and wealthy businessmen, Anning Road was just a ragtag group of scumbags who gathered together and did not cause much trouble at all.

So the convoy quietly left the crowded pier and headed towards Geralt's headquarters.

They kept discussing issues along the way.

The original intention of establishing Anning Road is still correct. Your appearance when people need spiritual sustenance is not a bad thing.

If you can't change the outside world, you will change yourself.

Faith is born.

Your existence is faith for those who live a more difficult life.

Noah's evaluation of the leader and An Ning Dao is still very positive. He can't let people have a bad life and a bad mood.

This was the first time for the leader to get affirmation from a being who had no faith at all, and he was actually a little happy.

It's just that Anning Road is out of your control now, and your deputy leader, Berlick, is the minister's subordinate.

He plans to launch an assassination plan on the founding day of Anning Road, and then seize Anning Road.

Let this sect become a tool of the Empire.

For this reason, the Empire's special guard force, the Hunter Force, was also dispatched to protect and assist the opponent.

After hearing this, Will and others smiled awkwardly but politely.

Damn it, it was obviously a secret order, but now everyone knows it.

Ye Raid knows it, the leader of Anning Dao knows it, and maybe only the villain, Bolik, doesn't know it.

I really don’t know how to carry out this task. This leader seems to be a good person.

The leader himself was a little sad. Although he couldn't tell whether Noah was telling the truth or not, the inner feelings of people like Hunter couldn't be hidden from his eyes.

I used to think that Bolick just had too much darkness in his heart. No one in this world is completely kind, and some desires are normal.

The deputy leader has taken care of Anning Road in an orderly manner since he joined the church. It is also because of the other party's great efforts that the bottom layer expansion is so smooth.

I didn't expect there to be such an inside story, it's really sad.

It’s just that Noah is a cruel person and leaves no room for the other party at all.

It's not just the empire's top officials who are eyeing you, the southern rebels are also eyeing An Ningdao.

The riots of a large number of people at the bottom can provide them with very good soil for uprising, so many of the backbones of your sect have been controlled by the rebels.

The conflict with the empire has become increasingly tense in the past two years. In the end, even if you want to stop it, it will be useless.

Under the influence of the general trend, you are just an ordinary person drifting with the trend, and An Ning Dao will become the biggest victim.

So they sent members of the Night Raid to assassinate Berlick so they could get the uprising going.

Leonai and Lubbock were laughing at the hunter one moment, and were criticized by Noah the next.

While fidgeting, he showed the same smile as Will and the others.

Taoist An Ning was in a very complicated mood.

What is this? The existence of An Ning Dao has almost nothing to do with him. Everyone is focused on what they want.

The main reason is that he doesn't know what to do, and neither of the left or right is what he wants.

Then what do you want?

What I want is really big. Let me explain my religious analysis to you first, and then you will know.

Noah wanted to teach the leader a lesson first and see his qualifications.

If you have good qualifications, then many things will be transformed smoothly.

The leader feels a little weird, but the class is just for solving doubts, which is a good thing.


Later, there was another Taoist An Ning in Noah’s traveling class.

As the leader of a religion, he also has the power to see through people's hearts. He has also met countless sentient beings, and he is more able to empathize with the existence of ordinary people.

I learned a lot from Noah's course.

His wisdom is also to the extent that he can directly understand Noah's teaching materials.

This made the progress of the class take off immediately. Later, Hunter and Night Raid could only look up to the leader's learning progress, and the other party could already ask Master Noah for more in-depth questions.

Such qualifications are really disappointing.

But Noah was very happy. Taoist An Ning, who has such special spiritual power, is a natural inheritor.


Today we are telling a small story about religion and history, a story about a peasant uprising launched in a religious form.

I said in class that most religions are born out of fear.

People are afraid of the natural phenomena of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and sects that worship nature will appear.

This is especially common in many small places and on the borders of the four directions. Snow gods, sea gods, including Susano'o all appear like this.

Everyone knows this more or less. As a navy man, Will has heard many legends about Poseidon and the like.

Chitomi also just realized that Susana's legend belonged to the nature worship of the past.

People are afraid of the suffering of life. When fate is no longer in their own hands, fear of social forces will inevitably lead to corresponding submission and worship, and sects such as An Ning Tao will appear.

During the millennia of the empire and before its establishment, many such sects were born.

So Ning Ning Dao is not the only one. Even many of your teachings are modeled on history and based on the moral standards that people hope for.

The leader listened with interest and was a little curious about what happened to the previous sects.

Then you must be curious about the stories of such a sect.

Today we will talk about the history before the creation of the Empire.

Everyone was very excited. It was the first time that Lord Noah told the historical story before the empire.

As an auxiliary Teigu, I served as the Imperial Librarian when it was created, so I saw the history of previous eras.

History is a cycle. Before the empire, there was an empire.

In the last years of the dynasty, the nobles and the country's ministers imposed excessive taxes and morals. Coupled with constant natural disasters, the people were in dire straits.

The productivity of that era was much worse than it is now, and people were less resistant to natural disasters and man-made disasters.

At that time, the lives of ordinary people were more fragile than today, so a person with strange power stepped forward.

“He traveled far and wide, recruiting disciples, treating illnesses and saving people, persuading people to do good, spreading ideas, and educating the people.

Created the Tao of Taiping. (End of Chapter)

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