On the dragon boat, the hunters and Night Raid maintained a strange harmony.

In the final analysis, we are not bad people. We can get along quite well without any issues of principle. We are considered fair-weather friends.

The Chitong sisters, who have received much attention, are making great progress because they go to eat together and usually don't kill each other.

Of course, it is also possible that there is a humanoid Teigu with little combat power, so he is very calm.

In such an environment, the ideological shackles that Black Eyes had on the Empire's ANBU were slowly being broken. Maybe eradicating a few more ANBU bases would be more effective.

Noah took note of this itinerary and waited for the opportunity for the two sisters to go on several missions together.

After a day or two, when he saw that everyone was getting along well, Noah began to reconcile the relationship between the two parties. The method was also very simple: go to class!

The night attack and the arrival of hunters stimulated Noah's interest in class.

In other words, being on the boat or taking classes, these two factors stimulated someone.

Actually, I also spent a period of time wandering on the sea. The ship was called the Voyager.

There are always a few students on board to make up lessons. Politics, history, economics, etc. are all within the scope of study.

They later became key figures leading the times.

Noah looked like he had fond memories.

It's just that the students have a bit of an ominous premonition.

Master Noah, you said shut it down

Haha, after all, not everyone volunteers. Studying is very hard.

Not to mention the twisted iron windows, endless palms, and countless test papers.

After that, everyone started their journey to the Dragon Boat cram school, which was no different from hell for people like Leonai.

She also did the same thing as her predecessors, and was easily manipulated;?

The Lion King's recovery power is very good, his combat power bonus is average, and he has become much more honest after being dealt with a few times.

Except for Heitong, who only needed a half-day course, everyone else studied from morning to night.

Time is very tight. We will put it into practice when we get to Geralt next.

The hunter's mission is to protect the deputy leader of Anning Dao. He is a pawn inserted by the minister. He has the task of suppressing religious uprisings and replacing the leader.

The Hunters were a little helpless, Master Noah really said everything.

They actually knew such secret mission information together with the people who attacked at night.

The mission of the night attack is to assassinate the deputy leader, help Anning Road to revolt as soon as possible, and use this incident to destabilize the empire and buy opportunities for the southern rebels.

The night attack on Lord Noah was really magnanimous.

How can we carry out the assassination business if you communicate with each other like this?

Whether this task will actually be carried out still requires further investigation by us.

For this primitive religion that spreads throughout the empire, it no longer matters what the leader thinks.

The important thing is that the scale it has developed to now has attracted all the big forces and careerists.

The empire needed this religion to make money and maintain stability, and the South needed this religion to launch violent uprisings.

Both sides have deployed a lot of people internally and are planning something.

Now there is a third party ready to intervene in the fight.

I wonder if you have ever understood what An Ning Dao is and what religion is.

Everyone shook their heads, how could the killer need to know this. Hunters are not needed as bodyguards.

They are all strong men who believe in the Teigu in their hands, and they don't need a seemingly fake spiritual sustenance.

Noah looked at the ignorant eyes of everyone below and knew that this lesson was still very important.

Religion is a cultural phenomenon that occurs when human society develops to a certain historical stage and belongs to a special social ideology.

In fact, science has eliminated ignorance, and religion still has its own soil.

It exists for a reason.

We classify this kind of loose...

The long lectures gave people a headache, and the exams after class were even more annoying.

But Lan, who likes to think, has already noticed something.

Lord Noah may have an unusual way of completing this task, and his ambitions may be even greater.

When the captain came to inform that the third pier was about to dock, everyone who was still making up for their lessons breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the place where you need to disembark during the trip. Once here, Night Raid and Hunter should part ways and head to Geralt by land.

At that time, everyone will still be enemies who need to fight each other.

With mixed emotions, everyone got off the boat together. After stepping on the ground, they felt like they were in another world. I have been so tired these days.

In that case, Lord Noah, let's go and meet up first.

Leonai couldn't wait to say goodbye to the hunter team.

Although her expression didn't show anything, her eyes were filled with emotions such as relief. She still hoped to use her fists to determine life and death, rather than use exams to determine the difference.

After excluding the black pupils, she ranked last in the cram school's daily exams, which was not a good feeling.

Don't worry, let's go together.

Huh? Isn't this bad?

It's okay. I made an appointment to go with you so that you don't stand out.

Leonai tried to force himself to say something forceful, but after a few words, he was still arranged.

Everyone waited for a motorcade outside the pier.

A man with shoulder-length hair, cross lines on his forehead, and an unusually gentle temperament greeted them outside the pier.

Hello, Noah?

it's me.

The leader of Anning Taoism received a letter a week ago, and the letter was delivered by a Teigu envoy who was good at disguise.

But in his own eyes, the false appearance has nowhere to hide.

Although I don’t know how this little girl knew her location, I accepted the letter because the other party didn’t have any ill intentions.

The content of the letter was also very strange. There was no smell of desire, no instructions or threats.

This was the first time I received such a letter after I established Anning Road.

Chapter 1 of the Reformation Movement?

He read the entire 30,000-word letter with doubts.

Then he fell into deep thought for a long time.

Before establishing the Tao of Peace, he was a kind man who used his God-given gifts of prophecy and healing to save the world.

As more and more people gathered behind him, An Ningdao appeared naturally.

According to one's own expectations, teachings also emerge.

All of this was so natural, and he believed that it was all given by God, and under the arrangement of the deputy leader, he slowly walked up to the altar.

But suddenly a stranger wrote to him and told him how the Tao of Peace appeared and what the purpose of the teachings was.

The fantasy was shattered, and the impact was not ordinary.

If he hadn't been a careerist, I'm afraid he would have to kill the other party now.

After much thought, I accepted the other party's request to meet. Today is the date and place to meet. (End of chapter)

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