I dare not wear clothes when I am cold, and I dare not eat when I am hungry. People are in distress, but I cannot help them.

The world is like this, then change the world!

The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand. At the age of Jiazi, the world will be peaceful.

The poor man is asking the big man to die.

The big man died.

That legendary man, with all the power from the bottom, gathered millions of people in an instant and conquered most of the empire.

He roared impassionedly to the world like an ordinary person, allowing the powerful and aloof people to see the terrifying power of the Yellow Turban.

But the result is also disappointing.

Religious forms of organizing peasant uprisings have inherent shortcomings.

Noah spent a day telling this story and analyzing it from creation to destruction.

First of all, the general situation is insufficient. The enemies faced by the Yellow Turban Army are not only the huge imperial official army, but also powerful and powerful armed forces from all over the country. They face the suppression of the entire landlord class.

An Ningdao does not need to worry about this. The current imperial landlord class is protected by bodyguards, but private soldiers are not allowed.

Minister Ernest is very sensitive to this point, and he is also confident that the empire can suppress everything.

Secondly, there were great difficulties in cooperating between the rebel armies in various places, and there was a huge gap between the religious system and the orthodox military establishment.

Unless the doctrine is revised and stimulated by the crusaders' fanatical atonement with death, this is the completely opposite path of tranquility.

The Tao of Anning is similar to Buddhism, that is, the world is full of sadness, and people are tortured by hunger and poverty, but we must accumulate virtue and do good deeds. Losing life will only cause physical death, and the soul will go to a happy country.

It is the most primitive religion that changes itself if it cannot change the current situation. It promotes happiness after death.

This is also the reason why the empire can tolerate the development of Anning Road to this scale, which indeed contributes to the stability of the empire.

Thirdly, peasant uprisings had historical limitations in the previous millennium. The uprising plan was extremely incomplete and the forces were not mobilized quickly, so it was easily defeated one by one.

An Ningdao itself cannot escape this fate. If it really rebels, the desires in people's hearts will surge.

Will they be able to gather together by then? It’s basically impossible.

Finally, there was insufficient time.

That era was an era when generals were like clouds and advisers were like rain. This is an era when people have murderous intentions, dragons and snakes are on the rise.

The talent training mechanism controlled by the empire's high-level officials allowed those heroes in troubled times to have extremely excellent abilities in commanding troops in combat, military command capabilities, and the use of tactical strategies.

This is very similar in the current empire. Ordinary people lack knowledge and vision, and they are just a mob when they come together.

The southern rebels also did not hope that Anning Road would really come true.

The disintegration of Taipingdao took only a few months. A strong man like Zhang Jiao eventually died of regret, leaving only his own words in history.

After finishing speaking, Noah looked at Taoist An Ning meaningfully, making him sweat with cold eyes.

Taoist An Ning is very uneasy. In his prediction, the future is a very terrifying war.

The figures of the congregants kept appearing in it, and it was unclear whether there was any future or direction.

There is power struggle within the sect, and the ideological derailment between the bottom and the top.

If an uprising does occur, it can only rely on a large number of unnecessary sacrifices and drag the entire country into quagmire in a short period of time.

The empire is also guarded by its two strongest generals, General Bude and Esdeath. The soldiers and horses in the north and the general's bodyguards are also the most elite soldiers and horses in the world.

It is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength and personal force.

Therefore, the uprising on Anning Road will be countless times more tragic than that on Taiping Road to give the rebels in the south the space they need.

If the foreign races on the border invade at the same time, it can certainly involve some of the empire's military power, but I can't imagine what the people on this land will be like by then.

As a leader who was born with the ability to peer into people's hearts, he naturally believed in the evil of human beings.

A sense of powerlessness grips the soul.

Not only this mixed-blood god-man, but also the young people from Night Raid and Hunter felt powerless.

It seems that in this changing world situation, my identity as the Emperor's envoy has little influence.

“The Teigu user is different after all.

In an era where cold weapons are the mainstay, charging to break the formation and assassinating behind enemy lines all require strong individuals. Things like morale also need you to boost them.

Noah took the opportunity to comfort these strong men who gathered around him.

The current Teigu user does still play a key role, and the southern rebels and the empire are constantly recycling Teigu.

The clouds of war have covered this land.

The group finished the first lesson on religious analysis under heavy pressure.

When approaching Geralt, Taoist An Ning accompanied Noah to the cliff.

The more you know, the more you will be confused.

What's even worse is that Noah's analysis of religion also shattered the sense of sanctity in his heart, and he could no longer fool himself with destiny.

An Ningdao has stood on the edge of the cliff just like himself, and the problems that have been deliberately ignored in the past are all thrown in front of him.

Mr. Noah, is there still a way forward on Anning Road?

Of course.

Then what do you need.

What I need is different from the empire and the southern rebels. I need the millions of followers of Anning Road to help me spread my ideas and spread the seeds throughout the empire.

In the world of the sea, Noah chose the revolutionary army. In the world of ninjas, he chose to create the Akatsuki organization and transform Konoha. In the world of Zhanmei, he naturally has new choices.

The Empire is going to be brought down, and what the Southern rebels are doing is the next Empire.

So a huge and complex force like An Ning Dao is actually the best force to reform.

Ye Shou has already acquired it, and An Ning Dao is also determined to win. There is only one last piece of puzzle left to overthrow the world.

The world of beheading girls is not that difficult.

Taoist An Ning took over the action plan that Noah had just written with some trepidation.

Just looking at it twice made a turmoil stir up in my heart. What a terrifying thought it was to fundamentally overturn the rules of the world.

Enemies of all the superiors appeared, and even the southern rebels would not tolerate this happening.

This direction is more cruel and difficult than the previous dilemma, but...

If you think about it, you can find me. I'll be at your deputy leader's place, Geralt.

The next day, the master of Anning Dao returned to Geralt, the headquarters of Anning Dao, which was nominally his own, with a complicated mentality.

Just like returning countless times, this place still seems to be a paradise.

People may not live a happy life, but there is hope on everyone's face.

So if war comes, they will all be stuffed into the ubiquitous meat grinder.

Perhaps it is for justice in name, for the pain of a new era.

It's really a bit ironic.

Feeling depressed, I could only open the outline and study it carefully.

Except Geralt.

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