Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1851 Sisters meet and draw swords

Do we really want to have a friendly exchange with the official troops of the empire?

Leonai put down the package and smiled nonchalantly.

Master Noah said that this is a reunion gathering between sisters. We are just witnesses and have no other political purposes.

I wonder if Chitong's sister looks like her.

Well, the two of them kept talking about what they had and what they didn't have, while Chitong started to fiddle with the packages nervously.

If the swords were facing each other, she would not waver in the slightest while holding Murasame's hand.

He would even hide in the darkness, wait for his sister to appear, and then kill her with a single blow.

But the sudden need for peaceful communication made her feel a little uneasy.

Just as the three of them were using their own methods to relieve tension, a voice came from outside the door.

In the corridor outside, Noah walked this way with black eyes, followed by curious hunters.

Ahem, I made you a promise before, and now I will fulfill it.

Her black eyes were confused. She didn't remember that Lord Noah had promised anything.

That's it. It's a surprise. Just don't be impulsive.

Then he reached out and grabbed the door handle, wow!

Dang-dang-dang-dang, that's it. I told you to ask your sister to admit your mistake.

Without any warning, the two sisters met face to face after being separated from the ANBU.

I'm most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

Although Leonai was mentally prepared, he was still a little nervous. Lubbock's fingers trembled slightly and almost shook out the thread.

The people who attacked at night were nervous, and the people who hunted people were not much better.

At first, they were a little confused because they didn't recognize the three of them, but after seeing the red eyes with makeup removed and thinking about what Noah just said, they were a little confused.

Will, Porus, and Lan all had the urge to activate the Teigu. Although they thought of the promises they made before coming, their hearts were filled with trembling thoughts.

Master Noah's way is too wild.

Both protagonists are unusually calm and seem to be lagging behind in their thinking.

It doesn't make sense. In Noah's analysis, this is the most appropriate entry point.

Then a sincere smile appeared on Heitong's face.

Lord Noah, I like this gift very much.

With a clang, he pulled out the deceased's marching eight rooms, raised his sword and slashed.

Chitong also instinctively pulled out Murasame and started to parry. The two sisters fought their way to the center of the restaurant that had been reserved for a long time.

It can be seen in the flash of swords and shadows that it is a real fight. The black pupils are stabbing at the eyes, throat, and heart desperately, while the red pupils are slashing randomly, and they will die if they touch them.

The comrades of Night Raid and Hunter who followed the two were also confused. Deep sisterly love?

Then you can't wait for others to come up?

Ahem, everything seems to be normal.

Don't be nervous, everyone, put your hands down.

This dragon ship cannot withstand the battle of seven Teigu users.

Noah gave everyone a calm gesture to prevent others from joining the fight. He also introduced the two parties who were not fighting.

“This is Porus, the most family-oriented man among the hunters, although he looks a little anxious.

The most passionate Will, I have always felt that he has the determination to change the empire.

And the most elegant Lan, the gentle teacher and the self-persistent Avenger.

They are all my excellent subordinates.

Here is Leonai, the most unrestrained in the night attack, the warrior who charges forward, and the brave Lion King.

There is also Lubbock, who has the most fighting art. He has a will in his heart that ordinary people can't imagine.

They are all Tazmi's good comrades.

Well, Tazmi and herself cut quite cleanly.

This set of introductions confused both parties, it was so harmonious.

Especially the hunters, they feel that Noah has been laying the groundwork since Esdeath went to the north. Now it seems that this man's thoughts are too amazing.

And why?

Tazmi, the commander of the Teigu user?

Anyway, we are all friends once we have met. Ye Rai is here with Chi Tong to apologize to Black Tong, but it seems there is some disharmony. I will go and mediate the conflict between the sisters.

The power deficit is a bit severe, so we can only use slightly complicated methods to solve it.

You guys wait for me a moment.

After that, he picked up the knife on the table and walked towards the center of the battle.

The five people behind him were hesitant to speak, it was a battle between two top Teigu users.

Especially since Murasame, who has an immediate death judgment, is wielding it, it is fatally dangerous for flesh and blood to come close.

This auxiliary humanoid Teigu, who has always been said to have no fighting ability, just cut into the center of the battlefield, holding a table knife.

The swordsmanship style is quite similar, but it's a pity that it went astray.


The table knife cut into the center with a bright light, bringing the battle to an abrupt end with a skill that no one could understand.

Both the deceased Yatsufusa and Murasame were stopped in the center by the small silver knife.

The violent power of the two Teigu users was completely removed by their slightly shaking arms, and there was not even a crack on the deck under their feet.

Seeing this scene, the Night Raid and Hunters behind them felt numb.

I really want to think that this is the special ability of the Teigu, but unfortunately I can't deceive myself.

This is such a wonderful skill!!!

Lubbock knelt down directly. He who claimed to know the art of fighting saw the real art.

Will was also dumbfounded, wondering what the military force he had been boasting about before was.

Even Red Eyes and Black Eyes couldn't understand the scene before them.

The limitations of assassination swordsmanship are too great. If you have time, you can practice more royal ways.

Of course you can also learn Frost Moon Kendo from me.

Then he exerted slight force with his fingers, and a strange vibrating force was transmitted from the point where the sword blades met to the sword hilt of the deceased Bafang. Heitong's hand holding the sword felt numb, and the long sword in his hand was lifted away and Noah took it off smoothly. .

Then he turned back and slashed Murasame twice, and the completely opposite force shook the cursed blade out of the owner's hand.

Still did not escape the fate of being confiscated.

Lord Noah, there is a curse on the village rain.

Before he finished saying the word curse, that weird pattern had already appeared on the back of Noah's hand.

This is the characteristic of Murasame. Not all Teigu are gentle. The more powerful they are, the more they have limitations.

This cursed blade was something anyone could try to touch in ANBU back then. Ordinary people who didn't agree with it would die tragically on the spot.

The reason why Chitong was able to join the original seven-member ANBU group was because of holding Murasame.

Now the Cursed Blade is at work again.

But after just a slight probing, it immediately retreated back into the sword body as if the source was being heated by the flames.

The so-called curse power did not appear at all at this moment, which made Murasame's temperament become particularly refreshing.

Don't worry, I'm a good person, and good people are not afraid of curses.

In a moment, the weapons of the two strongest Teigu users had been easily taken down.

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