Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1852 Everything goes smoothly

Will, a simple child, was a little confused.

Lord Noah, didn't you say you don't have fighting ability?

.Can this also be called combat effectiveness?

A rhetorical question almost made everyone present shut up. This cannot be called combat effectiveness.

Then Noah handed the weapon back to the two sisters. The two who took the weapon were a little in disbelief, but later they still looked at each other with murderous eyes.

Putting aside Lord Noah's combat power for now, perhaps the best outcome is only one death.



I'll give you a chance to defeat me, and then you can do whatever you want.

Black Tong and Red Tong were not convinced that the weapons in their hands were taken away from them just now, and regarded it as a shame.

Now to challenge again, he naturally has to show his strength, and Heitong has to prove that he is no longer a child in the eyes of Lord Noah.

Next, the melon-eating crowd of Night Raid and Hunter enjoyed a top-notch kendo battle.

In other words, a terrifying Great Demon King appeared at the peak of swordsmanship and was ravaging two proud Teigu users with swordsmanship that did not belong to this world.

No one can compare to that little table knife.

Noah calmly stood there and used simple stabs, chops, points, teases, picks, collapses, cuts, chops, wipes, cuts, clouds, hangs, frames, and pressures to beat them into a very embarrassing situation.

The mythical swordsmanship is like a silver moon descending on the restaurant, reflecting that this humanoid emperor is not like a mortal.

It's really hard to deal with a reckless Noah like being haunted by evil spirits. The decline in strength after giving half a drop of blood to Wado Ichimon is really serious.

But does the sword-shaped Teigu understand the concept of using a sword to step into the divine realm with a human body?

After the seventh defeat, the two sisters finally joined forces. Their sword skills from the same source complemented each other and their power was greatly increased. However, they could only struggle to hold on under Noah's hands.

After losing for the ninth time, the two stopped fighting completely.

Only those who wield swords understand the despair of facing Noah.

Chitong's foundation is not bad, let's switch to Frost Moon Swordsmanship.

Heitong will recuperate his body first. God's Hand is currently looking for the next qualified candidate. There will be a chance.

After saying that, Noah threw away the chipped table knife.

Everyone, take your seats.

Noah showed his incomprehensible sword skills and subdued everyone, and the atmosphere that followed was indeed much more harmonious.

The two sides sat on both sides of the long dining table and were fighting with their eyes.

I know it's not easy for everyone to sit together.

Of course it's not easy for me either.

In order to create a suitable opportunity for communication, I arranged for Esdeath to go to the north, and I took the night attack to the south, so no matter what you choose, you can't stop me.

At least until we arrive at the next port, everyone should try not to become enemies.

When Black Eye's wish is fulfilled, we hunters and Night Raid will still be enemies.

Noah's position is still firm. He is the temporary commander of the Empire's special security force, so he will not commit treason now.

It's just that when the villain's aura is fully activated, he doesn't distinguish between his own people and his enemies. Everyone is a little frightened. After all, they have never seen anyone who can defeat two Teigu users with a table knife.

Therefore, everyone will not insist on fighting to the death on the spot without giving face.

Besides, this time there was no deadly battle between the hunters and the night raiders, nor was there any deep grudge, they were just hostile.

Dr. Fashionable. After Noah led people to break into the opponent's base, he was removed from the hunter list.

So death is in vain.

While rambling, Noah used himself as a link to calm everyone down.

Next, we still have to fulfill the promise we made with Heitong. As a sister, I always have to apologize.

Chitong nodded seriously.

Master Noah talked to her and found out that he had indeed done something wrong.

If possible, she also hopes for a better ending.

So I started taking things out from big and small bags.

Dangerous species, earthworm jerky. Dangerous kind of murderous honey. Western exotic candies

He took out more than 10 kinds of delicacies and desserts and placed them on the table.

The sister's eyes were full of reluctance, and she finally pushed forward cruelly.

For you.

The eyes with black pupils would light up every time the other party took out a piece of food, and now their eyes were like light bulbs.

The temptation is abhorrent.

Also, I'm sorry, even if I cut off your legs, I should still take you with me.

It's such an outrageous sisterhood, and Heitong didn't forgive Chitong just because of the food.

It's just that the relationship between the two sisters is a little more harmonious.

As for other people's relationships, it's just a matter of personal relationship. Even if there is any communication, it's just a personal relationship.

Noah was very pleased to see that the first exchange was so successful.

The first step of the night hunt was finally taken firmly.

There are still a few days until the next dock, plenty of time.

Although one girl is killed in one episode, the total time span is about two years.

The Anning Dao Uprising in the original timeline happened nine months later.

With Noah's intervention, this time will be stretched even longer.

After all, his mission was to suppress the uprising.

Beyond the North.

A small pursuit is underway.

One person chases 100 wolf cavalry.

Damn it, is that Imperial man crazy? Isn't he tired?

They have been chasing us for three days and three nights, and they haven't let go even though they have killed more than half of the troops. Are they the lackeys of the Ice Demon God?

I recognized him. He is the dragon-slaying swordsman! The guy who killed the dangerous sky dragon with one sword in Beishan.

He was the one who killed Prince Numa Boca when he led his troops across the border.

Damn it, I can't run anymore. If we keep running, we will die of exhaustion without him taking action. Let's fight!

Revenge for the prince!

Kill the Empire's dogs.

Tazmi watched calmly as the wolf rider in front turned around and charged. He just tightened his grip on the sword in his hand.

The reason for pursuit is nothing more than to vent anger. Killing and torturing civilians does not distinguish between empires or alien races, it is only about the good and evil of human beings.

Charge with sword in the wind and snow, turn back, charge again, turn back again.

In the chaos, he does not rely on his eyesight at all, but relies on his rapidly growing domineering energy to capture the enemy's movements.

He used the least amount of effort to deal with the successive battles, eventually leaving corpses on the ground.

The young man looked at the scene he had caused without any emotion. He had fought countless battles since leaving the empire, and had even experienced real death crises many times.

The hegemony of knowledge color and armed color improved much faster than within the empire.

As for the overlord color.

Traveling outside the empire to the north, there are good and bad people from different races.

After simply learning the language, Tazmi also understood the plight and needs of the foreign peoples in the north.

It is different from the class conflicts within the empire.

As the book says, in the extremely cold environment of the North, when survival is no longer guaranteed, order is no longer important.

When there is no consensus on culture, principles, or order, war is the only, best, and simplest option for rights holders on both sides.

This issue is indeed complex, and the flame of wisdom is constantly tempering my thoughts in my mind.

However, one thing is certain. It is a very dangerous decision for the southern rebels to directly contact the Western aliens to enter and besiege the empire. It will have endless consequences.

By transferring territory and squeezing the living space of the people on the empire's borders, it will intensify conflicts.

Tazmi somewhat understood Teacher Noah’s decision to go south.

That's so amateurish.

It's almost time to go back to the northern military camp to start special training.

Esdeath, wait for me.

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