Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1850 The Night Attack Arrives

On the dragon boat.

Noah's lessons never stopped.

It mainly talks about the conflicts between the empire and the rebels, as well as the demands of ordinary people.

Let's take the Northern Territory as an example. The Northern Territory where Esdeath is based is considered to be the area with the least resistance in recent years.

Then what's the reason?

Strength oppression is only one aspect. After all, if the empire is so powerful, there will be resistance and uprisings one after another.

Then the deeper reason is

After telling this, continue to make up stories.

While Heitong went out to eat, Noah secretly gathered the rest of the people together.

At the next pier, I arranged a gift for Heitong, which will definitely help her get out of this twisted spiritual predicament.

For this reason, I also booked a banquet hall on the ship.

When the time comes, don't be surprised if you see anything scary, and act as a warning and don't let others get close.

Porus naturally nodded in agreement. This temporary boss is really a good person. He cares so much about his colleagues. Coming to Hunter is really a right choice.

Lan is a bit sensitive and always felt that this gift was a bit strange. In other words, if you want to untie the knot in Heitong's heart, it shouldn't be possible.

Will lit up as soon as he heard it.

Teacher Noah is so considerate and has done so much work for Heitong.

I immediately patted my chest and said that even if I saw someone attacking at night that day, they would not say a word in front of me.


Noah's eyes are a little weird. Is there something special about Will?

Then it's a deal?

It's a deal.

When Heitong came back, he saw Will twisting around on the chair, and he had a strong desire to share.

Occasionally, the guy looked at each other and immediately turned his body away, as if Heitong didn't know that there was a secret related to her.

Noah, Porus, Lan

Black Eyes took a deep breath.


At this time, the captain came in and announced that the next port was coming. The dragon ship would dock for supplies. Many passengers would disembark and change transportation. It is hard to say why.

And above the pier, there is the VIP boarding port.

The aristocrats and wealthy businessmen were conducting false social interactions at the luxurious special pier. After all, the people traveling with them were either rich or noble.

It's normal to communicate while waiting for the boat and share a bit of a congenial smile.

It's just that there are three people who look a little out of place with their surroundings.

It looks like expensive clothes and modified makeup, but the temperament is too simple.

So these people also encountered the same experience as Will and others.

That was the baptism of all kinds of looks, but the details of these three people hadn't been figured out yet, so no one stepped forward to use some means.

It's just that the coveting eyes are not hidden at all. After all, there is a woman with a really hot figure.

It's full of wild flavor, which is very appealing to some people.

The small group being watched didn't care what the people around them thought, or whether they fit in with the group, because what they were going to complete today was the craziest task since the organization was founded.

Chitong, you have to calm down, today is your big day.

The way the girl looked at the fool made Lubbock a little embarrassed.

I mean, just treat it as a mission. In fact, it's nothing. Leonai, I'm right.

The Lion King, who had attracted most of the attention, was paying most of his attention to the super gorgeous dragon boat approaching the dock. He came to his senses only when he heard the shouts of his friends.

So he said carelessly.

Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Lord Noah's arrangements.

I told you last time that I would save your sister, and we made arrangements within two weeks.

This is so efficient. Suddenly I no longer have to worry about night attacks and hunters.

This comfort was quite good, or it could be said that Leonai's optimism infected her.

The Night Raid Ace was really at a loss before, because the main executor of this task was herself, and she was also burdened with expectations such as the first step in liberating the empire.

Simply outrageous.

Two weeks ago, Najiexitan finally figured out the mission of following the hunter south.

What Lord Noah said about returning the night raid to the sun and recruiting hunters is still very attractive.

That's a good reason. The uprising on Anning Road is something that both the revolutionary army and the empire are competing against.

Naturally, the headquarters ordered a night attack to follow up and snipe the hunters, and assassinate the deputy leader inserted by the minister to ensure that the uprising would not be hindered.

In this way, everyone in the night attack left the imperial capital, some went to Jerok in advance, and some were asked to go by Noah.

It is really a bold plan to use family ties as a bond to break the ice and make contact.

For this reason, the protagonist Aka Hitomi, Leonai, who is passionate and good at making friends, and the bag-carrying boy Lubbock are the most suitable candidates.

Leonai and Lubbock are their real faces, and Chitong asked Chelsea to put on a little makeup because she was wanted.

It is enough to handle the inspection intensity outside the empire, especially at such a dock where VIPs board ships.

Finally the ship docked, and no matter what thoughts I had, it was too late.

Then everyone discovered

Why are there so many people getting off the boat?

Watching these bejeweled nobles and wealthy businessmen disembarking from the ship with relaxed smiles is really confusing.

Some acquaintances even asked a few questions.

Something happened and I need to change the destination.

The dragon boat is fine, no problem.

My father suddenly

My wife suddenly

There are so many legitimate reasons, and some people follow suit.

Some people didn't care and still brought their personal maids and some simple luggage on board the ship.

The trio of red-eyed people carrying large and small bags among them was even more strange.

Shouldn't the large luggage be transported by slaves from the slave and cargo dock on the other side?

At first glance, it looked like a boat ticket that a country man had somehow obtained.

Wow, this is the dragon boat. It's so big.

Leonai didn't care about other people's eyes and observed the ship with all his teeth and claws.

Lubbock scanned the surroundings with some vigilance. After he actually got on the boat, his cautious style began to show up, and he began to study the retreat route and tactics.

Cross Tail still has very high environmental requirements.

After confirming that nothing was wrong, the three of them went to the restaurant first as agreed.

There was no one inside, and although the plates and cutlery were arranged very neatly, there was no aroma of food at all.

A part of it was also cleared in the middle, I don’t know what it was for.

To be honest, if Master Noah hadn't arranged it, I would have always thought this was a very simple trap.

Lubbock resisted the urge to escape, but his feet were still a little wobbly.

This wave of door-to-door food delivery really tested the courage of the night attack elites. Unfortunately, the green-haired and yellow-hearted killers tend to be steady at non-critical moments.

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