Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1844 Sweeping the Imperial Capital and Preparing for the Southern Tour

According to the number of enemies, there are about 8 to 10 people. Several of the cutting marks show that the swordsmanship is very superb, no weaker than Tazmi.

It seems that 2 to 4 reinforcements came after Dr. Fashion's sacrifice, but there seems to be a problem with the timing.

As a result, the support team also fell.

The tactic of adding fuel to the fire is not advisable and should serve as a lesson.

When Noah finished his analysis, even Esdeath agreed very much.

This Teigu is really powerful, she can see the whole battlefield just by dictating it.

Of course, they still didn't know that the so-called support team was the Three Beastmen.

So the question is, Dr fashion is dead and the night raid is gone.

Even Esdeath can't do anything without a target. The environment in the Imperial City is simply not suitable for this person's battlefield rules.

Naturally, the hunter team, filled with anger, was not willing to let it go.

Sir, the Hunters lost members just after they were established. I'm afraid many people will secretly do so.

Esdeath's eyes were very cold at the moment, and she was naturally unhappy.

She has never lost in her life!

What do you propose.

Clean up the inside and outside of the imperial capital, use blood and killing to scare the enemy, eliminate all darkness, and leave no hiding place for night attacks!

Just listen to you.

Noah then fully mobilized his abilities, relying on the intelligence collected by night raids and his super analysis and fabrication abilities to help everyone locate suspicious targets.

Anyway, whether it's related to the night attack or not, he's a bad guy who can be killed.

And in complex situations, such as there are a large number of hostages, or places with special terrain.

This Teigu also often conducts on-site command, and his superb tactics make everyone admire him.

Of course, in order to establish his own reputation, Noah not only exerted his strength in fighting and commanding, but also became more powerful in asking for merit.

Every time he kills someone, he collects a lot of incriminating evidence, and then writes a gorgeous report and submits it.

Honor, bounty, that's not enough.

We are the direct descendants of Lord Esdeath, so we cannot let the heroes of the empire bleed and shed tears.

If he was really brave enough to suppress him, then Noah would also admire him. This kind of person is not afraid of turning into an ice sculpture. He is quite cruel.

It's a pity that there are no such stubborn people among the empire's top officials.

In this way, Hunter had a small climax in just one week.

Human traffickers, captive bandits, killer groups, and even several unacknowledged dark bases of the empire were all conquered one by one under Noah's command.

The darkness at the bottom of the imperial capital has almost been swept away, and the efficiency is much higher than that of a night attack.

In the new base, Najiexitan and others were speechless. This hunter unit was really fierce in their work.

In the new base, they could only slowly investigate the matter of the student named Lan in the Hunter, and they didn't know how much trouble Noah could cause.

How big of a commotion?

Noah said that he could overthrow the imperial capital without anyone stopping him.

The next week he found Dr. Fashion's hidden laboratory.

When he led Will and others to break through the mountain cave, he saw a large number of corpses and many distorted man-made dangerous species.

There are also those inhumane experimental notes and the ordinary people imprisoned.

and supplier and purchaser records.

Dr Fashion's experimental funds are very sufficient, and he was already a partner of many people before joining Hunter.

Body modification is something new for people with special needs.

Therefore, transaction records are naturally very in line with national conditions.

The familiar names and positions above are all famous figures.

This caused the righteous Will to go berserk on the spot and was pinned down by Porus.

Bastard, bastard, this guy, this guy dares.

Even though the darkness of the imperial capital has been seen, the traces left by the evil scientists still make people lose their sanity.

After all, studying flesh and blood life and dangerous species can easily cross the bottom line of morality and humanity, and even go straight to the abyss.

The same shock echoed through others.

Mature Imperial soldiers like Porus have long known that he and those who surrender to darkness will encounter retribution, but Dr. Fashion is really powerful, directly breaking through the defense of this member of the Burning Force, wishing he could burn everything with fire .

In the end, it was thanks to the anchor of his family that he stopped being impulsive and suppressed Will's prelude to going crazy.

Lan Ze had a blood feud that he had yet to avenge, so he tried his best to control his emotions, but he no longer had any expectations for the imperial capital.

He originally disliked night raids on secretly violent gangs and was a moderate reformist.

But now his thoughts have been changed a lot, and maybe sending them to hell together is a good choice.

Don't be impulsive. The empire may have good intentions.

Noah took the list in his hand and started copying it. He kept saying good things about the empire, but it was just a little bit yin and yang.

After hearing this, Porus wanted to fuck the empire.

Of course, the matter of Dr. fashion should be left to Lord Esdeath. After all, we are all members of the Hunters.

After Noah finished speaking, he went back and wrote a report and handed in all the copies of the dark evidence.

The original was taken away by Tazmi, who came once a week.

Afterwards, the hunter, who was even more angry, worked day and night, and his attacks were extremely ruthless.

A real killer like Heitong couldn't bear it anymore, so he was stopped by Noah and put in the base to eat candy.

Be good, at your age you should read more books.

He took out a comic strip and candies and snacks he had made and arranged the little girl's arrangement.

He led the hunter to continue to improve his performance.

In the third week, the cleanup activities were stopped by the empire's top management, because many middle-level leaders suffered heavy losses in the cleanup, and the empire's big bosses couldn't bear it if the fight continued.

They all made suggestions to the ministers, saying that the hunters should carry out night raids, and why should they attack those good citizens of the empire.

He also said that it doesn't matter even if he can't catch the night attack. The security of the imperial capital can be said to be Haiyanheqing. Please ask the hunter troops to take a look at the outside world.


In the palace, the young emperor and the young emperor hosted a banquet for the hunter troops, and praised and rewarded everyone.

It also gives everyone a holiday where they can do whatever they want.

In this way, the imperial capital returned to peace again.

In the hunter base.

Everyone was a little bored and didn't know what to do for a while.

Esdeath planned to go to the northern border to kill and vent his anger.

The three beast warriors had disappeared until now, and it was certain that they were hanging on some corner, which made her feel very unhappy.

Noah made a proposal and took Tazmi with him.

Let the young man see the existence of alien races and see why they suppress the alien races from all directions.

Esdeath readily agreed to this suggestion.

What about you?

I'll take everyone to the south to see if there is any information about night attacks. I heard that behind those killers are southern rebels.

During Noah's southern tour, he could train the hunter troops well on the way and even bring night raids with them.

The second is to spread their own ideas. After all, the imperial capital is still too sensitive.

Finally, and most importantly, we need to take a look at the quality of this world revolutionary army.

If it doesn't work, replace it.

What the world needs is real burning.

Speed ​​up, speed up, Zhan Mei starts to speed up.

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