Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1845 Arranging a Night Hunt

In a base 15 kilometers northeast of the imperial capital.

Noah was in class, and everyone was used to it.

This adult is the tutor for Hunter and Night Raid. Currently, Night Raid's teaching progress is faster.

After all, the hunter's overtime work was a bit powerful some time ago.

That's it for today's class. Najexitan will help me collect the homework about the three stages of the fall of the empire, and then ask Tazmi to send it to the hunter base for me. I will find time to correct it.

After class is the story-telling session that everyone is looking forward to, even the humanoid Teigu like Susan is looking forward to it.

After all, what the other party told were ‘real’ stories from hundreds of years ago.

The Dahai Revolution 400 years ago just mentioned that two top leaders of the revolutionary army died heroically because of the betrayal of traitors.

The overseas base was discovered by the empire and was about to send the navy to attack.

Hundreds of large battleships and several extremely powerful Teigu users personally led the team, vowing to destroy the fire of revolution.

Leonai and others listened with worry and expectation.

After all, Teacher Noah said that they finally reached the imperial capital, so this disaster will definitely be over.

So how much will it cost?

As a result, a very disappointing scene happened.

I won't tell any stories today, I have something serious to say.

This is a bit unacceptable to everyone. Aren't you going out of context at a critical moment?

If it weren't for the sake of your gentleness, I would beat someone up.


That's what happened. Because the Hunters were highly active, the cleaning operations were temporarily suspended.

Everyone in Night Raid is very understanding. The amount of tasks you have done in less than three weeks is almost more than Night Raid in a year.

Moreover, they all fight head-on battles and never engage in assassinations.

Leonai's commissions from the private sector have been wiped out, and it is said that certain industries in the imperial capital are now in a vacuum.

The impact was also very powerful. As far as Najexitan knew, there had always been voices wanting to disband the hunter army. However, they were frightened by Esdeath's madness, so they did not gather together for fear of being caught in the same pot.

It seems that the witch has become a different kind of protective umbrella.

I really don’t know how Noah did it.

Because she is bored. She is a person who looks forward to war and chaos.

The chaos at the border is chaos, and the chaos in the imperial capital is also chaos.

I provided my boss with a lot of interesting fun.

He said things that only a sycophant could say, but in fact, what he did was indeed not human.

Many guys who like to torture fall into the hands of real torture masters. It’s true that evil will be punished.

This was the real reason that kept Esdeath from getting angry for the time being.

In short, we can't stay here in the Imperial Capital.

Esdeath will return to the northern border to relax. This is the minister's suggestion.

Everyone in Night Raid felt relieved. The departure of the strongest man in the empire allowed them to relax.

It's just that for a while, I really couldn't find any suitable target to start with.

In order to make the strongest man in the empire feel at ease, Tazmi will also follow him.

Nani? ! ! !

Tazmi was shocked, how could he not know?

The young man recalled his encounters every time he went to Esdeath, and a suspicious blush appeared on his face.

This is too dangerous.

Ma Yin, Hill and others were even more unhappy.

A few words, honeymoon at public expense.

Esdeath would probably kill wantonly without your company. For the sake of the safety of ordinary people, Tazmi, you need to raise your awareness a little bit more.

Besides, practicing Shuangyue Swordsmanship is impossible without going to the battlefield.

Just being trapped in the imperial capital, trapped in misery, you can't see the way forward.

The world is big, but your mind is too small.

In the end, you have to find your own sword in your own way, and I'm not talking about one word.

Noah is still very oppressive towards this disciple, and recently Tazmi has really felt the benefit of increasing domineering after taking classes.

After studying with the teacher for a while, he indeed had more questions about Esdeath, the empire, and ordinary people.

Perhaps this was a process of solving a problem, and finally I agreed after a few symbolic struggles.

Tazmi sacrificed her life to feed a tiger and gained the admiration of Najexitan, the jealousy of Lubbock, and the anger of charming women like Ma'in.

It's just that the initiative in such major matters is actually in Esdeath's hands, and there is nothing they can do no matter how unwilling they are.

Najiexitan turned around and began to care about the situation in the imperial capital.

So Esdeath is gone, where are the hunter troops.

Hunter will follow me to the south.


It was Najiexitan who stood up this time.

She really couldn't figure out what this Noah was thinking.

The south is the base camp of the revolutionary army. What is he going to do with the Hunters, the empire's special security force?

It's nominally investigating matters on An Ning Road.

You all know An Ning, right?

A sect that brings together people from the lower classes, its teachings are also very seductive.

The revolutionary army must know that they are preparing for an armed uprising near the imperial capital.

Najexitan nodded.

This is the strategic plan of the revolutionary army.

If An Ning Dao is allowed to revolt, the uprising of this group of people is destined to be suppressed by the empire.

But it will create a lot of space for the revolutionary army in the south and cause the beginning of chaos in the empire, which is to advance for the king.

Then they and the Western aliens attacked the empire together, forming a situation of two-sided attack.

Tazmi couldn't accept it. He seemed to see millions of people bleeding and the empire falling into war.

You must know that even the small village where he was born has the existence of An Ning Dao.

Even though Najexitan said many seemingly correct words, she was not able to convince Tazmi.

Today's young man is not that silly boy who is easy to fool.

A distinction must be made between sacrifices and unnecessary sacrifices.

He could not accept using the blood of ordinary people in exchange for the success of the revolutionary army.

The Dahai Revolution 400 years ago was all about sacrificing the revolutionary army itself to obtain a better life for the people, but 400 years later it was the other way around.

There is something wrong with such values!

Others in Night Raid did not persuade Tazmi like they did in the original timeline, because their minds were also somewhat shaken.

Najiexitan felt a little panicked, as if the night attack was out of control.

Even she herself couldn't say the words she used to say, and the atmosphere was a bit stiff.

Noah nodded happily when he saw this situation. Night Raid could no longer just be a thoughtless knife.

I will lead someone to evaluate whether the uprising on Anning Road is necessary. If possible, it is best to use other methods to draw the empire's attention.

If nothing can be done, I will lead the hunter to personally kill the leader of Anning Taoism, or the secret son of that minister.

At the same time, I will take this opportunity to take the Hunter group to see what role the revolutionary army has played in changing the world.

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