Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1843 The most professional battlefield analysis

It can be said to be a bit rough in a battle between Teigu users, especially in a one-to-many situation.

Lubbock is a top support when his teammates are the main attackers. The entanglement of the cross tail is like a spider's thread to control this seemingly powerful man.

The long-range bombardment of the main body by Mayin's romantic turret can be said to be simple. No matter what you have to kill at close range, you can always stay far away when controlling or attacking.

Falling is also a blink of an eye.

It is worth mentioning that the target of those two axes was none other than Noah.

Cutting down the imperial weapon, that's it

Why are you cutting me? Why are you cutting Tazmi?

Do you know that the greatest weakness of the humanoid Teigu is the Teigu user himself? It is simply insane.

Niu on the side tried to play the flute with fierce eyes.

The dream of military music Scream - the Teigu of the flute, can freely control the emotions of the audience. Although it is known to be used to boost morale on the battlefield, it can actually control dozens of emotions, but if you listen to it repeatedly, it will Develop resistance to the song. The secret skill is Ghost Summons which uses the performance to strengthen oneself.

It is a top group buff skill, and if it can be used in Noah's hands, it will be effective.

Unfortunately, since it is a group blessing skill, you need to have sufficient manpower on your side to achieve a group explosion.

The current number ratio between the enemy and ourselves is 3:10

Oh, it's 2:10 now

So what kind of music could allow him and Liva to compete with the top 10 Teigu users?

First of all, she herself was desperate.

Activate the ghost summon early to transform into a muscular Barbie and sprint towards a goal.

Only he, only he, must die! ! !

Then Leonai hammered his brains out. This lion is particularly obsessed with heads.

Master Noah, otherwise you should stand farther away.

I guess the next target will be you.

Leonai simply stood in front of Noah. This guy really attracts hatred.

On the other side, Liwa was helpless.

Looking at his own Teigu, it was a terrible time to intervene in the battlefield.

The water dragon's possession is Black Marin - the Teigu of the Ring. It is made from the organs of dangerous aquatic creatures that control water flow. The wearer can freely control the liquid in the things it comes into contact with. The secret skill is Blood Knife Killing using one's own blood as a weapon.

In other words, it is very powerful where there is water, but awkward where there is no water.

There is no water source in the mountains and forests, but it is obvious that there is no water here.

I don’t know if the enemy chose it deliberately. No, it should be deliberate.

That Teigu is a very, very scary bad guy.

Brand, long time no see.

Brand looked at this old superior with a much more refined appearance and was quite moved. The general back then would not have looked like this.

Long time no see, General Liwa, maybe we can have a drink together if it's outside the battlefield.

But since we meet on the battlefield, we can only kill each other!

During the conversation, the three beast warriors turned into one beast warrior.

Brand, let's fight like men!

Until now, Leva has not given up the idea of ​​stalling for time to leave information for Esdeath. With a move, a large amount of blood flowing out of the battlefield was extracted from his back.

Including the other two beast warriors on the ground, they were also instantly evacuated, so they could still barely fight.

He hoped that the passionate young man would be as brave and courageous as before, and he would at least take away a few night attack troops to share the worries of the adults.

Brand is indeed moved. It is heartbreaking that his old boss, who he admired very much at the time, has taken this path.

It's a pity that the Teigu spoke again.

Shuoyue Kendo will never allow such an inexplicable duel.

Friendly reminder, General Liwa has been conquered by Esdeath with personal force, so Brand, what you have to do is to tell your old superior that unity is strength.

If Levi had any Teigu that could kill people with his eyes at this moment, it would definitely resonate with him, it would be so annoying.

Even the little friends from Night Raid understand what it means to speak like a knife. If he were in Liva's shoes, he would probably die of frustration.

Najiexitan received Noah's look in her eyes, and she also announced that she was going to join him, somewhat dumbfounded.

The former imperial general died uneasily under swords, guns and sticks.

You, no, bastards, I want it.

Before dying, Liva turned the poisonous blood in his body into a javelin, aiming directly at the figure that everyone took for granted.

Unfortunately, Noah grabbed Tazmi with one hand and blocked it in front of him, blocking the move with a human sword.

The three beast warriors died with their eyes open.

Clean up the battlefield and don't leave any information about these three people.

Ma Yin can use artillery to wash the ground here.

Then you go to the new base to hibernate for a while, and leave the hunter and Esdeath to me.

As for concealing the battle, it is impossible. This bloody battlefield will soon usher in a large number of scavenging creatures, as well as many dangerous species.

The straight-line distance from the Imperial Capital is 10 kilometers. The distance that was usually considered safe now seems more scary.

The rest depends on the reaction of the empire.

When he returned to the imperial capital, he immediately switched identities with Chelsea.

Since then, Noah's first step has been completed.

Then he and the hunter troops that were recalled urgently went to the northern battlefield again.

Although the enemy very cunningly cleaned the entire area, the remains of the modified human corpses, toxin residues, and blood components at the scene, as well as

It can be concluded that this should be the battlefield of Dr fashion and night attacks.

The ruins in the distance should be the base for the night attack.

At this moment, Noah transformed into a detective and began to interpret the battlefield for the hunter's friends.

As an auxiliary humanoid Teigu, he definitely has such basic abilities.

The subsequent detailed analysis and scene restoration are even more amazing, as if Noah was at the scene.

According to the on-site analysis, Dr. Fashion took the initiative to summon his own reformers. It can be seen that his attack was not an accidental discovery.

I checked among the ruins of the base and found particularly hard flesh and skin, as well as mechanical fragments, which can prove this.

It's a pity that the people who attacked at night were well prepared and immediately started to counterattack.

Noah then led the hunter troops to analyze the battle situations between the enemy and ourselves at various locations, and the descriptions were vivid.

This is the place where Dr. Fashion's identity fell.

We can see that there is a vague and huge footprint here. Combined with the abnormal amount of bleeding, we can determine that Dr. Fashion has used methods such as gigantism and danger.

Someone studied a similar path 400 years ago. It seems that this guy has also reached the level of Teigu casting.

But when the enemy is outnumbered, becoming huge is not a good option.

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