North of the imperial capital.

The Three Beastmen are relying on Niu's tracking ability to conduct long-range tracking.

Are you sure that Teigu didn't notice us?


Liwa still remained a little vigilant, feeling that everything went smoothly today.

Just when I and others were anxious, they happened to hear the news about the night attack, and the Teigu happened to lead them over.

It's just that the existence of the hunter forced me to seize every opportunity.

Of course, he also believed in the combat power of himself and others. If the time was right, it would be no problem to kill a few enemies.

The world of Zhanchi has a very strange setting. It may be that as long as the Teigu users fight, life and death will be divided.

Or maybe there are too few Teigu users, so there is relatively little information.

So everyone really doesn’t understand the gap in combat power between them.

The little Karami who started the game first decapitated Zanke and dared to fight against the ace Chi Tong. Before Brand instantly killed Daidas, the guy playing with the ax also looked arrogant.

The others also appeared as if they were super powerful, and then were killed by night attacks.

Perhaps only Esdeath is the one who truly awes everyone. Under this situation, almost everyone is in the mentality of how to know who is stronger without a fight.

Of course, the most cautious one is Dr. Fashion, who wants to wipe out the night attack at the beginning.

In terms of numbers, he has a fashionable army. Ordinary Teigu users have some difficulty facing the crowd tactics.

In terms of experts, not counting the investigation type, there are three top-notch artificial humans, and they have specially formulated tactics based on intelligence.

When it comes to imperial equipment, he is certainly worthy of holding two imperial equipment.

As for the trump card, the nerve-paralyzing toxin in the original timeline brought down the entire night attack except for the demon-haunted Tazmi. If it weren't for the humanoid Teigu Susana among the temporary reinforcements, that night attack might have been a real one. It’s gone.

The last super giant also reached the combat power of the top Teigu user, but it was a pity that he had a heart.

The seemingly brainless Dr. Fashion actually had a lot of trump cards. He was defeated because he appeared too early and a new character appeared on the scene and was killed at first sight.

Of course, now it’s because of Noah’s intelligence and tactical counter-attack that his fate is bad.

The three beast warriors have rarely encountered opponents in recent years, and their hearts are very swollen.

Sure enough, they also found a lot of traces further north.

Of course not the ones left by night raids, but the footprints and broken branches left by Dr.'s fashionable troops.

It means that we are approaching the battlefield.

If you continue walking, you don't need Niu to feel the fire and vibration.

Huh? Why is that Teigu missing?

Niwu suddenly couldn't feel the presence of the humanoid Teigu, and Levi's eyes fluctuated a little.

Maybe he intervened in the battlefield.

Let's go investigate first and prepare to retreat if something goes wrong.

At this point, the uneasiness in his heart had certainly reached its peak, but the desire deep in his heart to kill the enemy for Esdeath also became more intense.

And there is also a dark thought, that is, what if Tazmi can be seen.

Then they touched the edge of the battlefield and saw the night attack base that had been turned into a mess. Fighting broke out in the entire area.

Why only Dr fashion?

Before they could think of the answer, they saw the fashion of turning into a giant, and Tazmi killing the giant.

Good boy, this guy is the one who attacks at night!

The three beast warriors were furious and immediately reported to Lord Esdeath when they returned to the imperial capital.

At the same time, there was also some secret joy, this annoying guy was seeking his own death!


What did Noah say just now?

Levi felt a chill in his heart.

And a strange voice rose from behind.

I said, it seems that the credit this time belongs to me and Dr. Fashion.

Noah appeared behind him with a calm expression.

The three beast warriors turned around and saw the black iron fist.

Bang bang bang!

With one punch per person, the huge kinetic energy brought them to the ground from the edge of the battlefield to the middle of the battlefield.

Levi in ​​the air was still thinking about Noah's self-introduction.

Is this the auxiliary humanoid Teigu?

The three of them landed in a panic.

Everyone in the Night Raid had taken off their masks and started to make concave shapes around the center. This behavior of all members showing their faces also heralded the outcome of the next battle.

Well, looking at the people who were still preparing for the attack at night, the bitterness on the corners of their mouths could no longer be hidden.

Three against 10, the advantage lies with the opponent.

We can only talk about it first, especially Tazmi.

Traitor, Lord Esdeath will meet you sooner or later.

I didn't join the Hunters.

Oh, then you are not a traitor, but you still have to curse something.

At least it can delay time. If the battle in the north is like this, there will definitely be a reaction in the imperial capital.

if only

There is a well-known bandit organization in the mountains to the west of the imperial capital.

It is said that behind it is a killing playground run by the Minister of Ceremony, specifically to satisfy the twisted desires of the powerful.

Noah stood outside and said calmly.

Unfortunately, this valuable information has become the hunter's guide for today's actions.

They must still be performing tasks in the mountains at this time.

In addition to the murderous look in Levi's eyes, there was also fear.

The killer organization is playing the art of war. This is a serious matter.

However, this humanoid Teigu named Noah should have also been exposed.

If Lord Esdeath investigates carefully, he will definitely know that the other party left the city for such a long time to go to the northern mountains.

After I left the north gate, the other Noah has returned to the station and is now showing off in front of everyone, so I don't have any time to commit any crime.

Noah, who was proficient in science, would not leave such obvious evidence.

Chelsea is an even better cross-dresser than Belmod, and her main skill is to be impeccable.

This heavy blow made Liva's heart tremble. This demon actually had no flaws and would continue to lurk among the hunters.


Unwilling roars echoed in this bloody battlefield.

It's been a long time since I heard someone call me that. I miss it so much.

Okay, everyone, please stop looking concave.

Hurry up and resolve the battle.

It's not safe for Chelsea to stay in the Imperial Capital for too long.

In the grief and anger of the three beast warriors, the brutal siege began.

Isidas is a guy who can be killed instantly, so it's normal to be the first to pounce.

If a direct-attack type Teigu does not have some special attributes, it will be the most useless among many Teigu.

The two large axes Belvak - the imperial weapon of the ax, can only be wielded by those with extraordinary arm strength, but the corresponding attack power is also extremely strong. It can be separated into two axes from the middle and thrown, as long as there is still strength. Can track enemies.

Just listen to this introduction and you will know how overwhelming it is.

Throw tracking, or spinning axe.

The light and shadow special effects are overwhelming, the speed is overwhelming, and the power is overwhelming.

The Teigu that Tazmi could handle even when there were no evil spirits in the original timeline was enough to bully foreign soldiers on the battlefield or suppress ordinary people at home.

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