Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 187 Kill them all? Complete the task of eradicating evil!

Looking at King Riku's personal show, Doflamingo felt that he couldn't bear it now. With Noah around, this operation had failed.

In this case, let's consider retreating.

Whether he can escape unscathed depends on his own methods. Compared with last year, his fruit ability has been awakened and he should be able to compete with others.

In the current situation, Noah also thinks that it is okay. King Riku has played a role in disrupting the people's camp that supports Doflamingo. Otherwise, if they had killed him hard before, it would have been really bad for the reputation of the Revolutionary Army. Impact.

The line of the revolutionary army is destined. They must stand on the side of the masses and cannot go in the opposite direction. When you are misunderstood, you should also try your best to resolve the misunderstanding.

King Liku was about to lead a charge, but was stopped by Noah. Even if he takes the lead in the charge, it's not enough to kill Flamengo with one move.

Let King Liku and his group take action after him, except for Dover and the four main cadres. Leave the rest to them.

Taking out the word Hedao, Noah calmly stood in front of Dover.

Noah, do you really want to kill everyone!

It's not about killing them all, it's about eradicating evil!

Then come! Torebol, Diamanti, Pika, Vergo. Let's meet this enemy of the world together.


A group of five people face Noah, and the war is about to break out.

Noah did not take the initiative, but said: Come to the beach with me, or I will kill whoever runs away first!

There are so many people here, and if a fight breaks out, the people behind Noah have no chance of protecting them.

As for whether to come or not, with the unity of the Don Quixote family, no one will not come. Threaten Noah with the people? They can't get past it.

The six people came to the seaside and heard that the battle in front of the palace had begun. It seems that King Liku's death battle has begun. Although the main members of the Don Quixote family have been brought over by Noah, there are also many strong people among the remaining people.

Sensing the battle in the distance, the murderous intent on both sides became more and more intense.

From the perspective of the Don Quixote family, Noah has been ruining the family's affairs, chasing him all the way from the North Sea to the New World. If we are not given a way to survive, then we will fight to the death.

In Noah's view, such a purely evil gang should not continue to exist in this world.

There was thunder in the sky, and the battle here began.

Start with the overlord color to control the field and weaken the opponents' status. Dover and others felt tremendous pressure both physically and mentally.

In this life-and-death battle, Dover's Overlord Color finally gained strength and could extend beyond one meter of his body. This was considered an improvement. At least he himself was no longer affected by the Overlord Color Domain.

Breakthrough before the battle, this is God helping him. So if you are really lucky and kill Noah, will this great achievement be enough to return to Mary Joa?

Thread Fruit. Awakening Birdcage.

Thin wires that were tougher than steel formed a cage and put everyone inside. He used a lot of his physical strength to perform this move. Unless he died, the cage could not be opened. This was a fight to the death!

A good tactic. In a confined space, the side with more people has an advantage in a close-to-death fight. What's more, the opponent is still a swordsman, and his physical fitness is definitely not that strong!

Seeing the determination of the young master, the other four people also wanted to fight for their lives and rushed forward together.

Pika slowly sank into the ground, preparing for his ultimate move. Vergo's black domineering energy covered his whole body, and he rushed forward as the main attacker in close combat. Torrepol and Diamanti followed behind to attack and support.

But Noah looked a little confused. He touched the thread behind him. It was indeed very tough, but he was not only a great swordsman.

When Vergo got close and tried his best to throw a punch that was firmly caught by Noah, everyone was a little confused as to whether the swordsman's physical fitness was too good.

What does this mean? I can even take Zefa's iron fist, but Vergo is still far behind.

It doesn't matter, if Noah was so easy to deal with, he would have been killed by the World Government long ago. There are two family members who came to support him, as well as the young master who finally found the flaw. Vergo is not panic at all at this moment, but keeps increasing his strength. , grabbed Noah’s wrist.

I caught you! What will happen if a swordsman is caught? Vergo secretly rejoiced.

Congratulations. Noah also grabbed Vergo with his backhand.


A space door appeared behind Noah.

Then, a huge force dragged Vergo into the space door alive.

Dover and the others were unable to respond in time, and when they sprinted again it was already too late, and both of them disappeared into the birdcage.

Damn it, the Menmen Fruit, damn it, this guy Noah looks like a domineering king when he comes up, and when he raises his hand, he is full of sword energy, and he has forgotten that he is still a fruit capable person.

over there!

The three of them looked up at the sky.

Between the sea and the sky, two figures were constantly fighting. To be precise, one side used the sword unilaterally, while the other side defended desperately. Unfortunately, they failed to defend a few times, and both were hit.

When fighting in the air, the Menmen Fruit's displacement ability is twice as effective. It can switch directions and use acceleration to attack without restraint. It is no match for itself. At this moment, it is even more so that a ball of blood mist condenses around the body.

The chopped and bloody Vergo was finally close to the ground. Fortunately, he was also a master of pure physical arts, and his own defense and vitality were particularly tenacious. Otherwise, he would have been dead before he hit the ground.

Just when he was about to land, Noah rushed over again. Vergo ignored him and resisted with his arms crossed. As a result, this time he didn't swing his sword, but grabbed someone and opened the door.


Returning to the air again, this time Vergo no longer took chances and no longer expected Dover to save him. Instead, he killed Noah and wanted to live toward death.

The armed color is dispersed to cover the whole area, but concentrated on the fist. The bet is on this punch to establish an advantage for the young master.

Then he died, a sword through the heart.

Carrying Vergo's body back to the place, Noah looked at Doflamingo calmly.

Dover had just begun to disperse the bird cages when Vergo was taken away, but unfortunately it was too late and only served to hinder his comrades.

Noah~~! I'm going to kill you, kill you!

I know, so next, Torrebol!

The sticky fruit is so disgusting, go reincarnate as soon as possible and kill them with your sword.

This time, in order to prevent the Menmen Fruit from sneaking up on him, Dover didn't use any limiting skills because he could only limit his own people. Rather, the three of them are very close to each other and can provide support at any time.

At such an urgent moment, Torebol gave Dover and Diamanti a wink.

He has a secret that has never been known to outsiders, a secret that only those closest to him know.

He usually hides his body in secreted mucus, which makes others think he is a fat old man.

You can use this to create a loophole, allowing Noah to attack and take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack.

We have been family members for many years, and we still have this tacit understanding.

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