The fruit of the thread is enough to shave the thread

Flowing fruits. Bullfighting grows.

Sticky fruit, snot from the nose

Hmph, it’s so gaudy and disgusting. Except for Torebol's move, which needed to be dodged, the moves of the other two were all cut through by Noah with one sword.

The ability of the flying fruit is to change the shape of the object, as smooth as silk. It has some effect, but not much effect. A sword is like silk, isn't it a soft sword? Transforming into spear form is not that powerful.

This skill is very powerful when used as an auxiliary, whether it is for the environment or enemy weapons. Of course, it cannot touch the weapon color, which is also a flaw.

That snotty guy might as well die. It would be unimaginable if his word Wado was stained with this kind of thing.

The four of them fought together. As long as Noah attacked one of them, the other two would besiege them nearby. With tacit cooperation, they still fought back and forth with Noah.

Noah, who was annoyed by the snot, finally looked like he was embarrassed and angry, and hit Doflamingo and Diamante with a powerful flying slash.

One used the Flying Fruit and Bullfighting Cloak to partially neutralize it, and the remaining power was blocked by Dover's 15 consecutive Line Fruits and Spider Web Wall.

Although he took this move, it also slowed down the two of them. Noah quickly approached Torebol and launched a series of flying slashes close to his body. He would not let his sword touch those disgusting slimes. .

Torebol was horrified when he saw the sword energy flying towards him. He panicked and fired lumps of mucus from his body, hoping to block the sword energy.

Unfortunately, it was useless. The slime blocks were cut through one by one, and they continued to attack, and then passed through him, leaving sword marks on the ground behind.

Ah~~~~It hurts~~~!

Blood splattered everywhere, as if he had suffered a very fatal injury. Don't look at Torebol who seemed to be crumbling, but he still stood firm in the end.

Until the young master completes his dream, our family will not fall down!!!


Dover and Diamanti were so moved that they couldn't help themselves and rushed towards the family members who had sacrificed themselves for the young master.

What a loyal retainer, Noah was also moved by his determination.

When Dover and the others were about to approach, Torebol tilted his head, glanced at the distance and Noah's expression, and made a unique gesture.

'It's now! ’*3

Flow the fruit. Army flag!

Diamanti's field control skill appeared, turning all the ground within a certain range around the user into a shape as light as silk.

It can make the opponent unable to maintain balance and lose their center of gravity and fall, thereby making the opponent lose the ability to counterattack.

Doflamingo also made a move, Thread Fruit. Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart·Feather Strike·Thread

Originally, this move was to raise thousands of armed-colored threads from the ground to surround the enemy in the shape of flamingo wings, piercing the enemy's heart with random arrows and killing him. The cooperation plan this time is to pass through Torrebol's slime body.

The enemy couldn't even imagine how a move could pass through his own body even though he had a close family relationship before. Baaaaaaaaaaa~~~

Torebol was also very happy. In order to lure Noah into being fooled, he really ate so many chops alive, and the blood he brought out was also real.

Although the real body was very thin, it still existed. The body that could not be avoided felt like the pain of being hit by the sword energy, which made the hatred in his heart almost go crazy.

Seeing Noah falling into a trap and about to be severely injured, everyone in the Don Quixote family was in a state of excitement. How about inflicting serious damage on the enemy of the world? Could it be that we are the ones to whom destiny belongs?

Haha, with a sarcastic smile, am I going to tell you that I have watched One Piece? How could such a ploy to confuse people be successful?

The main purpose of this strategy is to catch someone by surprise. Once you are prepared, you can avoid it with a space door or use a sword to defend. So isn't it too boring to do this?

Before the army flag reached his feet, Noah had already raised his hand to open the space door. Instead of dodging Doflamingo's thousands of arrows, he caught Diamanti through the space door. Overlord The high-intensity shock of color point to point can grab him with one force.

Normally, people like Diamanti are difficult to catch. He is not Vergo and likes close combat.

Users with fruit abilities have certain defenses against close attacks, and things like seeing and hearing are very useful in preventing sneak attacks.

However, in order to control the field control skills, there was some lag in reaction. It was also because he saw that his plan was successful, so he relaxed.

In short, this flaw, which was not a flaw, was caught and used as a shield in front of Noah. Doflamingo's eyes were splitting as he watched the thread that was heading towards Diamanti getting closer and closer.

Damn it! Noah, you despicable guy!

Oops, you failed in your own trick, and you blame me instead.

This move was practiced after Doflamingo's fruit awakened, and he was not yet able to retract and release it freely. Although he had withdrawn his strength, the thread still penetrated Diamanti's body mercilessly.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!

The tragic howl spread throughout the entire seaside, and this person's attack was too cruel.

The adjective riddled with holes now became so realistic. Blood was pouring out of this man's body crazily, and it hurt just to look at it. To save you from the pain, go to death.

Cut with the knife, huh?

After being caught, Diamanti, who had become a blood man, used her fruit power to stir up the clothes on her body and the silk threads embedded in her body, entangling Wadou Ichimonji.

Ahem, hehehe, Noah, you are too arrogant, even if it costs your life, I will keep you here! Why should you kill me when even the blade of your sword is entangled! Ah!

Another large mouthful of blood spurted out, and he turned sideways to avoid the blood.

This kind of line about facing a big villain is not suitable for your Don Quixote family, and you are not a righteous young man.

Use one hand to exert force and continue to chop down, splitting the opponent in two.

After all, you used sword energy in your original work, so how come you don’t even know that a great swordsman doesn’t need a blade to kill people?

Diamanti, die!

Doflamingo and Torrebol looked at their family members lying on the ground, as if they had seen their own fate. Dover's anger was about to overwhelm his sanity.

Pika! Are you okay?

A high-pitched voice came.


The ground began to shake, mountains deformed, and trees were pushed down. In a short period of time, the terrain of Dressrosa has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The stone fruit is a little troublesome, so I need to be a little more serious.

Before that, he teleported to Torebol, who had lost his slime support, and swung a sword with a calm expression.

Update 5 is here again, I look forward to your encouragement.

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