Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 186 The King’s Final Song

Cold sweat fell from Doflamingo's forehead.

How could it be him!

how come! How did he come to the new world? The man in front of him whom he hated so deeply - Noah!

A figure came here with extreme anger. The terrifying domineering force directly defeated the unsteady villain in front of him and fell to the ground.

How dare! You actually committed such a crime, Doflamingo, you can die! ! !

For Noah, Doflamingo had both hatred and deep-seated fear, because he knew that the other party really wanted to kill him!

The killing intent had already enveloped him, making it difficult to breathe. Under the extreme oppression, his domineering self also fought back, and the result was like a light bulb with poor contact. It was difficult to even get out of the body. Why did this bastard become so domineering again? There is no limit!

The people who were not affected by the domineering power were a little confused as to what had happened to this country. Before, King Riku went on a killing spree after defrauding everyone of their money, and then was saved by the great pirate Doflamingo. Now it seems that the benefactor who saved him has met his enemy. What should we do?

So much happened in one night that the crowd was numb.

In the flash of lightning, Doflamingo saw the people and thought of a way to escape death, which was to gamble on the reputation of the Revolutionary Army and that Noah did not know the specific situation here. But when I was just passing by, I saw a river of blood and mistakenly thought that I had done it.

Noah, I know we had old grudges before, but I just saved a country from a cruel king. Will your revolutionary army take action against a country's hero?

The people who died here were all killed by their king King Liku and his army. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the people behind you.

This sentence spread throughout the country through camera phone bugs, and everything here will be broadcast live. It was specially prepared by Doflamingo when he was preparing to pronounce King Riku's crime, and unexpectedly it became his life-saving straw.

Although I don’t know what happened between the visitor and the hero who saved the people, Doflamingo did save their lives, and he couldn’t let his benefactor be harmed at this time.

Yes, yes, it was Doflamingo who saved us and saved my child and my wife from King Riku's clutches.

Some brave people came forward to defend Dover.

This makes Doflamingo secretly feel happy. It is really comfortable to do bad things under the aura of justice and heroism. No wonder the navy, the most violent gang in the sea, has the word justice on the back of every general.

According to the purpose of the revolutionary army, this time should be able to be passed safely. Although it is shameful to rely on this method, only by surviving can you have a chance to take revenge. Just wait, Noah, don't let me find the opportunity!

That's not the case! My father is not that kind of person. He is controlled. The Don Quixote family has already planned it. That Monet has lurked into the palace long ago. She is Doflamingo's person. Do you believe it? My father.

He has been working diligently for the peace of the country and surrounding areas for so many years, and there must be a reason why he suddenly becomes like this that we don't know.

Princess Viola's words brought back some of the people's sanity, but the pain of losing a loved one was not easy to overcome. Everyone was staring at the collapsed King Riku, wanting him to give an explanation.

Let me die, let me die, let me die.

King Riku lying on the ground had completely lost his will to survive.

Viola's past appeals had no effect. Noah had lost the mood to watch the family drama, and slashed his sword directly on King Riku's body. The sharp sword energy made the limp king let out a miserable howl.

Ignoring Viola's eye attack, he said coldly.

The man who just saved your citizens is called Doflamingo. He comes from a pirate family in the North Sea. He does all kinds of evil and has no moral bottom line. He is famous for selling arms. Are you sure you want to hand over the country to such a person? Is it possible that the fruit of the thread is the fruit of the line? Do you still have the ability to control your brain?

Another sword strike, and the pain intensified. Viola's eyes almost popped out. The person coming from behind was not a good person either.

As a king, don't you feel that you are being manipulated to go on a killing spree? It is only natural that he, a great pirate who has done all kinds of bad things, come to save people. He was deprived of the throne by being manipulated into extirpating himself from the people. Such a despicable method Will it come from a good person?

Just as he was about to use his third sword, Viola stopped him in front of him.

No, you are not allowed to hurt my father again!

Courage is commendable, but useless.

The third sword energy still hit King Liku, and with a scream, he was beaten in front of the people.

Finally, go and get the people's understanding. Even if you can't get it, you still have to have the courage to drag the devil into hell with you.

Seeing the king lying on the ground in front of them, the citizens retreated one after another. Although they learned from the conversation between the mysterious man who came at the end and Doflamingo that things may not be that simple, it is not so easy to resolve hatred after it arises.

King Riku, who was lying on the ground, looked at the people who were retreating. He was heartbroken and at the same time, he was filled with endless anger. His people must not be handed over to those who use this method to steal the country.

When his angry heart burned again, he endured the severe pain in his body and got up. He pushed away his daughter's support and knelt down directly to the people, kowtowing continuously until his head was broken and the blood still flowed. After the last kowtow, the bluestone bricks on the ground had turned into powder.

Then he stood up suddenly and drew out the sword stained with the blood of many civilians.

People, I, the King of Dressrosa, Liku Dold III, hereby swear on the name of the ancestors of the Liku family that everything that happened just now was manipulated.

Maybe you no longer believe in me, and I don’t ask for your forgiveness, but I will go to hell with the devil who caused all this!

The people's originally somewhat skeptical hearts were even more shaken. People are irrational when faced with great changes. At this time, it was Doflamingo's plan to declare King Riku's crime and then seize the country as a matter of course.

When the plan was cut off and the people were allowed to regain their rationality, the operation was basically considered a failure.

Doflamingo was filled with hatred, but he didn't dare to rush over and interrupt. A veiled sword intent was always marking him. Once he made a move, he would face life and death.

After preaching to the people, King Liku walked towards Noah.

Thank you for your teachings, which made me completely awaken to the consciousness of being a king. When I die, I hope you can help me take care of this country, and all the property of the royal family will be at your disposal.

Then he walked towards his ministers and soldiers.

I am not a competent king. I led everyone to suffer humiliation and raised the butcher's knife against my compatriots. But all the sins are on me. Are you still willing to accompany me to die for this country?

All the ministers looked at each other.

Take the lead heavily.

Hahahahaha. Doflamingo, I will die on the way to charge today!

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