Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1836 Susan, long time no see

Fishing failed.

Sure enough, the temporary traces of the night attack left outside did not attract the attention of the real night attack and the hunters.

It seems that Dr. Fashion is really quick to discover the location of the night attack base.

In this case, let's leave quickly.

So he took Tazmi and started on his way.

I didn’t stop learning and discussing on the road, and I also used my trump card to tell stories.

I don’t know how many legendary figures have fallen to this move, and it is estimated that they will be all over the world in the future.

Tazmi was even more helpless to resist.

Every little story Noah told made the boy fascinated.

And every time I listen to it, I feel I understand some very simple truths.

There is a feeling that this can still be done, or that this is how it is.

Although they are all very simple, but gradually accumulated, Tazmi also understood a lot of real truths.

But there was one thing that the boy was always curious about.

Teacher Noah, do you really have no fighting ability?

Whether it's the war scenes in his mind or the energy fluctuations when the teacher first appears, no matter how you look at it, he is the kind of ruthless person who cuts people.

And Uncle Ichimonji’s tone of voice that as long as he finds Noah, everything will be fine, should be considered a clear sign.

Noah felt that Ichimonji's wisdom was still too rough. Why was he always fighting and killing? Oh, it's a sword, so that's okay.

Of course I have no fighting ability. As a top-level auxiliary humanoid Teigu, I must be clear about my position. After all, the Teigu is also mortal.

Noah waved his hands repeatedly and began to fool his disciples in a very sincere tone.

In the world of Zhanmei, the gap in force value is not that difficult to bridge.

Mayindu can kill General Bude, the strongest in the empire, and Lubbock can also kill space users. It can be said that you can do many unimaginable things just by exploding your seeds.

Of course, except for super-standard Teigu users like Esdeath.

Noah's biggest enemy when he came to this world was the thousand-year tradition, the mountain in people's hearts, and the darkness in the world.

That's why he wouldn't be like Susano'o who would hit him everywhere with a big stick and then be killed.

Besides, his own strength is indeed not very strong.

At this stage, it's just a drop of blood, which can only defeat a swordsman like Tazmi.

The boy was also a little disappointed.

But he was kind-hearted and accepted this statement.

Thinking of the biological type Teigu Hundred-Armed Titan that was chopped into pieces by Ichimonji, I realized that the Teigu also has its limits.

Moreover, Teacher Noah has helped him solve the hunter's dilemma and the dilemma in his hometown since he appeared. To a certain extent, it is really very powerful.

After seeing this scene, someone continued.

Thousands of years ago, there were a total of 48 Teigu, some of which were lost in the long river of history. If they don't meet the right person, they will never appear.

Some were permanently destroyed in the collision of Teigu and never appeared again.

Others were deprived of their former names because they were involved in certain historical events.

It is estimated that there are only about ten or twenty Teigu still active in the world, so time is the greatest force.

Noah began to patch up his existence.

He could understand Ichimonji's proud reluctance to be classified as a Teigu, but Noah was different.

Even if the little emperor and ministers pointed at the burning blood and said it was not an imperial weapon, it would not work.

After all, with the help of Imperial History, he has edited several interesting unknown nodes.

Making history text, Noah is professional.

In the continuous patches, the more Tazmi listened, the more it made sense. It turned out that even the empire and the revolutionary army did not understand the Teigu that well.

All I can say is that this kid is a good kid, much easier to fool than Kakashi and his ilk.

During the night attack on the base.

Najiexitan was worried. The imperial capital was becoming increasingly despicable in order to force out traces of night attacks.

They even openly assassinated those conscientious officials, and also launched new oppressive tactics against the southern rebels.

The headquarters repeatedly urged night raids to be carried out as quickly as possible to share the pressure on the rear.

After all, reinforcements and intelligence were given, but the night attack failed to produce any decent results.

Ke Najiexitan was also helpless.

Several night raids on assassination targets were all traps, and if you weren't careful, there would probably be a large number of casualties.

If there were only three beast warriors, they wouldn't be so passive, but the hunter troops that might appear at any time would be a big trouble.

The Empire's combat power against night attacks has exceeded the upper limit of what they can handle. They cannot continue to carry out the assassination mission unless they kill three to four enemy combat forces.

At this stage, we can only rely on Chelsea's ability to assassinate some secondary targets.

Boss, Tazmi is back!!!


Najexitan was overjoyed. Tazmi's combat prowess was obvious to all and could be regarded as a Teigu user-level combat prowess.

Moreover, after a close encounter with a hunter, he is likely to bring back a lot of more secretive information.

He immediately got up and took Susano'o to the entrance of the base.

Sure enough, there was already a happy reunion scene there.

Leonai was using his face-to-face killing skills, causing the simple young man to flash his health bar.

Chi Tong's emotions were more restrained when others were around, while Ma Yin gave the boy a critical blow to show her joy.

Others also welcomed their comrades in their own way.

Najiexitan also patted the young man's shoulder hard.

What a boy, you can still run away from the hunter alone!

She absolutely believed in Tazmi's integrity, and Lubbock found no trace of anyone else.

But why is the young man covered in big and small bags? Did he go shopping in the imperial capital?


Tazmi was at a loss for words. These were gifts that Teacher Noah wanted to bring to fellow hunters. But how should we explain them?

Suddenly the boy's heart began to glow, and fire flew out from it and gathered into a human shape in mid-air.

clang clang clang.

Burning Blood once again appears in a Teigu way, which saves a lot of redundant explanations.

Hello everyone, my name is Noah.

Also known as the Burning Blood, the Tree of Omniscient, the humanoid auxiliary Teigu of the Revolutionary Mentor, I'm glad to see you all at Night Raid.

Also, long time no see, Susan.

Noah introduced himself very naturally, and he seemed to be familiar with Susanoo and greeted him like an old friend.

Quiet, the whole place is quiet.

Najiexi rubbed her brows.

Noah was really possessed by Tazmi.

It's just that the Humanoid Teigu was really unexpected, and the setting of the auxiliary Humanoid Teigu was even more incomprehensible.

There is no Teigu information about Wado Ichimonji at the headquarters, and now there is another Noah.

Why are there more and more unknown mysteries?

And Susanoo.

Who are you? do we know each other? Looks familiar?

His eyes were a little confused, as if he had never seen this person before.

It's normal that I didn't think of it. Not all Teigu in the past 1,000 years were in the same era every time.

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