Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1835 Power without Limits

This is a real case, and my heart suddenly became hot.

Teacher Noah, how can I improve my dominance?

After throwing the hook, Noah's face became very heavy.

“This is a painful path and a practice from which there is no turning back.

What is needed is not the innate or modified talents of the body, but the tempering of the acquired will.

There is even no way out. Once your courage and ambition shrink, or you do something that goes against your will, your all-powerful strength will immediately collapse.

Have you decided yet?

Tazmi didn't expect that the power Uncle Ichimonji gave her had such a limit.

But isn't this just what I want?

As a young man, he never thought that he would one day retreat.

It's just that the heroes of the sea like the Golden Lion never thought that this day would come. This is the disadvantage that domineering is not a disadvantage.

So Noah still said it very seriously. If Tazmi overthrew the empire and went into seclusion, her spiritual power would regress.

There are also more serious consequences than this.

When you embark on this path of spiritual practice, you will be disgusted by the past world, and you will also bear unimaginable pressure for the arrival of the new world.

It will also lead to a side that many people cannot understand.

Some people will call you an executioner, some people will say you are a war criminal, some people will say you violate tradition, some people will say you will bring disaster to the world.

All kinds of disasters, sufferings, and darkness will gather around you.

So.are you really ready?

Noah knew that there were always people in the pirate world, Xingyue world, and Naruto world who were cursing him.

When he shattered the old world, he easily completed the killing and burning, but when he rebuilt the new world, it was not so beautiful.

Especially during the Burning Crusade, countless malicious messages came from all the major life planets in the universe.

The body, which is based on evil in this world, is too sensitive to these things.

Many unfamiliar images and terrifying auras were conveyed to the young man's heart with the help of burning blood.

Complementing the dark side under the light.

This is human nature.

If you don’t have the determination to carry these things, you will one day be swallowed up by darkness.

The young man's face looked a little pale.

After a long moment of silence, Tazmi raised her head.

“I’m sure there’s a need for that kind of power.

Without power, you cannot protect the people you want to protect, and you cannot change this country.

What a simple wish, Noah decided to fulfill this child.

This is what you asked for.

Then prepare to enter a new hell.

In the next town, Noah bought two copies of the history of the empire, and the master and the disciple each had one copy.

This is?

Look at the history and then look at the intelligence. We'll look at it as we go along.

The revised imperial history describes the thousand-year empire as very prosperous. Each emperor promoted the development of the country after taking the throne. No matter how you look at it, it is a prosperous dynasty.

Noah is recording several of these nodes to perfect the identity of his humanoid Teigu.

Only in this way can we have proper communication with the Empire, Revolutionary Army, Night Raid, and Hunters.

As for Tazmi?

Every time he passed a town, Noah would dig out all the dark sides in that town, compile it into information, and throw it in front of the boy.

Collecting intelligence is the most basic job. If you don't understand the empire, how can you overthrow it.

The minister is just the biggest darkness in this system, but it is only too conspicuous compared to the traditions formed by the empire for thousands of years.

Even if there is no Ernest, there will be someone like the Chancellor of Finance to replace him, but the power of the government will not be so concentrated.

For example, the mayor just now was corrupt and lustful, and he had collusion with the imperial nobles.

Noah recited the guilt of the mayor and the crimes of other people in the entire town.

It only took half a day to collect these, which was really easy for a person who had reached the full level of rebellion.

These are just one of Tazmi's exam questions.

You can think about how to deal with these problems.

When you figure it out, your dominance will improve.

As for the nonsense Tazmi said without thinking about waiting for the southern revolutionary army to come, good officials could be replaced to manage the people, Noah pretended not to have heard it.

So stupid.

Then teacher, are we just going to watch these people continue to do evil?

The young man clenched his fists, and simple justice was ignored. Fortunately, he had a good master.

Noah said confidently.

Of course not. I executed all these people in the name of night raid.

“Oh Nani?!”

Of course this kind of righteous act must be widely publicized. Don't worry, I have left the name of Night Raid and will not be misunderstood.


I want to say whether this is a bad thing, but Teacher Noah and the people who attacked at night have never met once.

Idiot, I am a humanoid Teigu, so in the final analysis, all this darkness is your fault, Tazmi.

The young man was speechless. He felt that the teacher's language skills were very high.

In fact, Noah is trying to make a first move. Maybe the Three Beasts or Dr. Fashion can't help but appear here.

A seed is thrown away in the spring, and whether it can be harvested depends on whether their life is good or not.

By the way, it can help distract the attention of the night attack base. It can't really be stolen.

In this way, Tazmi brought her teacher back to the village with complexity and confusion.

Tazmi is back!

What, you're back so early!

These kids are really easy to get into in the imperial capital.

What everyone is most concerned about is not what achievements he has made, but whether he is healthy or injured.

As for the dilemma of saving the village, Tazmi has not even thought about it for half a year since she left the village, so she should have just established a foothold.

It was obvious that the information-isolated village did not know the news about the Empire's supernova.


Although it was the boy's home field when he arrived in the village, he was a little speechless and even choked up when facing the simple hunters and neighbors in the village.

What should I say? Say that Sayu and Iyeas just arrived in the imperial capital.

When he returned to the village and faced the villagers, Tazmi was even more angry because he was sad, really sad. Very angry, really angry

Ahem, hello everyone, let me introduce myself. I am the commander of the Hunter Unit of the Empire's Special Guards and Tazmi's teacher. You can call me Noah.

I came here this time to accompany Tazmi on a mission.

By the way, this kid won a lot of bounties because of his outstanding performance in the big arena, and he also made some contributions to the village.

Noah took over the situation very naturally.

The dragon-slaying swordsman of the Grand Arena will be known to everyone sooner or later. Let him, his teacher, help him make a name for himself.

The once great writer was very familiar with the story. The plot was full of twists and turns, and the ending was even more exciting, as if he had personally brought out the passion that was ignited in the arena.

Even Tazmi herself was a little confused.

I am much more handsome in the story, and the battle scenes are also gorgeous.

This teacher is really good at it.

In addition to fighting matters, even daily life began to be fabricated.

Food, clothing, housing, transportation, and some embarrassing stories one after another when they first arrived in the imperial capital.

It was as if Noah was right next to Tazmi watching all this happen.

Everyone’s curiosity about the imperial capital can also be answered.

No matter who asks about anything, they can always give the same answer, and every answer can be said to be watertight, but in fact there is no real content.

He also handed over the prepared gold coins to the village chief in the most unacceptable way, so that the village would not have to worry about it for a few years.

Solved the young man's worries.

When someone asked about the little friend who left the village together, Noah also answered for Tazmi. The child would cry if he said a word now.

Shayo and Iyeas are working hard for a great cause and cannot get away for the time being.

Will come back when everything is finished.

In the room at night.

This is a white lie, and you have to learn to accept it.

And... learn to keep a distance from the village in the future, for their safety.

The boy covered his head in the quilt and responded with a cry.

They stayed in the village for one night and left the next morning.

When Tazmi could no longer see the village, he cried and howled, knowing that he would never be able to go back unless the empire was overthrown.

Noah watched quietly. Ichimonji and Night Raid gave him the first growth, so this is the second growth.

By the time the boy wiped away his tears, his willpower had made great progress again.

This is youth

Teacher, I made you laugh.

It's okay, we should go and receive the night attack.


No, I'm going to Night Raid to make friends.

There are two chapters today, I wasted time reading, sorry.

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