I have only appeared a few times in the past thousand years. In my memory, you are still at the stage when the Teigu was just created.

The character was raised, and the tampering of history began.

Noah has a strong sense of reality in modifying these things by virtue of his own characteristics.

It's just that the impact was too great, and everyone couldn't accept it for a while.

Seeing that the scene was a little deserted, Tazmi came over and acted as an intermediary for everyone.

This is Teacher Noah, the Noah I have been looking for to rescue Hill and Uncle Ichimonji.


In the end, everyone reluctantly accepted this setting.

At this moment Noah clapped his hands.

Okay, everyone, please stop blocking the door. If you have anything to say, wait until you have a word to save Hill.

By the way, Brand, can you please help us carry our luggage? It's a little heavy.

Brand naturally took over a lot of luggage from Tazmi.

This kind of calm familiarity is even better than Chelsea's, and she has the aura of a very kind elder.

Unknowingly, the scene was guided.

And Najiexitan was rejoicing at the news that Hill was saved, and didn't care about this kind of thing.

So everyone followed Noah and walked in.

Hey, how do you know where Hill is?

Chelsea felt a little strange. Isn't this Teigu too magical?

Ichimonji is guiding me. Back then we were inseparable and complete Teigu.

Well, a new concept is thrown out.

Ichimonji's identity, which he had been proud of for so long, was shattered into pieces by Noah in just a few words.

Even if others were extremely curious, they would have to wait until Hill was revived before asking.

Then everyone came to the ward.

Seeing the girl who seemed to be stuck outside of time, the wonderful feeling of independence from the world seemed to fade a lot.

Noah didn't say much, but placed his hand on top of Hill resolutely.

The special fluctuations resonated with the magic weapon in the girl's body, and golden light flew out one by one. In front of everyone's sight, the gold and enamel-embedded scabbard was materializing.

Is this the power that protects Hill?

Well, Avalon, the legendary resting place. The origin can be traced back to thousands of years ago, before the empire was established.

so early?

The empire is only a thousand years old, which is very short compared to the history since the birth of mankind. Don't forget that Susana's name comes from the mythology of a thousand years ago.

It is reasonable and well-founded, and when everyone thinks about it, this is really the case.

There are no historians in this world to explore these things, leaving Noah to scribble in the past.

When Avalon was officially completed, the atmosphere of historical mythology suddenly became stronger, and the ancient fairy writing seemed to support someone's speech.

Noah sighed a little, seeing Avalon in Zhanmei was really amazing.

When he was in the moon shape, he used the scabbard to complete the first burning of the lamp, which could be regarded as leaving traces in his body.

Therefore, only one text can barely break the rules and realize it.

But at this time, the scabbard has begun to transform into the original body of Ichimonji, and the black iron bars flash and appear, which means that the original body can no longer withstand the pressure of fighting against the world.

Break two major rules in a row and force the construction of Avalon.

It is really a choice like a sword, move forward bravely.

If you want to save people and maintain Ichimonji's sanity, which was born due to the rules of the sister-killing world, it is expected to cost a lot.

But just like the other person didn't hesitate to help the boy break the rules, Noah was also the kind of person who didn't hesitate.

Save your companions without considering the cost.

It's nothing more than cutting off half of the source and handing it over to Ichimonji to continue breaking the rules.

His face turned transparent for a moment, and a massive amount of crimson flames were drawn out of his body like blood and condensed into an illusory cup in mid-air.

The temporary Holy Grail has arrived, and Rule 2 is completely opened.

After falling into Avalon, the scabbard shone brightly, as if a genuine, distant utopia had come to the world.

Under the illumination of the golden light, Hill's mutilated internal organs, separated upper and lower body sections, lost blood, and all fatal injuries were forcibly removed by immortality.

It's like stepping back in time and coming back to life.

The light also shattered along with Avalon, and the black iron bars also returned to their original form, but the red light in the cracks was still a little dim.

Noah threw the sword with his backhand and it fell into Tazmi's hand.

The boy needed this weapon more than he did.

Use your blood to infect it and overthrow this dark world, so that Ichimonji can be revived as soon as possible.


The sword is cold, but the hand holding the sword is hot.

He will never fail a second time!

But, teacher you.

Noah's body has become semi-insubstantial, and even people who don't understand anything know that this Teigu seems to have been severely traumatized.


These brave words earned the incomparable respect of those present.

The slight vigilance caused by the sudden appearance was completely dispelled by Teigu's identity and this act of rescuing people.

The first step was successfully completed.

As for the loss of the source, it was indeed serious. From one drop of blood to half a drop of blood, it would probably take two swords to kill a combat power calculation unit like Tazmi.

But it doesn't matter to Noah at all. As long as the fire of this world is ignited and more and more people awaken, there will be a steady stream of power to fill it.

It won't be impossible to cut the world apart when the time comes, and this wave won't be a loss.

While everyone was thanking Noah, Hill also woke up, and his mind and body were recovering at the same time.


With tears in her eyes, the girl seemed to have woken up from a nightmare. She sat up and gasped for air.

He just felt a little confused as he felt his intact body.

She remembered that she had clearly been torn in half and was about to die at the Teigu's mouth.

But this.

It didn't matter anymore. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw the boy he had longed for, and his instinct was to give him a hug.

I'm sorry, Tazmi.

Ma Yin's twin ponytails were self-motivated, and her red eyes were a bit sharp.

Noah always feels that his new disciple can take a different path from others. He is a great swordsman and the commander-in-chief of the ninja alliance. They are all too formal.

We also have to look at our Tazmi’s humanoid succubus.

The friends in Night Raid celebrated Hill's resurrection with laughter and tears, chattering and sharing stories about the girl while she was sleeping.

Najexitan was also in a good mood, Hill returned to the battle sequence, and Tazmi returned with a new Teigu.

The combat effectiveness of night attacks has reached its peak again.

Then there is a lack of information!

After everyone calmed down, they immediately held a meeting in high spirits.

It’s time for the night raid!

In the conference room.

Everyone is very concerned about how Tazmi found Noah and how she escaped from the hunters.

Young Lang very honestly shared his experience with everyone, the legendary progress of love, and the shock of meeting the minister.

He also revealed all the information about the Hunter troops.

Things including Noah replacing him as an imperial civil servant were also revealed.

Even if everyone is shocked by the large amount of information, this is a very serious information acquisition work.

But the way you left the imperial capital was too coquettish.

The emperor's weapons are attacking at night, and the emperor's weapons are hunting people.

Are you planning to break the contract and not go back?

At this time Noah stood up.

Ahem, don't worry, everyone.

Tazmi is a good and enlightened child, and many of the warriors in the hunter army are also good children.

For example, Black Eyes, she just hates her sister's betrayal and the poor people who were brainwashed by the empire.

Her body is also on the verge of collapse under the torture of the Anbu. It is a crime to let such a child go to the battlefield.

Chitong's face darkened, she knew that this was the fate of herself and her sister, and the only solution was to kill her with her own hands.

And Will, who was born in the navy, can be said to be another Tazmi. Their ideas and enthusiasm are almost exactly the same.

Tazmi nodded, feeling that Will would be his best friend if he wasn't a hunter.

It’s just that the other person’s complaints really don’t deserve a beating.

Porus is also one. Lan Geng is.

It's just a matter of position that makes us fight each other.

In Noah's narration, the members of the Hunter Army are more real and three-dimensional.

At this time, Najiexitan interrupted Noah's speech strangely.

You couldn't be more persuaded to surrender at night, right?

Of course not, I am also part of the night attack.

What Noah said was sincere, almost as sincere as what he said when he was hunting.

But then the conversation changed.

I hope you can help me control the hunters, so that together we can burn the darkness for the ordinary people in this land.

Our enemy is not each other, but any group that deprives people of their rights, dignity, and destiny.

Najiexitan felt that there was something wrong with this emperor, a big problem.

It’s like a fantasy, how is this possible? The most critical question is.

Esdeath won't listen to this.

So, I plan to clean up the cancer within the Hunter first. Not everyone is worthy of walking into the sun. I hope General Najiexitan can provide certain cooperation.

Then we will train Tazmi to defeat Esdeath, so that the hunter will become our full support.

In the future, no matter how upright the opponent is, they will be killed by Ye Shou.

Good guy, I even thought of a name. Night Hunting

I didn’t expect that I have to prepare a lot of things for the New Year now, it’s so annoying. I couldn’t finish writing it before, and I was even more annoyed.

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