Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1834 Transformation on the way back to the village

the next day.

Noah took Porus' bento and said goodbye to the hunter's companions.

The relationship between everyone has been really good these days. There are not a few twisted psychos. In fact, these people are also good young people.

It was just to accompany Tazmi back home in glory. He finally made a majestic name in the grand arena.

So, you know.

Will laughed and said that he understood very well, and insisted that Noah and the others bring the sea fish from their hometown, but they were politely declined.

I will bring back some local special candies. The candies in the Imperial City are too boring and lack any special features.

The black-pupiled eyes suddenly became ecstatic.

I will write my own book when I have time, and I think I can give it to you when I come back this time.

Lan smiled and said that he would also prepare some books for exchange.


Well, you hunters are really united.

Fortunately, Esdeath valued Tazmi the most.

A gentle man holding a man in his arms killed him until he almost had a nosebleed. The impact was too strong.

Tazmi followed Noah with a bloody nose.

Mr. Noah, let's get out of the city quickly. Chitong and the others will definitely be worried about me these days.

Tazmi couldn't wait. He was very nervous during the past few days in the imperial capital.

I was worried that I would be exposed, I was worried that my night attack on the base would be discovered by the mysterious Dr. I was worried that Uncle Ichimonji wouldn't be able to hold on anymore.

I can't sleep well every day.

Of course, the thing that disturbs sleep the most is Esdeath appearing in bed on time every night.

It's really torture. Using a young man who is full of energy as a pillow can be called a double torture of the mind and body.

Now that I have left the hunter's station, I feel like the sky is high and the birds can fly.

But he was immediately poured cold water on Noah.

First of all, call me Teacher Noah.

Secondly, go back to the village and give money.

You are a swordsman who has returned home in glory, and you are also half an imperial civil servant. Although your every move will not be closely watched, at least you will be investigated.

What if the enemy touches the night attack base? As you said, the night attack general Najiexitan is an extremely wise person. He won't run away if he can't defeat him.

And your commitment to your two friends has been completed. It's time to explain it to your family.

Noah still believed in the basic qualities of Night Raid, a killer organization.

Especially when strong reinforcements have been brought and Najexitan is still at the base.

Tazmi was silent.

The ups and downs of life in the empire made him almost forget about himself when he left the village.

The village still needs saving.

So after leaving the city, he hurried towards his hometown. The moment he left the city, Noah seemed to have discovered something and showed an interesting smile.

Two groups of people followed them to the city gate and watched them leave the imperial capital.

One party should be the minister. Although he did not deliberately publicize the birth of his humanoid emperor, he could not hide it from the fat man.

Tazmi herself also has an ambiguous relationship with Esdeath.

It is normal to pay more attention to things that affect the power structure of the empire.

The person who can control the government is definitely not simple.

As for the other side, Dr. Fashion, you already have a way to die.

The scientist only made a brief appearance in the hunter base and then disappeared.

The communication with Tazmi also seemed to be testing something. Is this a clue that was missed before?

That's right, with the blessing of omnipotence, it's normal for that guy to see something different.

You don’t even want to study the rare humanoid Teigu in your empire. Your mad scientist persona is broken.

So this kind of tracking method has been used. It seems that the first list of the Hunter's dead personnel has been released.

But it doesn’t matter, these are all minor issues.

The real big problem is Tazmi.

The boy no longer has the evil ghost-haunting Teigu that can transform into a dragon, so how to develop it is something Noah needs to study.

After all, it was a single word that brought the blame, which abruptly changed this young man's life.

A young man who has not killed his sister to sacrifice his life needs a new path of growth. We cannot let this child become a reckless man who kills everyone he sees.

And by the way, some of Tazmi's basic cognitions should be reversed.

For example, the nature of Night Raid has left a deep mark on him.

Najexitan left a lot of good impressions on the child as a rebel in the south, and the idea of ​​having a good life after overthrowing the empire was really absurd.

It seems that the darkness of the empire will be eradicated by then.

But it is a bit naive for a killer organization to say such things, especially a righteous killer organization.

Many evils are caused by ideas, systems, culture, productivity and other reasons.

These problems will not be solved after changing the ruler.

Judging from the rebels' actions of handing over land in four directions in advance in exchange for troops, the nature of the other party is not that noble.

Changing dynasties and reshuffling the cards can indeed allow ordinary people to temporarily live a better life than before.

But this is just reincarnation.

No matter how good the banner is, a world that has not been completely demolished and rebuilt carries original sin.

So Noah decided to make Tazmi the light of the new era.

The other party has already shouldered this responsibility since he was recognized by Wado Ichimonji, and he will only help a little.

As for breaking down the three concepts and reshaping them, I am very good at this.

Many disciples have come through this. Although it will be more painful mentally and mentally, after seeing through the layers of fog, their path will be smoother.

The country boy was not particularly affected at the moment, so it would be easier to transform him.

Noah said seriously.

Tazmi, do you know how to improve your strength?

Practice seriously.

The boy's answer was as expected, but it was too innocent.


Serious cultivation is the foundation, but there are countless people throughout the empire who are practicing seriously. This alone cannot help you challenge Esdeath.

Even if one text gives you the foundation of swordsmanship in Wujian, it also helps you decipher the rules of the world.

But the gap between the strongest and ordinary people is like a chasm, and you should be able to feel it.

Tazmi couldn't argue.

He had no idea how he would fight Esdeath.

He used almost all his strength in the battle in the grand arena, but in the end he was easily defeated.

So the young man looked at Noah with hopeful eyes. He definitely didn't say that for no reason.

“There are limits to the color of seeing and hearing, there are limits to the color of armed force, but there is no limit to the color of overlord.

There was once someone with such power. Split the mountains, cut off the sea, cut the world apart.

This is the most brilliant original power of human beings.

Tazmi recalled the fleeting scenes she saw when she swallowed the burning blood, and she understood a little bit.

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