Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 185 Dressrosa Massacre

Looking at the sun, it's almost time and it's time to take the stage.

The dragon who wrapped himself tightly looked at Noah and said.

Where are you planning to show off? If you are too deliberate, your secret will be exposed.

Don't worry, I'm visiting an old friend. I heard that he is doing very well in the new world and has a name.

Red-haired Shanks?

No, Tenyasha Doflamingo. I didn't expect that this guy left Beihai and asked for the title of Shichibukai with the World Government. Tenyasha is quite fierce.

At present, the King's Shichibukai produced by the World Government have not been collected yet, and several of the Shichibukai from the original works have no chance to appear.

For example, Bartholomew Big Bear and Jinbei are both members of our revolutionary army.

There is no news about Moonlight Moria either. He may have died in the foggy sea that year. I don’t know who the World Government can find to replace the seven missing three of the first generation Shichibukai.

Seeing Noah excitedly going to find Doflamingo, Long Zhen felt sad for that Tenyasha.

Beihai was first chopped down by Noah and almost lost his life. Later, he held an auction and was ruined by himself. After finally making it to the new world, he was targeted again.

I heard that he is now living in Dressrosa with the Don Quixote family. He will definitely not do anything good. Maybe he just wants to steal the country or something like that. As a vanguard of justice, we must be incompatible with such people. Therefore. I'm going.

After saying that, he opened the door with the pointer and left. Long shook his head and went to his ambush location to wait for Noah to join him.

At this time, in Dressrosa, Noah really got it right. Doflamingo was using conspiracies and tricks to try to seize power in this country.

This King Riku is really a fool. He even believes in the words of 10 billion Baileys, blah blah blah blah. This is just the beginning.

At this moment, Doflamingo is sitting on the high wall, watching King Riku kneeling to the citizens and giving speeches to borrow money. It is really interesting. I am Tenyaksha, how could it be so easy? Sent away. When I capture this country, won’t all the treasures still be mine?

The heart that was hurt in Beihai has been made up for a bit now. The new world is still interesting. First, rob the sky gold, then get the name of Shichibukai, and then rob a country. This is the life of a pirate.

In the past, I was still conservative in Beihai. There were many ways to plunge the world into chaos. As long as I capture this country and sell arms like crazy, the whole world will fall into war.

I heard that there was going to be a war over there in the South China Sea, but it was a pity that it was too late, otherwise the arms factory would definitely have made a lot of money.

Okay, it's almost time. It's boring to always watch King Riku delivering affectionate speeches on TV. It's time to put on some new drama. I hope he likes it.

Raise your left hand and spread your fingers apart, as if controlling a puppet.

Parasite thread!

King Liku, who had just finished kneeling down to make his wishes, suddenly found himself moving uncontrollably. He couldn't help but draw his weapon, put his bow and arrow on his back, mounted his horse, and went out to kill.

No, what is this? Damn it, get out of the way! Damn it, I can't stop!

The palace guards were casually killed by King Liku. The war horses continued to rush towards the villages and towns, and the camera bugs also aimed at King Liku who was rushing towards the crowd.

A sense of fear suddenly enveloped him, what would this evil force do to manipulate his body! Massacre the people of Dressrosa!

No, stay away from me. My body is out of control. Who will stop me?

The civilians in the distance were still immersed in King Liku's shocking kneeling. I am deeply moved by this country and this king. Seeing the king going out, he was even more happy to greet him.

What greeted him was a blow to the head, and blood spilled out like a fountain, splashing all over King Liku. The blood of the people makes the king cry. No matter what, he is no longer a qualified king.

The killing continued. Seeing King Riku sitting on the horse and involuntarily taking lives, watching the king shed weak tears, Doflamingo's long-distorted heart felt a burst of joy, baaaaaaaaaaaaa, this is it. confusion!

King Liku, you are not worthy to be our king, you despicable scumbag.

In order to defraud us of our money, you actually used this method and killed your own people. You are simply an evil ghost!

The abuse from the people before his death intensified King Liku's heartache. He no longer asked for forgiveness. As long as someone could kill him, that was his only request.

Standing on top of the tower, Doflamingo felt that this was too few kills. There were still many diehard loyalists to Dressrosa, so let's extirpate ourselves from this country together.

Parasite thread!

Raising his hand to the sky, a line of torrent flew over the country, and then accurately linked to the soldiers and ministers based on the positioning of the sight and color.

This, my body is moving on its own, how is this possible!

No, King Riku was controlled by such power to kill people. Stop it, you bastard.

The palace door was broken open, and a group of soldiers and ministers joined in the killing. People shed blood on this night, flames were ignited all over the town, and the country became a stranger overnight.

The desperate people could not help but let out shrill wails.

Whoever it is, come and save us!

As more and more petitions like this are issued, Doflamingo knows that the time has come. He will save this country as a hero, become the king of this country, and take back the territory of Don Quixote's family 800 years ago.

While the people were waiting for death, a group of figures appeared behind him and kicked away the incoming soldiers.

You, who are you?

My name is Donquixote Doflamingo, and I'm here to save this country.

Torrepol, Barka, go clean up the garbage in this country.

As Doflamingo's four cadres took action, King Riku's army was quickly defeated. Although the people were a little scared because they were pirates, they cheered when they saw that they saved their lives.

‘Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, the ordinary people are so stupid, they are born to be ruled by my noble blood. Dover was immersed in the smooth implementation of his evil plan. This feeling of having everyone under control made him addicted.

With the fall of the last King Riku, the plan to capture Dressrosa has come to an end, and it's time to receive the fruits of victory.

Taking the steps of a victor, Doflamingo walked up to King Riku. Looking at the king in front of him who wanted to die, he sneered a few times.

People, you are safe.


An overbearing color mixed with anger struck from afar, and the dark clouds pressed down like the wrath of the sky, and the mental oppression directly swept across the entire island.

Dover's eyes flashed red, Not good!

Thank you all for your support. Today is the beginning of a new month, and I have a little surprise for my readers.

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