He originally thought that he would be kicked out of the palace, but who knew that this did not anger the witch, but instead aroused the other party's inexplicable aura.

The emotion in his eyes is even more frightening.

Esdeath tried her best to restrain her desire to conquer the other party immediately, pretending to be reasonable and took Tazmi to the treasure house.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she would never let the boy go.

‘Tazmi, who decisively refused, is also very handsome. ’

In this way, the boy was led by the witch to the outside of the Teigu Treasure House. There were not many people checking the strongest general along the way.

Well. Since it's a treasure trove for storing imperial gear, it should be.

Because the value of a Teigu varies from person to person.

Esdeath knew what Tazmi wanted to ask. The defense measures here were indeed not that tight.

The empire initially valued the Teigu that ensured its continuation.

The 48 Teigu from thousands of years ago all represent a magical power, and each Teigu user can play a role in affecting the situation of the war.

But after so many years of evolution, human beings are making progress, smelting technology is making progress, and science is making progress.

Many powers that were previously taboo are being mastered by more people.

For example, guns and bombs brought by gunpowder. The biochemical modifications brought about by medicine and the exploration of the human body by spiritual sects like the Imperial Fist Temple are all increasing the strength of most people.

Therefore, the gap in combat power between Teigu users and non-Teigu users is getting closer.

The Teigu user is increasingly unable to compete in front of large armies, and the encirclement and killing of thousands of people is enough to destroy many strong men in the past.

Coupled with the setting that it cannot be activated if the fit is insufficient, as well as the inability of ordinary people to use the two imperial weapons, and various special disadvantages, this special weapon becomes more and more embarrassing in the internal battle sequence of the empire.

The status of the Teigu user is visibly declining.

It can only be said that the most powerful person can become a super-standard existence if he cooperates with the Teigu, but the ordinary strong person can only cooperate with the Teigu.

After explaining the situation, Tazmi was somewhat silent.

Indeed, the current Teigu user's main battlefield is assassination and destruction of the rear.

Of course, I'm different.

As long as I am here, no one in this world can compete with the empire.

Esdeath is very confident. This is the confidence that comes from fighting in all directions and killing 400,000 foreigners.

There is no point in facing her with an army of millions.

During the final battle, the witch alone blocked all the troops of the Revolutionary Army and many Teigu users, and it was impossible to see where the limit was.

Countless creatures perished in a miraculous ice wall, and this was the Teigu user with the highest degree of compatibility.

In terms of destructive power alone, only the Supreme Teigu can rival it.

So her confidence is based on facts.

Tazmi felt heavy in her heart. The opponent's strength in the battle in the arena was just the tip of the iceberg, and she didn't know if Uncle Ichimonji was sure he could compete.

Or that mysterious Noah.

Esdeath talked about her strength without any secret, and this kind of bravery put heavy pressure on the young man.

Of course, what is more stressful is touching hands from time to time, or looking at someone with affection.

The two of them walked all the way to the deepest point and met the minister.

Minister Ernest was described by Najexitan as the source of corruption and the end of the empire's darkness.

Even though the status of Teigu users within the empire has declined a lot, not everyone can obtain the divine weapons that represented the prestige of the emperor thousands of years ago.

Therefore, the person in charge of the treasure house is Minister Ernest, who is beyond ordinary people in terms of ability and character.

Tazmi didn't expect that the first time she would see each other would be at this time.

He just looked like a fat old man with white hair and an ordinary face.

But there was an aura in his eyes that made him very uncomfortable, like a rotten swamp.

And this pool of pollutants is looking at me like a cargo.

General Esdeath, this is it.

Yes, and she is still my chosen lover.

Declaring sovereignty and love, the style is as direct as ever.

Tazmi was numb. Esdeath would probably say this whenever anyone asked.

The minister was surprised that such human beings actually existed. Esdeath's five words were simply a joke.

Of course, his city would naturally find nice things to say, and his eyes even changed when he looked at Tazmi.

This young man has the greatest potential to influence the empire and must be treated with caution.

Oh~~~ He is indeed a talented person, and he is a perfect match for you.

In a few words, he praised this unknown country swordsman several times, which made the witch feel very happy.

Tazmi, on the other hand, gave up observing after just a few glances at the beginning.

Although he was close at hand, he had no chance to kill the source of the trouble.

Esdeath is really too strong.

After the greetings, the minister opened the door to the Imperial Treasure House.

There are countless items, swords, gems, and even strange plants that emit special waves in the treasure house.

There are Imperial Equipment, strange objects, and bodies of extremely dangerous species here.

But none of this is worth the cup trapped in chains at its deepest point.

The red flame burned at the mouth of the cup, and the fluctuations emanating from it made Tazmi's heart begin to resonate, and two flames also lit up in her eyes.

This is - Noah!

Uncle Ichimonji said that he can confirm it as soon as he sees it.

This clear designation of goals did not make Esdeath look surprised. Before she came, she had determined what was best for the boy.

He directly opened the chain blocking the cup.

It seems that burning blood is the most suitable power for you.

Tazmi walked over step by step.

The burning blood in the cup suddenly erupted with terrifying heat, and the heat wave in the treasure house directly forced the minister, an ordinary person, to retreat to the door.

The minister's eyes narrowed.

If I remember correctly, this is the burning blood from the East China Sea, a product similar to the Teigu. After research, it seems to be the blood of a creature similar to the devil.

So is it possible for the empire to give birth to another strongest one?

The combination of the strongest and the strongest? I wish this boy could be as pure as Esdeath,

The minister is worthy of being a minister, and he knows a lot of secrets and information.

After the emergency, he immediately thought of the changes in the situation within the empire. Being able to control the government depends on more than simple flattery.

Under the gaze of the two people, Tazmi stood in front of Burning Blood for a long time.

What's wrong?

Esdeath, how did you obtain the Teigu in the first place?

Drink it.

After Esdeath finished speaking calmly, she realized what Tazmi was hesitating about.

How to drink blood with a flame three feet high is really a problem.

She was also a little dumbfounded, who knew that the burning blood that was originally just a small flame was now so active.

How about I freeze you?

Need not.

Tazmi swallowed nervously, and then thought of her friends who came to the imperial capital with her, of the extremely angry commissions Leonai had accepted, and of lying in the night attack base. Hill thought of himself who hated and was powerless in the suburbs.

It's time, I need strength!

Holding the cup in both hands, there was fear and suspicion in his eyes, but mostly anger.

The minister at the door and Esdeath on the side all saw what this kid was going to do.

He wants to drink it alive!

The moment the flowing fire poured from the cup, Tazmi had let go of life and death.

The flames entered the throat and ignited everything.

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