Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1831 The minister’s concern

A cup of blood entered his throat, and violent power surged through his body like a landslide and tsunami.

Tazmi's soul felt extreme pain, and fire swept through his body.

It seems that this blood has its own judgment. Anyone who does not have the will to change the world can never use this power.

And does the young man have such courage?

Of course not.

He was just a swordsman who drew his sword angrily after seeing the darkness in the imperial capital. Until now, his own path has always been to eradicate evil.

One text only taught the power of swordsmanship, and Noah's thinking and knowledge were not at all.

So the blood did not recognize Tazmi at first.

At this time, the fire that had been left in Ichimonji's heart before he left began to beat, and the invisible fluctuations began to resonate with the blood fire in his body.

As if the heat had found an outlet, the terrifying flames began to gather in his heart.

The shadow of death has not been lifted yet.

Then Tazmi's soul seemed to be pulled out of her body and drawn into an inexplicable perspective.

Fishing village, killing. His perspective is that of a young child being dragged roughly.

Tazmi mentally connected with the owner of the perspective, but the owner of the body had no emotions at this time.

The scene changes rapidly, from the dirty slave ship, to the slave mark branded on the shoulder, and finally returns to the sea.

The perspective once again stopped on a small island, and a dark-skinned little girl approached with the breath of life.

Then the huge, unreal tree in the middle of the island began to burn.

From Tazmi's perspective, a weirdo who used the power of ice like Esdeath appeared, and a crying boy.

Finally the red power comes.

The subsequent scenes switch very quickly, and they are basically wandering in the sea.

When he stopped again, the owner of these two perspectives transformed into a savior on the red continent and saved many slaves.

After that, he moved to another sea area and established his own stronghold, with more and more people following him.

Tazmi saw the Great Steel Wall on the sea, thousands of white sail warships, and the extremely terrifying modern war.

Freeze, flames, light, sword energy, and magnificent attacks filled the sight.

Death, blood, smoke, and countless corpses gave Tazmi an unprecedented impact.

People were dying every minute and every second from his perspective. After seeing the cruelty of the battlefield, he finally understood what war was.

But why?

No one answered Tazmi's doubts.

Because after a big war, there is preparation for the next war. Battles large and small, never-ending wars, run through the life of this perspective.

When he returned to the red earth again, he began a decisive battle with the indescribable gods.

Then the perspective fades, and the second journey begins again, and then the third.

Tazmi passed through many places as if on a whim, but every time she arrived at a new place, it would eventually start with a war. The war ignited the continent and the stars.

In the end, stars fell like rain, and red flowing fire descended here.

He knew this was the origin of Noah's blood.

So what does He mean?

War, still.

Tazmi, who was in a daze, felt her soul twitch and began to twist and roll back to her body.

My body felt refreshed, and I didn't know where the scorching heat had gone.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the remaining surprise in the eyes of Esdeath and the minister in the distance, as well as the messy treasure trove all around.

The water flowing on the ground and the abnormal distribution of water vapor in the air seemed to tell him that something extraordinary had just happened.

The two of them were really surprised by Tazmi's look just now.

They saw with their own eyes the flames bursting out of their bodies and sweeping across their bodies.

The temperature forced Esdeath to build a wall of ice around the boy.

The ice that could freeze countless people was melted by the terrifying high temperature this time, making the witch's eyes freeze.

Although she was just doing whatever she wanted, even the magma in the southern volcano couldn't melt it. Tazmi

If the flames hadn't harmed the boy's body, she would have interrupted this stage of Teigu resonance.

Then a terrifying aura was emanating through the ice wall, making Esdeath's pupils shrink, it was very familiar.

It's death, blood, disaster, war.

Although this kind of aura is not strong, the intensity within it is countless times stronger than that of suppressing and killing foreigners on the border.

How could anyone surpass me in war?

Even General Bude couldn't do it.

Could it be that the burning blood is the blood of a god of war?

The minister also felt a different atmosphere.

He is just an untrained ordinary person, but the evil in his heart can even more sense the arrogance rising in the young man, just like the blazing sun patrolling the sky, all kinds of conspiracies and calculations in his heart can't hide.

It's a really disgusting aura, somewhat similar to the natural enemies that scattered across the imperial capital on the Day of Fire.

However, the current aura on the young man's body is more domineering and complex.

The three people in the field all had various thoughts, but they all became curious at the same time after Tazmi's resonance ended.

Burning Blood is in the treasure house. What changes will happen to the first qualified person in these years?

Will it have ability bonuses that are comparable to the strongest?


Tazmi took a deep breath, calmed down and felt the difference in herself.

Body, no change.

Domineering, no change.

The fire in my heart has not changed.

Hmm. As incredible as it is, there really is no change.

So where did this sip of Noah's blood go?

The young man was a little embarrassed. It was the kind of thing where everyone, including himself, thought it was time to take off, but in the end, he didn't even jump on the spot.

I'll help you develop your abilities after you go back and rest.

Although Esdeath felt strange, Tazmi must have changed differently.

Anyway, she still has a lifetime with her little man in the future, so she is not in a hurry.

So he thoughtfully took the young man away.

The minister stood at the door of the treasure house and blinked, a little confused, but he knew that this person deserved attention.

I will collect all the information about this boy when I get back.

Suddenly it was the next day, and when Tazmi woke up, she still didn't see the expected changes.

This is a bit numb.

Although you are trapped in an enemy camp, there is always a way to escape.

At that time, he will need Noah's power to save Uncle Ichimonji and save Hill.

After drinking this fire, there was nothing but reading a historical story.

Esdeath sent comfort in a timely manner, saying that she too

Regardless of yourself, other Teigu users are no better than you after being recognized, so just slowly tap into your potential.

The aura of war that broke out yesterday was so obvious that after the night attack was resolved, she would take the boy to the front line to try it out.

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