Tazmi, a young boy from the countryside, felt like he had been hit by some hallucinogenic Teigu.

Although he no longer had any strength in his body, he could feel the pain in his bones and muscles, and even the frostbite on his skin was stinging his nerves.

But there is absolutely no problem with my will.

But what did he hear?

Esdeath said she liked him

Is it similar to sympathy between rivals, or...

It was just Esdeath's words that followed.

Let's talk in my room, two of us

Even Tazmi, no matter how stupid she is, can feel the smell of pink. Isn't this the plot in the art sold by Rab?

Is it just that this thing is so exciting?

Night attack

The twin ponytails on the back of Ma Yin's head moved without any wind, like the tentacles of an octopus, eager to pull Taz back.

Lubbock, on the other hand, was envious and jealous. Damn it, Tazmi was indeed a succubus in human skin. Even the legendary witch was

Others also had their own reactions, but they were abnormal anyway.

Come on, the boss has long revealed that Tazmi is the trump card against Esdeath, especially the crazy battle the boy fought today proves this point.

Everyone firmly believes that the boy who picks up the Teigu again is definitely qualified to become the strongest.

They were all waiting for Tazmi to try to exchange for Noah with victory in the Coliseum.

But now your home has been stolen, or your home has been burglarized?

Could it be that the trump card the boss mentioned is actually not what we understand, but a beauty trap! ! !

The shock shook her heart, and Najiexitan's heart collapsed one after another.

She really deserves to be that witch, her style of doing things is bold, and she robs a good boy in broad daylight.

But then he showed a confident smile.

Tazmi is not the kind of fool who will be conquered. He is a swordsman who has experienced setbacks and spiritual baptism.

The kind of courage that dominates the world will not be inferior to others.

So she was the first to regain her alertness. The three beast warriors and hunters were still wandering around the imperial capital, so they had better retreat quickly.

Several people could only leave the imperial capital driven by the boss.

By the way, I pray that my little brother can successfully complete the task.

The scene changed, and Tazmi was lying on the bed in the palace, being examined by a doctor.

In the battle just now, the boy risked his life to fight the witch, and the various injuries on his body looked extremely tragic.

Fortunately, torture is particularly prevalent in this world, and the understanding of human body structure is also very detailed.

Therefore, the development of medicine is so advanced that even amputating hands and feet and modifying the human body can be easily accomplished.

Not to mention just a skin injury.

The initiator of these injuries sat quietly and watched all this like a little woman.

She was hesitating about what to do next. Esdeath, who had no experience in love, was thinking about such a problem for the first time.

At this time, Tazmi was not the young boy with a clear smile in the original time, so it was not possible to wear a collar or directly pull her into a hunter.

Esdeath recognized that this little man was already a strong man.

Yes, even though he lost to Esdeath, it was Esdeath who let a lot of water go.

But the witch still recognized that the other party was a strong man, a swordsman with the arrogance of Lingyun.

Those eyes that burned until the last moment of the battle were so beautiful that she couldn't forget them when she thought about it.

She didn't want to see such a beautiful color lost from her life.

After the simple bandaging, she seemed to have made some decision.

Tazmi, as the winner of the Grand Arena, you can get the reward of this battle.

Official position, money, beautiful women, everything is fine.

There was some expectation in Esdeath's tone.

Is the Teigu okay?

The upright boy's answer was very direct, and he asked the question without even probing.

After all, it was still too difficult for Tazmi to learn disguise and detours, so I took this opportunity to ask directly.

He was prepared for rejection.

Fortunately, Esdeath's brain circuit was also abnormal, so she readily agreed to this request.

A good Tazmi is a Tazmi who desires strength. Of course, it would be great if she also desires herself.

She decided to wait until she had time to ask who among her subordinates had experience in love and marriage. Since she was the strongest in the empire, she had to be the strongest in this aspect.


She thought about what that familiar aura was during the battle.

The memory goes back to two and a half years ago.

At that time, Esdeath was already the most famous general in the empire. When she returned to the imperial capital, she accepted the national reward.

Just go to the treasure house and select the Teigu.

Because the Teigu must match the wavelength of the Teigu user before it can be used, there will be a lot of idle equipment at each stage.

When she was rummaging through the treasury to pick up imperial equipment, two of the most special containers were sealed.

One portion is the manifestation of the devil and the essence of the devil.

The extremely terrifying Ice Teigu. It is made from the blood of a super dangerous species that is said to live in the far north. It was previously contained in a pot, and everyone who drank it went crazy.

She drank it all in one gulp in front of the minister, and those ravings that could drive people crazy were common to the witch who had long been accustomed to madness and enjoyed chaos.

Relying on his crazy will, he easily subdued this power, making his reputation as the strongest even more stable.

This is a process of mutual achievement.

There is also a second sealed magical item in the treasure house, Burning Blood Noah.

There are 48 Teigu records recorded in the empire, but this one is not among them.

The true purpose of this thing cannot even be confirmed. The recorded origin is the burning blood salvaged from the East China Sea, and the light that has not been extinguished in the storm.

The previous generations of Teigu users and scientists were able to confirm that it contained terrifying power, so it has been kept in the treasure house.

Back then, Esdeath also looked at it several times, and that kind of throbbing from the depths of his soul was an incredible reaction.

She chose the Devil's Essence just for reasons of compatibility.

Looking back now, I feel that Tazmi and the burning blood are similar in color.

It's the kind of red that burns everything.


Tazmi, are you willing to join the Imperial Force?

This way we can always be together.

Very abrupt question.

Esdeath's straight hit caught the boy off guard. In the novel, shouldn't the process of falling in love involve all kinds of pulls and misunderstandings, and then both men and women go through all kinds of hardships and finally gain sweet love?

He really couldn't accept the style of the imperial capital.

I reject.

So he also expressed his rejection very bluntly.

Even if he lies, he is not willing to do it, and even if he loses the chance to get Noah, he will not agree.

The blood of Sayu and Iyeas still remains in his heart, which is an accusation and unwillingness to the darkness.

So I don't even want to pretend.

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