After all, even if there is a gap in hard power, the fight can be like this. The swordsmanship that surpasses the instinct of the beast plays a key role.

Return to the field.

After being besieged for so long, Tazmi is still feeling the edge of the empire's strongest sword.

The speed increase of the other party also stimulated the growth of his knowledge, and he could somewhat understand what the breath of the sword was.

The young man's talent was already top-notch, but after Hedao Yiwen's rough development, it reached a subtle level.

At this time, he was absorbing Esdeath's battlefield-style swordsmanship like a sponge.

Combined with Akatomi's assassination style and Uncle Ichimonji's Frost Moon Kendo.

He is slowly making his own way.

Then, the counterattack begins.

Something like black airflow seemed to appear on the young man's arm and sword, and the armed color could finally be stably entangled after countless collisions.

The strength gap was finally recovered a little.

The change in posture from defense to offense gave Esdeath a different feeling.

The young man was suppressing himself with pure swordsmanship. There was nothing subtle about it, he just delivered the right sword at the right time.

Beautiful Tazmi

Esdeath wants to see how much potential Tazmi still has.

Use the power of the sword to retreat to a distance.

She decided to use the Teigu.

It wasn't that he couldn't continue the close combat, but that his bloodthirsty instinct was activating.

Now the only way to ensure that Tazmi is not hurt is by using the Teigu.

Icicles several meters in diameter appeared out of thin air and charged towards the boy.

This huge body does not allow any escape route at all. From the front, it is no different from an ice wall flying towards it.

The young man held a sword, and the black weapon color was wrapped around the blade.

Breathe, breathe, feel the breath of the sword.

The blue ice wall in front of him disappeared from his eyes, and instead he was completely black.

He felt the wind pressure in front of him, the cold air, the steel-like wall, and his own strength.

Raise your sword and chop it down.

The huge icicle began to break from head to tail, as silky as if it had been cut through a piece of paper.

The moment the icicle shattered caused a sigh in the arena.

What a shocking scene.

Compared to the icicle, the boy had a petite body and a smaller sword, but what ended up being shattered was the incomparable icicle.

The extreme contrast made everyone watching excited, and even louder cheers overturned the arena.

He actually blocked it?

The three beast warriors lying on the side were dumbfounded. How could someone reach such a level with swordsmanship.

And why?

Don't you even hide? How could it be impossible for a young man to avoid it at his speed?

Your Majesty, please keep it in check.

Niu's face was full of reluctance.

Even if he holds back, it's not something ordinary people can stop. This young man will be our colleague in the future.

Levi had already seen Tazmi appearing next to Esdeath.

Ye Xi was also sweating all over just now.

Esdeath used the Teigu. Although he could see part of the opponent's combat power, it was too dangerous for Tazmi.

Chelsea was confused.

Why didn't Tazmi stay away?

Brand and other old members understand why.

Because there are ordinary people in the arena behind him, and he doesn't believe that Esdeath will hold back his strength and avoid accidental injuries after he dodges.

Chelsea admitted that she had a crush on the boy after knowing the truth.

Although his behavior is stupid, he is really handsome.

Esdeath also saw her lover's choice just now.

.What a gentle man.

Is the persistence in the heart justice? Or what?

That familiar feeling appeared again. She must have seen a similar scent somewhere.

But since the little man didn't want any accidental injuries, she should restrain herself.

With a wave of his hand, countless transparent ice walls rose up from the ground, surrounding the tightly inlaid seams of the arena.

Tazmi was a little confused when she saw the so-called most cruel imperial general, who seemed to be different from the rumors.

Then gave a sincere smile.


Little did he know that the violent storm's attack just now had no effect, but this smile caused real damage.

Esdeath pretended to be calm, but in her heart she began to fantasize about a life together.

Careful, I'm going to be serious.

The young man's reminder made Esdeath wake up to the fact that he must respect his lover in battle.

Then defeat him early.

Then the ice and snow storm began, and there were countless icebergs in the ruthless wind and snow.

When the ice fell like raindrops, everyone saw the scene of the young man's defeat.

The person who attacked at night hoped that the boy would admit defeat immediately. This was no longer a killing move that he could resist without the Tei Gear.

Only Tazmi herself didn't.

Uncle Ichimonji taught him a lot, but he never taught him to give up.

Of course, only cutting off the head is the pause in the intermittent world, and nothing else counts.

So this young man doesn’t even know what it’s like to admit defeat.

Looking up, the will in his eyes passed through the wind and snow to Esdeath without any hindrance.

Tazmi extracted all the power she had and forced herself to concentrate all her haki.

The power of cutting through steel returns.

Draw the sword, swing the sword, speed up, faster.

Surrounding himself with the colors of knowledge and weapons, the black sword light wraps every inch of his space like a ball of light.


Sparks bloomed around Tazmi. Some of the countless sparks penetrated the boy's clothes, some scratched his earlobes, and some hit his body and felt a sting.

But the swing of the sword will not stop!

Countless icicles will only turn into powder when approaching, disappearing into the air together with the sparks.

After the last shot of ice shattered, the young man's stubborn figure came into everyone's eyes.

With his clothes in tatters and his body covered in blood, this is a man who will never give in.

The storm subsided, the ice and clouds dispersed, and everyone no longer knew what else to do besides roaring the boy's name.

The eldest brother even went shirtless and roared, Leonai also smashed the guardrail in front of him, and Najiexitan, who was known for his calmness, even stepped on Lubbock's back and cheered.

There is everything in the arena, who cares about the noise caused by the night attack.

Only Tazmi knew that her physical energy had been exhausted from the wild dance just now.

He only has the power of one sword left.

Then charge.

Rush in front of the enemy.

The young man strode forward without hesitation and launched his final charge towards the strongest.

Esdeath, from the moment the boy broke up the ice and snow, he could no longer control himself.

She knows what the other person needs, which is the respect of a warrior.

Tazmi, I will fulfill your dream.

An ice dragon soared from behind. The dragon's body, which was several hundred meters long, spread its fangs and claws in the air with majestic momentum.


The ice dragon swooped down and moved towards the unyielding young man along the ring.

Tazmi didn't dodge either.

What came to his mind was what Uncle Ichimonji said about his past and the many stories in Sword Hill.

Steel is the body, and fire is the blood. The blood flow is like iron, and the heart is like glass.

He is also a swordsman.

The young man moved forward like a giant black dragon.

The collision between the ice dragon and the black dragon determined the winner in an instant.

Amid the swirling ice and snow, Tazmi pierced the head of the 100-meter-long dragon and killed Esdeath behind it.

Even though the frost was freezing his body, even though the remaining dragon tail was dragging his body.

But the direction of the sword never wavered.

The witch stood there without moving. She was the strongest in the empire and was qualified to watch the boy's final call calmly.

In the end, the sword edge was only an inch away from Esdeath's chest, but the boy was already frozen.

The battle is over.

This gorgeous battle left everyone mesmerized.

The man who attacked at night changed his face drastically and was about to rescue his companions.

Esdeath unfrozen her face with a blushing face.

A young man who snapped his fingers unlocked the door, but then fell into a warm embrace.

You will be mine from now on.


I like you.


Tazmi was a little confused. How could this plot develop to this extent?

The Night Raid people who were crossing the guardrail fell down directly.

Ordinary people may not be able to hear what is said on the scene, but they all hear it.

Is this a tactic? still.

Then Tazmi, who had lost all strength, could not resist at all and was hugged by Esdeath, a princess, and left without looking back.

Najiesitan said she needed to go back and figure out what was going on.

Tazmi should be fine. Night attack and retreat.

It was a little awkward at first, but in the end it felt a little better.

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