Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1825 The situation is reversed

The second foreign aid is the legendary biological humanoid Teigu.


Assigned to Najehitan by the headquarters. This Teigu was originally made to protect important people, and his character is meticulous to the point of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He is also very proficient in housework skills. He can do everything from cleaning to laundry, and he is good at over 1,000 kinds of cooking.

As soon as they met, he tried to save Tazmi's clothes that were messy due to training.

However, because there was no rescue battle in the original timeline, everyone had some doubts about the combat power of this housekeeping type Teigu.

Okay, let's have a meeting!

The boss returned this time with not only support but also information about Noah.

Her focus on Hedao Yiwen is not much less than that of Tazmi.

A large amount of information about Noah has been obtained from the headquarters for screening. Among them, there are three pieces of information that I think are the most likely.

Three materials were displayed directly.

One of the treasures treasured by the Chancellor of Finance, the blood-red treasure taken from the Western aliens, is named Noah. It is said to have the property of never wearing out.

Ma Yin was a little stunned. She was of Western mixed race, and there were some legends about this eternal gemstone in that place.

There is an officer under General Bude named Noah Rice. He was born in Anning Road and taught at the Imperial Fist Temple. He once killed an alien Teigu user with the Imperial Fist Temple's Hundred-Split Fist.

Brand felt that it was very troublesome. General Bude's prestige in the imperial army was higher than that of Esdeath. He was another kind of strongest.

Unknown Blood: Noah. The magical item in the empire's treasury. It is said to have terrifying power comparable to the appearance of the devil and the essence of the devil. Countless people have tried it so far, but no one can touch this handful of hot blood. , seems to be burning all the time.”

Well, the last one is the hardest.

It was an imperial treasure house, and only two or three people in the entire country could enter it at will.

Even the revolutionary army has no way of snooping there, and a night attack may be completely destroyed even if all troops are deployed.

We can only hope that it’s not this Noah.

This is the information filtered out by the revolutionary army through all channels in the past 20 days.

Everyone began to discuss around the three pieces of information.

Finally decided to check out the first two first.

If it's just about stealing the chancellor's treasure, just leave it to me.

Chelsea was the first to take on the mission. Her Gaia foundation had no bonus in combat, but it was definitely a top-notch Teigu in terms of infiltration.

Even if she didn't kill, she wouldn't attract the attention of the Imperial City Guard. This mission seemed dangerous, but in fact she was somewhat confident.

As for the second Noah.

Noah Rice's residence is very close to General Bude's residence, so don't alert others. Tazmi will know if he is the Noah you are looking for after taking a quick look.

Najiexitan is not a brainless fool. Kidnapping is an action more dangerous than killing, especially when the opponent is a master of the Imperial Fist Temple.

Besides, the disappearance of General Bude's men is definitely not a small matter.

So if the mountain doesn’t come to see me, I will go see the mountain.

This thinking ability is the key to her ability to secure her position as the boss of Night Raid.

As for the final imperial treasury, it is a matter of eliminating the two simplest options.

Finally, the members who were not wanted by the empire also acted together and began to collect intelligence on the imperial capital and accept commissions.

It's time to let those people know that we are back.

With Najiexitan's order, the night raid that had disappeared began to move again.

In the imperial capital.

Tazmi clenched her fists as she watched the darkness come to life again.

There is something in my heart that is ready to move, and I really want to burn out all this darkness.

It's just that the mission is important, and he is approaching General Bude's mansion step by step.

Hey, boy, stop.

But he was stopped before he even got close.

A young man with blue hair and a tall figure stood in front of Tazmi, letting the young man secretly prepare for battle. Was he exposed?

The general's residence is ahead. It will be dangerous to approach it.

The passionate young man Will, as the most upright man among hunters, could not see a simple country boy mistakenly entering an official's residential area and being executed.

In the twenty days since he came to the imperial capital, he had seen darkness that he had never seen in several lifetimes.

If it weren't for his bounden duty as a soldier, he might really have made a mistake.

Even so, there were several times when he was not captured because he was protected by Esdeath.


Thanks so much for the reminder, and you are?

The passionate young man raised his eyebrows and raised his tone a few pitches.

I am Will, the ace warrior of the Empire's special guard force, the Hunters!

The intelligence leak was complete, and even Tazmi felt that the upright-looking young man in front of him was a fool.

However, their similar aura made the two of them hit it off immediately, and they unexpectedly clicked together.

Will saw his own shadow in Tazmi. It was too dangerous for a simple countryman to stupidly plunge into the whirlpool of the imperial capital.

Hahahaha, you just came from the country and plan to make a name for yourself in the imperial capital, right? Then I tell you that you must go to the grand arena hosted by Lord Esdeath.

The winner can make a request, it can be an official position, a bounty, or even a Teigu.

By the way, do you know what the Teigu is? The Teigu is.

Will is not a big talker who can talk about everything. For example, he did not say anything about Esdeath using the arena mode to select the opposite sex to become a spouse.

Although this little guy's eyes are very clear, he is still a little short. He probably won't be able to catch the eyes of adults. It's better not to let the other person have illusions.

Finally, he enthusiastically took Tazmi to visit Noah Rice.

Will said when they parted.

I don't know why I always feel like you and me.

Tazmi agrees.

It’s just that everyone is destined to be enemies.

What hunters hunt is night raids, and the targets of night raids are also hunters.

At this moment, he understood the pain of fighting each other because of different stances despite being good people.

On the other side, Leonai went straight to Esdeath happily, and then the Lion King was scared away by the devil.

That monster-like aura and sense of danger had completely suppressed the Teigu's wildness.

Is this human?

It's a terrible monster to be able to sense death.

The boss actually hopes that Tazmi can compete with this ghost in the future. I really didn't expect it.

The eldest sister immediately retreated from her heart. She couldn't make such a meaningless sacrifice, so she should go to the market to transfer the commission.

Esdeath looked at the direction of Leonai's retreat thoughtfully.

It's really prudent, but why haven't these rats taken action for so long?

You always need to control your temper in the imperial capital, but the border is more fun.

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