Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1826 The sword is the strongest

As he spoke, he covered a shop in front of him with frost. Several alien assassins were frozen without even being able to get close, along with the ordinary people around him.


And others are taking action, too.

As the owner of his own bookstore, Lubbock began to re-contact intelligence agents in the imperial capital.

However, most of the large network he compiled was destroyed within twenty days.

The enemy is consciously destroying everything.

The little green hair, who has always been smart and never arrogant, immediately sank under the water and began to spy on intelligence again in his own way.

Ma Yin, on the other hand, walked the streets openly and did her best to collect information.

Looking at the execution platform that reappeared, she understood that the dangerous situation in the imperial capital was completely different from before.

The raging darkness made her realize the role of light.

At night, in the night attack base.

That Noah Rice is not the Noah I'm looking for.

Tazmi was a little disappointed. The other party was just a powerful imperial officer of the martial arts faction. There were no disgusting deeds under General Bude. He turned out to be a rare ordinary person.

Chelsea proudly threw out the ruby ​​collected by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

It is indeed a gem that is so beautiful that it makes people enchanted. Ma Yin's eyes have been completely covered by the buling buling.

Neither is this immortal gem.

Tazmi handed it to Ma Yin smoothly, and received the girl's gratitude. She was unwilling to ask for the gem from the hands of that annoying Chelsea.

The young man is worried.

Uncle Ichimonji said that Noah would be something that he could be sure of just by seeing it.

None of this feels special.

That would be tricky, it might really be the burning blood in the empire's treasury.

Putting this issue aside for the time being, Najiexitan asked everyone to collect intelligence on the imperial capital.

The next thing everyone said was bad news.

The revolutionary army's intelligence department within the imperial capital suffered a huge blow. Many strongholds were eradicated. Even my bookstore was raided twice.

Lubbock, the owner of a pornographic bookstore, played his true character, and he was investigated twice just for this, which shows the current situation.

The empire has established a new special police force called Hunters. All of them are Teigu users. The specific information is unknown. During this period, large and small criminal dens near the imperial capital have been cleaned up.

Esdeath held a grand duel competition in the imperial capital. The requirements are for men to have a hearty smile and superior combat power. It is said that the first place can make a request and receive an astonishing reward.

Tazmi made a new friend named Will, a good and helpful person.

I wonder if Esdeath will give the good brother a set of torture after knowing who the mole is.

Leonai punched the table to vent his anger.

Someone is posing as a night raider to intercept and kill the client, making it difficult for the client to continue the business.

No one comes to me except those who are really helpless and willing to sacrifice everything.

But even so, I got it.

Just hearing it makes you want to cut those beasts into pieces.

The darkness of the empire is truly inexhaustible.

Najiexi nodded, this situation is inevitable.

With Esdeath in charge, the wealthy merchants and nobles in the city are intensifying their efforts to vent their desires and avenge the fear caused by the previous killings by the Fire of Rebellion.

After all, people with twisted psychology will regard the previous flinching as shame.

Every piece of information everyone brought back was very difficult.

And I discovered a problem, that is, everything is related to Esdeath.

Is she really that strong?

Ma Yin asked, and Najiexitan said to everyone very seriously.

No one is allowed to assassinate that witch in any form without my order.

Tazmi has lost the power of Hedao Yiji.

Now the whole night attack may be annihilated if we go together to encircle and kill them.

Everyone naturally obeyed such a serious order, but how could they carry out their work like this?

Night Raid is a very purposeful assassination organization, and the headquarters has already squeezed a lot of tasks out of the list.

There are also demons in the imperial capital, and innocent people are dying miserably every day. How can we remain indifferent?

At this time Tazmi stood up.

Uncle Ichimonji's time is running out, he can't sit still and wait for death.

Didn't Esdeath hold a duel competition in the imperial capital? Just let me go.

Take first place and then ask for it.

Najexitan thought about it and realized it was feasible.

Although Tazmi acted in a high-profile manner after coming to the imperial capital, there are still no living witnesses to see her true face.

Besides, with his current skills, no one under the Teigu user can compete with this little monster.

This is also the only possible safe opportunity to come into contact with the Burning Blood.

In that case, while others go look for the group of people pretending to be a night raider, Tazmi, you can do it yourself.


Although everyone is worried, this is a man's choice and they can only support it.

The Imperial Capital Arena on the second day.

The next challenger is Swordsman Tazmi!

The young man now took the stage as a swordsman and attracted the attention of countless people.

Although there is no such title as swordsman in the empire, this name sounds domineering.

Coupled with the temperament and childish appearance that look like a country boy at first glance, the contrast makes it full of drama.

Is this how to return the favor to the swordsman?

The little arms and legs will be discounted by Wu Fuwu.

Get down, kid!

A bumpkin from the country!

Despite all the ridicule from the people in the audience, Tazmi's eyes remained unchanged.

He didn't even pay attention to his opponent, and he didn't listen to the referee's introduction.

Because besides getting first place today, he also has to do something big.

So these appetizers are just steps to build momentum.

Esdeath, who was at the top, felt a hint of interest. There was something unusual about this young man.

Game start!

With the referee's withdrawal, the opponent could not wait to kill this arrogant boy.

Then the moment the two bodies intertwined, the winner was decided.


The boy's voice spread throughout the quiet arena, and five seconds later a cheer that could shake the clouds erupted.

The ultimate flip brings the ultimate pleasure.

Next! Next! Next!

Even ordinary people can see that the boy is already overwhelmingly powerful, and they want to see if this handsome boy can continue to fight.

And Esdeath waved her hand to let the fight continue, her rules were the rules.

One, two, three, four, five.

From early morning to night, the young man seemed to tirelessly defeat the masters who showed off their prowess in the past few days. Here were top soldiers from the border forces, wandering killers, and captains of the Imperial Army.

Apart from eating and drinking, he rested for less than an hour. There was infinite terrifying energy in that small body.

The body will be sluggish, the muscles will be sore, and the bones will ache, but the will will overcome everything.

His most powerful thing is his will, and he has not wavered in his will until now.

Esdeath felt her hands itching, as if she had seen herself when she was a child. Such a bright soul was really...

The last challenger, muscular man Kalbi!

Interracial hybrid, 9th Dan of the Royal Fist Temple, broke the spines of 12 opponents in the previous competition.

And this Kalbi's face was a bit ugly. The tireless boy opposite him was definitely his enemy in life.

Little dwarf, it's time for you to reach your limit!


Tazmi said that after being tempered by the endless hell, her body may collapse, but the battle will last until death.

Explosive Iron Fist!

With violent wind pressure, Kalbi made a desperate attack.

Then the boy's figure disappeared from the eyes of the 9th Dan of the Royal Fist Temple.

What! Why so fast! over there!

Relying on his honed instinct, he used his arms to block the back of his head.


The little giant was kicked out, and the arena ring was smashed with a crack, causing a burst of dust.

Kalbi groaned in pain, shook his head and stood up reluctantly.


You are strong.

The calm Tazmi gave a fair evaluation in a timely manner.

Then Kalbi went berserk, a compliment that was nothing short of mockery.

I'm strong, so you who kicked me away are even stronger.

Damn it, look at me bursting.

Where did it go again?

The young man disappeared from sight again.

Kalbi's violent blood solidified instantly, the breath of death froze his body, and he actually surrendered.

His mind was disconnected, and the strong man who fought to the end lost consciousness because his spine was severed.

In the current combat power system, there will be no second outcome for those without Teigu when facing Tazmi.

The final winner is the swordsman~~~~~Ta! Z! Mi!!!!!!

The referee's cry ignited the emotions of everyone in the arena.

Tazmi! Tazmi! Tazmi!.

The huge arena seemed to turn into a fireball, and this place has become Tazmi's home court.

The cheers of the crowd made the young man smile.

But this smile is for our companions in heaven.

Make a name for yourself. Sayu, Iyeas, I did it.

Smile is the emotional transmission that spans life and death, and is the will to resist that persists through darkness.

The eyes were so clear that you could see the young man's heart, which was a fiery and sincere heart.

This smile broke the heart of the aloof Esdeath, and she knew that she was in love.

This is the other half I have been looking for, so beautiful.

But everything hasn't stopped yet.

Tazmi did not stop after completing the gathering.

The sword on the young man's body was like an erupting volcano, and the fire of war made everyone feel the burning sensation.

Is there any peak worthy of this swordsman's challenge?


The young man raised his sword and pointed it at the highest point.

Esdeath, let's fight!

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