Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1824 Night Raid Reunion

The False Mountain special training has temporarily ended after 20 days.

Brand, the hot-blooded big brother, felt that he was about to be squeezed dry by this little brother.

It was okay at first, Tazmi was just doing simple training.

Brand's main role is to help the opponent avoid fatal danger, and occasionally play a role as a thrower and rescuer.

But when it comes time to train his weapon, he has to become a competent opponent.

Whether you are assisting in capturing wooden beasts or serving as a training partner yourself, it is a very physically demanding task.

Tazmi's body became more and more abnormal.

At the beginning, the two of them fought without using any Teigu, and Brand had the absolute upper hand.

He is an orthodox empire warrior who can kill a hundred men, and his boxing and kicking skills are naturally good.

Moreover, the training of the body to adapt to the haunting of evil spirits has never stopped.

But it was as if Tazmi had opened some kind of limiter. Her physical progress was astonishing, and her speed and strength were increasing abnormally.

Every time you are injured, as long as you continue to take in nutrients and eat a lot of meat, you can recover quickly.

Then continue the high-intensity battle on day 2.

Soon the boy surpassed Brand in terms of pure physical strength. Combining it with his knowledge and color, he gained an absolute upper hand in the battle.

At the end of the fight, the eldest brother had to change into a ghost.

Use the power of the Teigu to forcefully suppress Tazmi.

But this boy is like a piece of ore. After being forged countless times, he is slowly fading away from his past body.

The inhuman body still grows without any restrictions.

In the end, he used the power of his body to defeat the evil spirits.

Although he did not have the upper hand, this performance still shocked Brand's eyes.

To fight against the Emperor's user with a human body?

So what is the significance of the founding emperor casting 48 imperial tools?

Then where is the honor of killing a hundred warriors in my empire?

I'll wait, wait, Tazmi, let's take a break.

Then Brand's suffering came. The armor-type imperial equipment haunted by evil spirits was very terrifying in terms of physical energy consumption.

He must retreat after fighting for a while, otherwise the armor will bite him back.

The Teigu, which is made from Tyrande, the most violent and dangerous species, has an instinctive greed for life, and the user is even in danger of being transformed into a dragon.

The embarrassing thing is that each battle between Brand and Tazmi consumes more energy.

So on the contrary, he was also being tempered simultaneously, passively enhancing his ability to control the evil spirits.

Long-term and high-intensity fighting is also very draining on the spirit.

Here we can see the results of Tazmi's special training in the Eternal Hell.

It's like he controls his body with complete willpower. Even if he has broken bones, even if his feet are shaking, even if he is seriously injured, he can stand up again and again.

With an outrageously strong will, he forced himself to continuously break through.

Two figures were fighting on a steep cliff. One wrong step would result in them being shattered to pieces.

But neither party hesitated.

The roar of the collision of weapons was endless, and endless sparks flew between the spear and the sword.

Every time she wanted to give up, Tazmi would think of the battle in the Imperial Capital, the lost uncle Ichimonji, and the sleeping Hill.

Then using the power of the heart as a guide, he exploded again, almost like a sit-up.

Brother!! Keep going!!!


Finally, Brand forced an end to this special training on the 20th day.

If he continues practicing, he will die.

Tazmi also felt that she had initially integrated the fire left by Uncle Ichimonji, and that the elder brother was a bit weak.

The two returned to the night attack base and were warmly welcomed by their friends.

The young succubus had already become the most popular figure in Night Raid with his clear smile, and Brand had no choice but to find Lubbock to comfort each other.

Tazmi! Have you grown taller?!

Leonai was a little surprised, because when she hugged the boy again, she found that the position was wrong.

The boy's head used to be on his chest, but now it's on his neck.

About 5 centimeters taller.

This kind of thing is like a miracle to many people who are concerned about their height.

Ma Yin and Lubbock's eyes were red. Can special training help them gain weight?

Everyone started to fight and make noise again. This is the style that Night Raid can persist in such a cruel world.

Face suffering with a smile.

In the dead of night, Tazmi went to visit Hill.

He didn't want to cry in front of everyone, so he could only go at this time.

Turning around, he met Chi Tong.



Hill was still lying on the bed without any change. Both his injury and condition were exactly the same as 20 days ago.

Her nails and hair stopped growing.

But the muscles did not atrophy, the skin did not change, and the wounds remained the same, as if they were frozen outside the world.

Is this Utopia?

Chitong looked at Hill who seemed to be just sleeping, with a sad look in his eyes.

Well, as long as Uncle Ichimonji's power can be maintained, Hill will not die.

But what Tazmi didn't say was that Ichimonji's power was declining.

He could feel that Utopia was a bit more illusory than 20 days ago. If

Will completely lose Hill and Uncle Ichimonji.

Damn it! Tazmi secretly vowed in her heart that she must find Noah and gain stronger power to protect everyone.

The next day when everyone was discussing, Najiexitan returned from the headquarters.

Also brought two strong reinforcements.

Chelsea, a long-haired beauty who wears headphones, has a lively and cheerful personality and is very friendly to others, but she also likes to joke and play pranks.

Teigu: Free Transformation·Gaia Foundation.

It allows the user to transform into anything according to their wishes.

She has almost no frontal combat power, but is very suitable for assassination and reconnaissance. She is also the fastest girl from the beginning to the end among the Zhanmei.

Chelsea will assist us in our next round of operations against the Empire, as well as help Tazmi find Noah.

When Najiexitan asked for people from the headquarters, she naturally knew what was most lacking in the night attack.

It's time to obtain deeper intelligence in the imperial capital that has become a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

Leonai's behavior of obtaining commissions and information from the market is already very dangerous.

There is a high probability that every subsequent commission will become a trap.

Therefore, it is very cautious to enter the imperial capital now.

Not every time Tazmi falls from the sky.

Chelsea also quickly integrated into the night raid.

And as soon as they arrived, they found suitable targets for teasing, namely Ma Yin and Tazmi.

Ma Yin was very unhappy.

This woman can always touch her sore spots easily.

Tazmi, on the other hand, had a hard time resisting such an outgoing woman. After several confrontations, she was completely defeated, which made Chelsea even happier.

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