Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1821 The Empire is Furious

Bloody Day in the Imperial Capital.

Nearly three thousand Imperial troops died tragically in the suburbs, bleeding like rivers.

The investigators were attracted by the crows flying in the sky and the crazy dangerous species.

The moment they saw the two soldiers, they went crazy. Just witnessing the tragic scene would break their spirits.

There were no living witnesses at the scene, and everyone was beheaded on the spot.

The ground was soaked in blood, and the traces of the battle were like a battlefield with tens of thousands of people.

A Teigu user even died, and the shattered Teigu remnants were also found at the scene.

This is a loss the Empire has never experienced in recent years.

The nobles were horrified, the ministers were outraged, and the entire empire was outraged.

In order to find out the truth of the matter, they used countless methods to invite various strange people to the scene to investigate.

He even captured Zanke, who was playing a murderous game in the imperial capital, and ordered him to use his imperial equipment of five-sighted omnipotence to observe the scene.

This murderer can usually be calm, but he is like an ant in front of the empire that is fully mobilized.

It only took half a day to find him, and he was dragged over like a dead dog with his limbs broken.

Dr fashion and other professionals were also present.

Experts who saw this scene for the first time were also stunned.

It's really an exciting battlefield. The Fire of Rebellion will definitely be the perfect test subject.

Dr. Fashion led his modified men on the battlefield to frantically dig for all clues, trying to piece together the truth.

They also got a list of all the people who were assassinated in the Imperial Capital on that day, as well as various surrounding clues.

There were three Teigu items involved, and the resources spent were terrifying.

After exhausting all means, the truth of the matter was finally restored.

Two members of the Night Raid carried out an assassination mission, and it didn't matter that Chibur was dead.

Here is the evacuation route for the two of them.

The guard's Teigu commander Sailu discovered the traces of the two men and intercepted them, and immediately summoned a temporary expedition force.

It can be said that whether it is calling for help or intercepting, it is a perfect step.

They have analyzed the traces left by the two night attack members from the blood stains on the ground. One of them can be confirmed dead based on the degree of bleeding and the remaining organ tissue.

The other one was probably seriously injured or even captured.

Both Zanke and the Cyborg Eyes, Ears and Noses discovered fiber debris in the hands of several dead Imperial soldiers.

However, a third party arrived at this time.

Although the results of the investigation were unbelievable, the truth was that this third party killed more than two thousand imperial troops, killed the Saiyu Emperor's Arms user, and completely crushed the Hundred-Armed Titan of the Emperor's Arms on the spot.

And the person who caused this tragedy was the rebellious fire that they hated so much that they gritted their teeth.

After the appearance of the third party, a familiar change occurred, although it was not the falling of sparks all over the city.

But the mental shock that comes with dark clouds and thunder and lightning is the same style.

What's even more deadly is that about 2,000 soldiers were killed without resistance, which means that mental shock is a group attack skill.

The usefulness of numbers in the face of the fires of rebellion is greatly reduced.

From the traces, the opponent also showed terrifyingly powerful swordsmanship, physical skills and physique that were comparable to the biological Teigu, and the maximum attack limit could crush the Teigu itself.

There is also the determination to kill without scruples, treat all beings as equals, and kill wantonly.

After all, everyone present died regardless of strength.

Even the minister's face looked very ugly when the report came back.

The other party is a very terrifying, determined and unreasonable monster.

I originally thought that the rebellious fire was a heroic figure bound by morality. He has countless ways to deal with this kind of person.

Justice is a tool that can be used in this world.

But the other party's actions of killing so many ordinary soldiers without hesitation were beyond his control.

A monster like Esdeath?

That's too bad.

Ahem, where is General Esdeath?

We can arrive at the Imperial Capital the day after tomorrow.

That's good!

At this moment, all the senior officials present were rejoicing that General Bude would not protect politicians like them at all, but would only protect the civil servants of the conscientious faction.

Once Esdeath arrives, everyone's safety will be somewhat assured.

We can't do nothing.

So the reward for Rebellion Fire was updated to 100,000 gold.

At the same time, this matter has been spread among the people. Such a big death incident cannot be hidden at all.

The fact that the Sword of Sanction killed nearly 3,000 imperial troops single-handedly shocked the world.

Before anyone knew about Esdeath's great achievements in the border area, this hero also wore a bloody cloak in everyone's minds.

Many criminals immediately restrained their minions, after all, the sword of punishment is really killing.

The prestige of the Night Raid had grown, and the Empire's prestige had begun to decline.

It seems that after the appearance of an iconic flag, many people have a subtle change in their hearts.

That is the empire. It is not an invincible existence.

No matter what the empire and the people thought, the atmosphere in the base that was attacked at night was very heavy at this moment.

Tazmi returned alive with her companions.

Ma Yin's broken arms were serious injuries and would not be a big problem after treatment.

Hill was now in a coma, and the two torn body parts were put together. The hideous wounds were forced to recombine by an inexplicable force, leaving ugly scars.

What's worse is that the internal organs in the body are fatally missing. Several sections of the torn spine are missing, and only one-third of the blood in the body is left.

The claw that Xiao Ke tore open left irreparable damage.

After inspection, everyone thought it was strange that the body was still alive and breathing.

A unique power remained in Hill's body, protecting her life.

A faraway Utopia. A product projected by Uncle Ichimonji after breaking the rules.

As long as it lasts, Hill will never die.

After Tazmi said this with a calm face, he fell down.

Uncle Ichimonji used his body to explode with unrivaled power in one minute, so the injuries left on his body were not light, especially since the physical exertion had already reached its limit.

Along the way, I relied on my will to go beyond the limits of my body to survive.

Everyone was in a hurry to check Tazmi. The biggest problem was that they were exhausted and overdrafted.

As long as you get a good night's sleep and replenish your nutrition, you can recover.

Then came the explanation process of Ma Yin.

As the only surviving witness, her account was more detailed than the Empire's report.

After hearing this, everyone was amazed.

How desperate Tazmi must have been in such a desperate situation.

And to counter-kill the Imperial Army in that situation is simply not like a human being.

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