I can only say that I am lucky in misfortune.

The young man fell from the sky and paid a heavy price to save the two friends who were attacked at night, and protected his inner beliefs.

Hill's life and death are still uncertain, and Ma Yin will have to be out of combat for a while.

The biggest loss should be that Tazmi's Teigu was temporarily dormant in Hill's body.

But as long as you survive, you still have a chance.

They are all experienced killers, so they naturally understand that this ending is already very good.

Najiexitan returned to the study alone to meditate, but there was still a bit of horror on her face.

She did not expect that the young man could rely on that magical imperial weapon to unleash such terrifying combat power, almost destroying the defense forces defending the imperial capital.

Let's put it this way, Brand's most important achievement in the Imperial Army that year was to kill 128 people in one battle and win the title of Warrior Who Killed a Hundred Men.

Tazmi, on the other hand, killed more than 2,000 Imperial troops in one battle, including even a Teigu user.

At that moment, the boy's burst of fighting power really made her see the possibility of fighting against Esdeath.

In particular, the ability of Wado Yimonji is even more mysterious.

It can actually evolve from a weapon type to a special form to replace the Teigu user in battle.

There is even a miraculous ability to save people's lives without any logic.

In reality, it is even more insane than the killing of Wushuang. It is a miracle that even the founding emperor who forged the 48 Imperial Gears has never seen.

Najiexitan has issued a hush-hush order on this matter, and nothing related to the resurrection will be spread, including the headquarters.

The human heart cannot be tested, darkness is everywhere.

Therefore, the most important task of Night Raid at present is to help Tazmi regain control of the Teigu.

After the boy woke up, Najiexitan immediately arranged a private conversation.

Tazmi, I have sealed the fact that Hedao Yiwen has become a distant utopia, and you don't want to tell anyone.

Tazmi knew that this was the boss's protection, and he did not expect that Rule 2 would have such a big impact at first.

As for the method to save Uncle Ichimonji, I also told the boss.

Looking for Noah, it might be a person, it might be a book, it might be a drop of blood, it might be a gem.

This is too broad, and by definition Tazmi needs to see or come into contact with him to tell what Noah is.

Najexitan felt that this could be reported to the headquarters, so that the headquarters could mobilize all the intelligence departments in the empire to look for people, books, blood, stones and other strange objects or people.

All information called Noah is conveyed, and it must feel very unique at a glance.

Even if you can't help Tazmi with the confirmation, you can use the power of the Revolutionary Army to complete the preliminary screening work.

She herself has to go back to the headquarters to report the information about this bloody day in the Imperial Capital.

At the same time, seeking assistance, Hill has completely withdrawn from the battle order, Ma Yin has to temporarily withdraw from recuperation, and the others are not suitable to continue the mission now.

The Empire has gone crazy, and any assassination attempt could be a trap.

Even according to the intelligence, Esdeath will return in the next two days, and it is necessary to supplement the night attack with personnel to face the dangerous situation.

“Tazmi, there will be no missions for night raids during this period.

Take a good rest and practice well. After you have done such a shocking thing in the imperial capital, these are not the only things you will face next.

Najiexitan said seriously. ,

Tazmi nodded seriously. Now he no longer has the qualifications to be willful.

Because someone will always pay the price.

I will do whatever it takes to protect everyone.

The young man felt the spark of fire left in his chest, and he knew that this was the seed of power left by Uncle Ichimonji.

Rule one.

The next day, Najiexitan set off again to return to the headquarters after exhorting everyone to seek support.

Chitong, Leonai and others also started training, and Tazmi was not the only one who was sad about what happened to her companions.

There is anger brewing in everyone's heart.

The boy at night also met Chitong, who pretended to be strong during the day. The moment the girl cried and expressed her heart, Tazmi made a vow.

I will become stronger, strong enough to protect everyone!

After recuperating, he went to the Mountain of Falsehood with Brand to practice.

On the mountain road, Brand was explaining to the boy the dangers of the mountain, such as the ubiquitous wood beasts, who were very good at mimicry.

Because of this dangerous species living in groups, this place has become the most dangerous area near the imperial capital.

Just as he was talking, he was attacked.

The young man's eyes lit up with a faint red light, and he saw it.

He dodged sideways, then drew out a new long sword and slashed out the wooden beast's one eye without looking back.

Then he held the sword with both hands, turned around, and slashed!

The huge monster was hacked to death on the spot.

Oh! Tazmi! Very good, you can discover this kind of dangerous species that is good at camouflage in advance!

The eldest brother gave him a warm compliment. Tazmi's perception was getting stronger and stronger, and she was still growing rapidly even if she lost the Teigu.

He is indeed the new ace in the night attack.

Only the young man knew that this was the color of seeing and hearing in Rule 1.

The fire left by Uncle Ichimonji is taking root.

The great power belongs to oneself

He needs to be familiar with the most basic power of accommodating, and then he can protect everyone by performing at his best level that day.

When we go down the mountain, we will look for Noah.

Brother, I will walk blindfolded next time. If it's not life-threatening, don't worry about me.

Brand, this little guy is really stimulated.

We are still on a mountain road, and not to mention the wooden beasts, if we just fall down, we will be shattered to pieces.

But it doesn't matter, the abilities attached to the evil ghost can be fully matched.

Then let's start the passionate training, Tazmi!

Imperial capital.

The atmosphere in the capital today is very unusual.

The legendary Northern counterinsurgency general Esdeath has returned.

The general with the three beast warriors was not in the mood to visit the torture department, but came directly to the palace.

She was originally finishing up in the North and was temporarily recalled to deal with a killer organization called Night Raid and an enemy called Rebellion Fire.

This aroused a lot of interest in Esdeath at the time.

After all, the alien race could no longer bring her any pleasure, and even the alien prince who was rumored to be the God of War in the North had become a dog under her feet.

It just so happened that the minister gave me a very interesting goal, which could relieve the boredom.

As a result, they received a series of urging letters on the road, asking them to speed up.

It seems that the enemy has done some terrible things in the imperial capital again, making those cowards eager to accept her protection.

Interesting, that old stubborn Bude still doesn't take action?!

At this time, the witch's interest in the rebellious fire is no longer a simple concern.

When she was approaching the imperial capital and learned of the tragedy that happened the day before yesterday, a terrifying light appeared in her eyes.

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