Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1820 There is always a price to pay

He was angry, angry that his power was too weak, angry that he was cowardly, and he did not dare to carry out special training because he was afraid of endless death.

Angry at everything about myself.

If you can achieve the power that Uncle Yimonji said can be attributed to yourself, you may be able to protect your companions.

The young man's reason collapsed at this moment.

I'm sorry, Uncle Ichimonji, I may not grow up to what you expect.

I'm just an ordinary country boy.

After saying this, Tazmi decided to fight to the death.

To avenge Hill and rescue Ma Yin.

He would rather sacrifice himself here.

The words Hedaoyi are unexpectedly understandable.

A young man who came out of the village and encountered changes had to face this situation in less than a month.

It’s self-evident what he will do when his blood boils.

[Tazmi, even the invincible strong man will have regrets. 】

[If he could exchange for the two people in Demon Valley Town back then, he might also be willing to give his life]

[Human beings, that’s what they are. 】

But how can the fate of a young man stay here?

If Noah were here, he would agree with me to do this. After all, the new fire is the hope of this world.

The fire reappeared, the iron bars began to burn, and scorching power erupted from the sword.

[Origin, burning. 】

[Borrowing the concept of constant - light! 】

What the word Hedao Yiji burns is the origin of the sword. Just like Noah, it burns the enemy and can also burn itself to illuminate everything.

It is the spiritual wisdom born due to the rules of Zhanchi World's Imperial Equipment. Although its essence is unimaginably high, its origin is not strong.

This time, it wants to save the man holding the sword from regret.

[Young man, the most powerful essence of Wado Yimon is breaking the rules. 】

[Rule 1, domineering, come. 】

The shadow of the middle-aged swordsman stepped out of the sword and looked at the underlying rules of the world. The seeds of domineering power broke through the sword and came to the outside world.

There seemed to be a sound of glass breaking, and the Supreme Emperor's instrument in the palace suddenly trembled, causing the entire capital to tremble.

The one-word shadow felt the malice of the world, so it fell into Tazmi's body.

The will that takes over the body at this moment is the supreme sharp sword, the red sword, the immortal blade, the light, and the word peace.

The fire in his eyes was almost visible to the naked eye, and 'Tazmi' spoke.

Numbers are meaningless in front of the strong.

Let’s start, overlord color!

Dark clouds gathered over the imperial capital, with lightning and thunder! It indicates that a terrifying power different from the Teigu is about to appear.

Everyone looked up. They didn't know why they did this, but their inner guidance told them that the sky had changed.

And the power that has been brewing for a long time finally blooms!

boom! ! !


With Tazmi as the origin, a red torrent surged out, slapping in the direction of the imperial army like a spiritual tsunami!

The red tide of several hundred meters made people feel panic, sweeping across the sky and the earth in all directions.

Countless soldiers couldn't bear the impact and fell to the ground.

Imperial Army, reduced by 2000+

Although the remaining elites are very scared, if they escape in the face of the fire of rebellion, they will be sentenced to death by the ministers.

And those who can become elites in the imperial army are not idiots. They are eager to make meritorious deeds and still fight against fear.

‘Tazmi’’s eyes flashed red.

Everyone's movement trajectories in a few seconds were pre-read, and the young man calmly dodged all the attacks with neither fast nor slow steps.

The top application for predicting the future and seeing things.

Cooperate with swordsmanship and feel the breath of all things.

Then cut everything off.

Drawing the sword, murderous intent and death filled the battlefield, and a bright moon rose from the battlefield. The glow of the moon wheel sheds endless cool air.

What followed was the blooming of blood, and no matter how elite they were, they were already dead the moment they saw the moonlight.

The ultimate sword, invincible.

The imperial army was defeated, and no one could escape even if they wanted to. Hedao Yimonji's attack destroyed the sacred immortals and Buddhas, and split the world apart. When it comes to murderous intentions, he is only inferior to Noah.

Even the guards who were knocked down were not spared by Yuehua.

When it pays a huge price to take action, it must see rivers of blood and mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Ma Yin was stunned. In the blink of an eye, this place was like a mass grave, and more than 2,000 imperial troops died.

Is this Tazmi?

No, is this the power of Wadao Yimonji?

Sailiu, who was unable to move, was furious and could no longer control his emotions the moment he saw the fire of rebellion.

The other party also slaughtered all the imperial troops in front of her. This is a devil and a natural enemy of justice.

The destroyer who will kill even if it costs everything.

Xiaoke! ! !

The giant beast pounced, bringing with it violent wind pressure.

Armed colors.

The young man raised his dark left hand.


A circular shock wave exploded from the intersection, and the huge force shook the ground into powder.

But the young man remained motionless.

The huge monster was firmly caught by the tiny human arm, and the forced transition from extreme movement to extreme stillness made people want to vomit.

I said it's not difficult to pick up the Imperial Instruments with bare hands.

Then he punched out and knocked the hundred-armed giant to the ground.

boom! The ground cracked.

What kind of biological Teigu is nothing more than that!

The dog-shaped monster in the pit let out a miserable cry, and its body was twitching as it reorganized countless times. This pain went straight to the soul.

Hedao Yiwen is showing his domineering power unscrupulously, sweeping everything.

But Tazmi's body consciousness felt a panic.

At this moment, he was united and felt the disappearance of the middle-aged swordsman.

[Don’t worry, there is a price to pay for breaking the rules of the world. 】

【But it’s worth it. 】

Ba Tang!

Black and purple lightning wrapped around the sword body, and the overbearing power cut off the hundred-armed giant mercilessly.

Any regeneration core is useless in front of Ba Tang.

The hundred-armed giant fell.

When the last flying slash passed by, Sai Liu also fell together.

It's completely quiet here.

It takes less than a minute.

This is the terrifying sight of what a strong person who breaks the rules can do.

The burning of Ichimonji's origin has come to an end.

It pieced Hill's body together.

Young man, although you can only grow into a hero after experiencing a blow and resurrecting from the ashes, but... you still have no regrets.

[Rule 2, method 3, come. 】

The middle-aged swordsman walked out of Tazmi's body, became one with the iron bar again, and then transformed into a scabbard decorated with gold and blue enamel, with long-lost elf writing in the middle.

Projection completed. A distant utopia.

Immortality has the ability to heal the holder's injuries and stop aging.

It's just that the shadow of the scabbard is extremely illusory and seems to be about to break at any time, which also symbolizes that the origin of the word Hedao has been exhausted.

[I could only barely protect her life. 】

[If you want to save me, go find Noah. 】

[It may be a person, it may be a book, it may be a drop of blood, it may be a gem. 】

[In short, you will know what Noah is the moment you see it. 】

[Young man, I hope you won’t cry again when I see you again. 】

The scabbard sank into the two parts of Hill's body. Light flashed, and the dead girl resumed breathing.

Tazmi seemed to have grown up at this moment.

He picked up Hill and took Ma Yin away from the Shura battlefield where more than 2,000 people were killed.

But the young man left in tears.

He lost his sword.

The plot has been temporarily changed, so we can no longer continue to behead the girl.

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