Revolutionary Army!


This hit Spangdam's heart. If anyone had to take the greatest credit for catching him now, it would be Noah from the Revolutionary Army. If he is caught, it will be really serious.

Even if it wasn't Noah, catching someone else would be a great achievement. As for the revolutionary army, the World Government just kills each one. Can this achievement be achieved?

Facing Spandam's expectant and doubtful eyes, Terzog smiled softly.

To be honest, the revolutionary army is so elusive that it is naturally difficult to capture information. But by chance, we accidentally got a piece of information about the enemy of the world - Noah.

And the information is 100% accurate. He will definitely appear at a certain location in a few days. I wonder if Lord Spandam is interested?

Noah! ! ! Spandam was shocked, are you so wild? Although you pretend to be calm, your hands are shaking.

How dare I believe what you say?

Sir, you are joking. The South China Sea Federation is here and cannot escape. Who dares to lie about such a big thing as Noah? We will not be able to cope with the thunderous wrath of the World Government.

When it comes to his own political career, Spandam doesn't dare to believe it easily.

This information must tell me how it came about before I can report it. As long as I have merit, your benefits will not escape.

Tezog clapped his hands, and two soldiers came in from the door, carrying a bag. Reaching out and pulling it open, there was a frozen corpse inside.

Is this evidence?

Spandam has the anger of being fooled, the kind that no amount of treasure can suppress.

Our person in charge of the Grand Line's intelligence is dead, but the information was revealed before he died. The sword wounds on his body and the remnants of domineering energy can still be sensed. Give it to the people in the World Government who have fought with Noah. You’ll know just by looking.

Besides, if this information can really be investigated again, then it will be safe.

After listening to Tezog's words, Spandam reacted, too. Even if it was reported to the World Government, someone would have to be sent to confirm again before launching the siege plan.

At this time, Spandam's eyes when looking at the corpse were not so fiery. Compared with this, those beauties were nothing.

Can you tell me the information now?

Sir, we have paid for the intelligence, and you also need to express your opinion. Otherwise, how can we rest assured?

Think about it for a while. The white wolf with nothing would definitely not work. Spandam decided to seek help from the sidelines. He couldn't even control the water.

Let Tezog arrange a secret room, take out the phone bug, and contact his father Spangdyne. The two father and son conspired again to find out whether the information about Noah's whereabouts was worth the price.


The World Government wants to kill this guy so much. The reason why the bounty is not raised at the moment is because raising it will be useless and will only make him more prestigious. In fact, in the black market, the bounty has surpassed Roger and Whitebeard, and has firmly ranked first. The first throne. If this guy can be surrounded and killed, Lord Wulaoxing will be rewarded.

Spangdain then hurried to see the Five Old Stars.

Knowing that there is a chance to eradicate the serious troubles in his heart, Wulaoxing is also very active. This guy Noah has caused too many troubles, and the emotions of the Celestial Dragon in Mary Joa can hardly be suppressed. If Master Yimu is alarmed again, he will be blamed for death.

So, maybe there really is accurate information about Noah, right? Then it can be granted a position as a world alliance country, but the affairs of the 20 countries in the South China Sea are left to them to resolve themselves.

If it is false information, even if they survive this disaster, the World Government will raze them to the ground!


He turned around and conveyed the will of the World Government to his son.

Back in the conference room, Spangdam looked at Terzog and told the world government's promise. If Noah's information was true, it would give the South China Sea Federation the status of a world member country, and even the status of the 50 countries in the World Conference. I can give it to you. If it's false, you can commit suicide.

Tezog breathed a sigh of relief and readily handed over the body and the information.

Noah will secretly go to Kaido's territory in the new world to steal historical texts. He also has a certain connection with Red Hair. The intelligence only talks about it here. It is not clear who else is in the revolutionary army.

! ! !

It even involves the Four Emperors! But that's right, it's only for things like this that a big boss like him needs to personally take action. It's O'Hara's origin again, and the historical text is connected!

Pass the news back to headquarters decisively. Afterwards, arrangements were made for CP9 to return immediately and send the body to the Navy Headquarters for examination. He himself remained on the island of Batlila.

Because his strength is too weak, he would not be able to keep up if he were traveling at full speed. Secondly, being here is also a precaution. If the intelligence goes wrong, you don't have to face the wrath of the superiors immediately. You have room to turn around, and you will have a chance to make a comeback through your father.

Now all his credit lies with the South China Sea Federation. Naturally, he will not go anywhere. He will live in his luxurious suite and wait for feedback from the headquarters.

This gave the 20 countries in the South China Sea who were still waiting for Spandam's return a bit of an ominous premonition. Could it be that those mud-legged guys were so good at playing that they fascinated the commander of CP5? No, they are also people who have seen the world. , not that much, just wait a little longer.

The South China Sea has been strangely calm in the past few days, and most people don't know the reason.

Only one Morgans is mobilizing his informants with all his strength, trying to dig out some inside information. Unfortunately, the information blockade is too strict this time, and even he can only detect a little bit. It seems that there is some incredible information from the World Government. .

At this time, the body had been transported to Mariejoia, and the CP chief was leading his staff to study it.

The sword wound is correct, and the remaining sword energy on it is very similar to what that guy left, a disgusting burning sensation. As for the historical text, Roger also did the same thing back then, so it is very likely.

Let the spies in the new world be dispatched. Be careful not to reveal your identity. It is enough to find that Noah appears in the new world. At the same time, this information was also notified to the Navy, allowing them to also determine Noah's whereabouts.

A piece of news disturbed the sea, and he was indeed the most capable of committing suicide. Teacher Noah, the plan you proposed is really useful.

At night, Tezog was in his room thinking about his plans for the past few days, and it went incredibly smoothly.

This move of me selling myself is a stroke of genius, so imaginative and unconstrained. He also half-hidden the dragon's information. When the two generals take action, they will definitely give everyone a surprise.

It diverted attention and laid the foundation for the South China Sea Federation to clear up rumors that it might collude with the revolutionary army in the future.

How could it be a political system dominated by the revolutionary army when they all betrayed the revolutionary light?

The world government is not a fool.

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