But a tsundere girl will not admit the excellence of a newcomer in front of others.

That idiot.


A sense of crisis suddenly came, murderous intent struck from above, and a figure fell to the ground.

The two of them immediately took precautions to find out who was coming.

Seleucid Eubiquitas

A cute young girl, a member of the Imperial City Guard, and the apprentice of the captain Oka the Demon.

Advocating twisted justice and believing that justice must never yield to evil. Take exercising the name of justice as your principle of action and regard yourself as such.

Imperial Equipment: A hundred-armed giant.

Taking out the wanted poster and comparing it once, Sai Liu recognized Hill.

Then Ma Yin, who acted with Hill, was automatically confirmed as a member of the night attack.

We finally caught the night raider.

Imperial City Guard Seleu. In the name of justice, I hereby sentence you and other villains.

Kill you first, then kill the rebellious fire!

Then he blew the whistle without hesitation, calling for reinforcements from the Imperial Army.

She had reviewed the entire process of her master Oka's death, and knew that Rebellion Fire killed her master just before reinforcements arrived.

It's the kind of regret that can drive people crazy just thinking about it.

So she did not test this time and completed this step directly.

Because of the rebellious fire's boldness, the senior officials had already prepared a mobile force.

It was specially used to capture members of the Night Raid before Esdeath returned.

As a Teigu user, Sailiu was not qualified to command them, but his qualifications as a sentinel were more than enough.

As soon as this whistle blows, a large number of troops will come desperate to kill.

There are 500 guards and 2,000 imperial guards.

This power is enough to destroy ordinary Teigu users.

There isn't much time left for the night attack, hahahahahahaha.

Every meeting between Teigu users was a fight to the death, and this time was no exception.

The two sides had nothing to say and went to war.

After being dodged by Saiyu's continuous shot from the handgun, he directly summoned the biological Teigu to appear.

Xiao Ke, prey!

The cute puppy instantly stood up ferociously, swelling to the height of two adults, and its size expanded accordingly.

The open mouth is filled with animal teeth as sharp as knives.

The huge beast rushed towards him with the breath of death, violent, greedy and vicious, all of which had nothing to do with justice.

Hill decisively opened the two branches of all things and stood in front of Ma Yin.

The scissor-shaped Teigu can theoretically cut anything in the world.

Not to mention this ferocious dog-headed monster, it can be cut in two with extremely smooth silk.

It's just that the biological Teigu will regenerate indefinitely as long as the core of the body is not broken. As long as the durability is still there, it is almost equal to immortality.

Especially without a heart, even the red-eyed Murasame cannot kill with one hit.

Ma Yin felt very troubled.

With Hill blocking the front, the Romantic Battery fired continuously and beat Xiao Ke to pieces, but they still couldn't find where the regeneration core was and couldn't defeat it at all.

What's even more alarming to Ma Yin is that the power of her Teigu is constantly increasing.

It means that danger is constantly approaching.

It means that the imperial troops have begun to surround this place, and if they don't retreat, there will really be no chance.



A fierce burst of artillery fire covered Xiao Ke.

Hill calmly fought his way through the smoke to the Teigu user himself under the cover of firelight.

X cut!

Dang, Dang, Dang! ! !

Unexpectedly, Sailiu is also very strong in person. As a girl who has been competing with Oka in physical combat all year round, she has a toughness that is different from her appearance.

Hill's close combat ability relied more on the lethality of the Teigu, but he was blocked by the enemy with the gun on his arm.

The blow that risked his life only cut off the opponent's arm.

But Sai Liu showed a twisted smile, and the bloody physical transformation appeared in the eyes of the two Night Raid members.

Two short guns reappear.

This was a hidden weapon completed by the doctor Oka introduced to her before her death, which made the girl who twisted justice even more crazy.

Justice will definitely win.

The twisted speech brought the battle to the most tragic rhythm.

Xiao Ke, go crazy!

The biological Teigu's ultimate killing state, strength, and speed were all increased beyond the limit at the cost of being unable to move for several months.

The muscles in the originally ferocious canine monster have now swelled in more than one circle. It can be said that it is so disgusting that it makes people want to vomit.

Roared wildly.

Ho ho ho ho!!!!

Huge sound waves swept all around, and the two men who attacked at night were completely at a disadvantage without realizing it.

As a crispy ranged creature, Ma Yin was grabbed by the monster and ready to be crushed.

Hill cut off Xiao Ke's arm with a desperate blow, but he was also hit by a shot fired from Sai Liu's mouth and was unable to move.

Oops, I can't move.

Being unable to move in the ever-changing Teigu user battle is equal to death.

Right in front of Ma Yin, the monster tore Hill into two pieces.

The separation of her upper and lower body caused her to collapse.

The imperial guards also completely surrounded the place.

Hill's last flash of light did not create a chance for Ma Yin to escape, and Sai Liu's request for help was one step too early.

Hahahaha, Xiaoke, eat it!!!

As the final winner, Sailu let out a maniacal laugh and let his Teigu eat the scissor girl in front of his Night Raid companions.

With her eyes and canthus cracked and her arms broken, Ma Yin was completely defenseless when surrounded by heavy guards.

He could only be pinned to the ground and watch this scene happen.

No!!! No!!!!

And Hill was already dying after delivering the blow.

There are only memories and apologies in my mind.

Sorry, everyone who attacked me at night.

I'm sorry, Tazmi, I can't hold you in my arms anymore.

The girl is about to be eaten.


Flames fell from the sky, and Tazmi's eyes shrank to the size of a pinhead.

He saw that the girl who always comforted him was only half-length and was about to fall into the monster's mouth, and he went crazy.


The sharp edge falling from the sky cut off Xiao Ke's arms, and he took away Hill's upper body.

But it was a step too late.

The girl was somewhat satisfied to see the person she was thinking of.


Tazmi is Hill's last words.


The emotions in the young man's eyes were extremely agitated, but he was also extremely lonely.

Ma Yin suddenly and cruelly broke the calm at this moment. Although there were tears of reluctance, someone always had to make the right choice.

Tazmi, run!!!!

She herself was captured by the Imperial Army and awaited endless torture and destined death.

Tazmi cannot stay here, he is the hope of the night attack, the hope of the people, and the future.

This place has been surrounded by a large army, and the only way to survive is to escape before everyone can react.

But how could Tazmi run away.

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