Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1818 The young man is confused

In the base of the night attack.

Tazmi has not been on a mission these days, and it was very effective in deterring the empire some time ago.

So Najiexitan asked the boy to rest for a period of time.

Frequent attacks are the way to death. She still knows the empire's background and the upper limit of the young man at this time.

It is estimated that there will soon be a war between the Teigu envoys and the mobilization of all the troops in the imperial capital.

Therefore, improving strength and growth as soon as possible is an important task.

The boy's status in Najiexitan's heart was very unusual.

Tazmi used the Teigu twice, and the accompanying mental oppression became stronger and stronger.

The flame that gives people hope also has a very miraculous performance, it seems to be an eternal fire ignited from the heart.

Infinite special training has also been proven to indeed improve the strength of the Teigu user.

So Tazmi still has a lot of room for improvement, and we really have to rely on this guy to fight against Esdeath in the future.

Najexitan was Esdeath's former best friend, and she was naturally the person in the world who knew her opponent's combat power best.

Hundreds of thousands of foreign troops could not stop the conquest of the Ice Teigu.

The essence of devil can freeze people's hearts, and the oppressive feeling of freezing hope is unforgettable.

She had told the top brass of the Revolutionary Army that it would take at least 50,000 elite soldiers and more than 10 Teigu users, including Chi Tong, to compete, but the actual combat power required far exceeded this figure.

Esdeath has never released all her combat power, and has simply broken away from the boundaries of human beings.

As long as there is no one to check and balance that woman, the revolutionary army will not be able to break through the imperial capital.

Now, Najexitan sees hope.

A Teigu user who can challenge the strongest appears.

Secondly, there is the road problem.

The path Tazmi takes is different from that of traditional killer organizations.

The aboveboard behavior of intimidating the imperial capital and the positive effects it brought made her seem to see another path.

Night Raid has transformed from a pure assassination organization into a group of heroes.

The public's reputation has also changed from fear to neutrality. All these changes are very benign changes.

So she was shaken.

She had considered the positioning of the night attack after overthrowing the empire. There was a high probability that it would become a dagger in the dark, but that was not a happy ending.

Her friends were all comrades who had gone through life and death together, and she didn't want to see that scene.

So it’s not bad to transform slowly.

What Tazmi didn't know was that his presence had made Najexitan think more.

The young man was currently communicating with Hedao Yiwen on the roof of the base. He wanted to know the history of this sword.

He had borrowed the opponent's strength in several of his attacks, and it would be a bit too much to deceive himself.

During this time, he would chat with each other whenever he had time.

Don't hold anything back in every word, just say what you have to say. I also hope that the young man will not lose the reputation of this magic weapon.

Even in all the worlds, He must be the strongest weapon.

[This sword comes from the sea. It is no different from an ordinary sharp sword at first, but the user gives it this power and concept. 】

[The original title is Supreme Great Knife, Red Sword, and Harmony. 】

[Behead the nobles, the strong, the kings, the gods, the world,]

Tazmi was a little confused. He had heard that the imperial weapons were forged by the emperor thousands of years ago. He had never heard that the user could have magical powers just by relying on them.

So Wadou Ichimonji is really not a Teigu?

Moreover, the gods and the world are too strange.

Communication stalled.

Cross-world communication is indeed very difficult, and one text only records many major events, and the narrative is far less convincing than Noah.

So the boy returns to the topic.

Is it necessary to undergo special hell training to master this weapon?

This is Tazmi's question. Isn't it enough for the Teigu to provide power? Other people's Teigu are like this.

But there is something unspeakable about the word Hedao. His characteristics are carrying and immortality.

The power itself depends on how much the sword owner can exert.

So the answer was very cryptic, letting Tazmi figure it out on her own.

Enlighten yourself

The sincere young man felt very painful. This Teigu was really difficult to serve.

Every time I communicate these days, I feel like I don’t understand.

[Special training is to inspire the most powerful power of Wado Yimonji, which is to break the rules of the world. 】

[Integrate powerful seeds of power into your own body. 】

[The pursuit is to attribute great power to oneself. 】

Hedao Yiwen was also very distressed. The country boy didn't know the goods at all.

I don’t understand how terrifying it is to gain power from another world in this world.

Even Noah took nearly twenty years to do it in the Naruto world.

To attribute great power to oneself is to continuously practice swordsmanship?

[In addition to swordsmanship, you also need to cultivate your body, spirit, and will. ]

[Practice to the point where you can break the rules and physically connect to the Imperial Equipment. You can also predict the future or see dozens of miles away, including suppressing everything with your own will. 】

[Teigu is just a tool for the weak. 】

The young man was at a loss. This thing was completely different from the style of painting in this world.

And it’s outrageous for the Teigu to ask the Teigu user not to rely on the Teigu.

Suddenly Tazmi felt very panicked, very panicked, and felt like she couldn't breathe.

Uncle Ichimonji, can you see what you are worried about outside of the rules?

After a moment, the young man drew his sword and rushed out of the base, heading straight for the imperial capital.

The suburbs of the imperial capital.

There is really an ulterior motive in targeting Chibul.

But being able to clean it up smoothly is really better than anything else.

Hill and Mayin were retreating. As a combination of melee and long-range combat, they often went on missions together.

Whose subordinate is Tazmi today?

Leone's, Hill, are you too concerned about the newcomer?

No, I just feel like Tazmi is like a beam of light, or a burning flame. It feels warm when I get closer.

His emotions are extremely rich, and he can even share some with me, whether they are pain or happiness.

The naturally silly girl really likes Tazmi. She feels that there is a missing string in her brain. Although she is very suitable to be a killer, the lack of emotion is still very distressing.

But I got a very comfortable feeling of being needed from the newcomer.

When the two were talking, Tazmi would cry when she mentioned her childhood sweetheart Yusa, and when she mentioned the special training, the young man's fragile heart was filled with fear.

Every time at this time, she would comfort the boy's heart with a hug.

Therefore, the relationship between the two is very subtle, and Hill enjoys it very much.

Ma Yin was startled by Hill's words. That idiot did have an inexplicable attraction. He always felt like a boyfriend when they went shopping together.

Very gentle, pays great attention to details, and looks good too.

Moreover, Tazmi is a hero in the hearts of the people at the bottom of the imperial capital, and her status has many bonuses.

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