There is no intention to dodge. He has the aura of stabbing you to death even if I risk my life, which is really scary.

If he hadn't known that a large force was coming the moment the opponent drew his sword, he might have really considered retreating.

At this time, the sound of a large group of people running was heard in the distance, indicating that the support of the security team was approaching.

Oka's expression changed, switching from solemn to crazy very smoothly.

A pounce, ready to turn defense into offense, to show his bravery in front of his subordinates.

A set of crazy slashes opened the distance, and then his face twisted into a taunt.

Kid, people like you will die at the hands of Uncle Oka.

No matter how the weak moan, this city will only recognize the strong. It is only my duty to sanction others, and no one else has the duty to sanction me.

Tazmi frowned and wasted time by cutting down those men.

Now I can only change the sword.

The moment he grasped the word Wado again, it was like an electric current ran through his body.

With sparks surrounding him, he seemed to see the client who had sacrificed everything, and also saw more innocent dead behind him.

Gritting his teeth, he felt endless murderous intentions in his heart while raging with rage.

One step, two steps, three steps, even though Oka can already see the large army of the Imperial Capital behind him, but so what.

The young man shouted angrily.

[A brave man is angry and draws his blade against the stronger one; a timid man is angry and draws his blade against the weaker one. 】

The brave are angry and draw their swords against the stronger; the timid are angry and draw their swords against the weaker.

[Tell me, is the empire strong or weak? 】

Tell me, is the empire strong or weak!

Along with the young man's roar, the questions were also accompanied by mental oppression that spread into the hearts of the people who had not run far on the main street. Even the guards who were coming were panicking.

Is this questioning the empire? ! ! !

How crazy, how bold!

With an angry shout, Wadou Yimonji drew his sword!


The black sword edge dragged the red tail flame and chopped everything into pieces.


Oka was horrified, the guards were already here, already here! ! !

But it was useless, the young man did not hesitate at all.

The sword light illuminated the darkness and also illuminated his fear. Those who died in the prison were back, dragging themselves into hell with angry flames.

Ghost Oka, die!

Tazmi watched as the dead target swung his sword again, scattering a spark and igniting the corpse.

Tell everyone I was here.

Then the young man disappeared into the night sky of the imperial capital.

The guards who were shocked on the spot breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously they were the party with more people, but they always felt that they were so weak when facing the masked man.

Alas!! Lord Oka!

Notify your superiors immediately!

What kind of flame is this? Master Oka has been burned to ashes?!

This fire?! It's the madman from the Day of Fire!

It turns out to be him. Yes, from a distance, he looks like a little man. That's him!

Curses and malice arose, and the imperial capital was in chaos.

And Tazmi was brought out of the chaotic imperial capital by Chi Tong and Leonai.

In the forest, Leonai looked at the boy in a particularly wrong way.

Kid, you are more courageous than the King of Beasts.

And he can actually say such cool words in battle. I'm so envious.

I declare you to be the second most handsome man after the boss!

Leonai admitted that she was sore.

He defeated the guard squad on the busiest street, killed the guard captain in front of a large army, and even questioned the empire. He was so handsome.

Really handsome.

Chitong also thinks so. This is a feeling that the assassin has never experienced before.

What stands out are four words, aboveboard!

But are you okay?

As soon as she finished speaking, Tazmi spit out a mouthful of blood.

It's okay. I finally lost some strength with the help of Uncle Ichimonji.

It's just that the boy's entanglement is even deeper. The gap between Teigu and non-Teigu is too big.

How can we give up our strength in order to carry out justice?

Think about the special training in hell.

Several people who had returned to the base and Najiexitan who had just returned from the front gathered in the council hall and began to give a mission statement.

Even though I have seen that scene with my own eyes, it still makes people's hearts swell when they review it again.

This non-night attack style is too explosive, but also too dangerous.

Najiesitan was almost about to take action. The distance between the large army and the boy was only a few hundred meters. Once the siege was completed, even the top Teigu user would fall.

After all, humans have limits.

So she asked seriously.

Tazmi, will it still be a forced killing next time?



The young man touched the sword and seemed to get some support.

A person's power is limited. I can kill one Ouka, but there are too many Oukas in the Imperial Capital.

So this time is a warning, telling all the nobles and wealthy businessmen that their lives and the lives of ordinary people are put on the scales by me.

There's a price to pay for doing bad things.

Najiexitan makes a lot of sense. She probably knows too much about that Teigu.

When everyone came back, everyone was discussing this matter.

Leonai and Brand naturally supported the boy's actions, Chitong and Hill had no objections, and Ma Yin had some objections.

Although the Romantic Fortress can exert its maximum power only when exposed to danger, it does not mean that the girl is willing to die on her own initiative.

Of course, when it comes to protecting civilians, Tazmi's approach is undoubtedly better.

But the night attack is not a simple killer group, but a weapon used by the revolutionary army to secretly eliminate enemy leaders, which is comparable to the root of Naruto.

Unexpectedly, there would be disagreements so quickly.

In the end, Tazmi's combat power played a very convincing role, and Najexitan continued the previous arrangement of one person leading one day.

It was just decided that every time the young man went on a mission, he would arrange for more people to covertly respond.

She also hopes that civilians will live better.

So the next day, Ma Yin took Tazmi into the city to perform an information collection mission. It was said to be collecting information, but in fact it was no different from a date.

As soon as they entered the city, they saw that many people's faces were much better than before.

After inquiring, I found out that last night's rape had spread throughout the imperial capital. The boy's questioning of the empire and the last threat were very effective.

Many nobles and officials have restrained their behavior. They do not have the force of Ouka, nor the defense capabilities of ministers.

If you really encounter that sword of punishment, you will die miserably. Since the day of the fire, the atmosphere in the imperial capital has become more and more strange.

They, the masters, are living like mice. It’s time for the country to take action.

The Sword of Sanction is the nickname given to Tazmi by the people. In fact, the empire has taken out an official wanted notice and hung it on the wall.

The most vicious criminal in history, the fire of rebellion.

No matter life or death, the reward is 10,000 gold.

This bounty was hung at the highest point, completely suppressing the elegance of the night attack.

Yes, the Empire has not yet classified this Sword of Sanction and Fire of Rebellion into the Night Raid organization.

Ma Yin's eyes lit up after seeing Tazmi's bounty, it was so valuable.

The reward given by Esdeath after the northern rebellion was 10,000 gold, which shows that Tazmi's worth is comparable to that of the northern rebels.

Then Ma Yin was in a better mood, because the atmosphere in the imperial capital had changed in a positive way.

Whether shopping or shopping, I had a very good experience.

Even the execution grounds for those who opposed the empire who were to be publicly executed were not set out.

The girl's impression of Tazmi has also improved a lot, similar to the feeling that she didn't expect this guy to be a hero.

Emotions heat up very quickly.

An honest killing can bring about far more changes than that.

It also strengthened Tazmi's heart.

What Uncle Ichimonji sometimes says really makes sense.

That night, Iokal, a relative of the minister, was dragged outside the city gate by the fire of rebellion and beheaded on the spot.

Of course, it also exposed the relationship between the most vicious criminal and the night raid. The guard instructor who was born in the Imperial Fist Temple died at the hands of the night raid.

After all, Tazmi is not strong enough to settle everything, so this distant relative of the minister temporarily strengthened more guards.

At this moment, the name of Rebellious Fire has spread not only in the imperial capital, but also the entire empire is shaken by it.

The various twists and turns of the revolutionary army in the south did not panic the adults. Only this madman who threw them on the scales made people scared.

In the palace, the resolution to recall Esdeath has been unanimously passed, let the ice freeze everything.

And the scales in Tazmi's heart are also tilting towards accepting hell training. Everything is based on her strong combat power and the support of the Teigu.

Without the mental shock and special flame that ignores defense, his own strength is still not as good as Chitong and the others.

It’s just that the psychological shadow is not so easy to overcome.

Although Leonai gave him courage and optimism, the endless terror was still insurmountable.

Until the day I became Hill's subordinate, a lot of inner pain was relieved by the motherly love of a naturally stupid girl.

Although she can't do anything well, she's not good at cleaning, cooking, or investigating, and the kinds of books she reads in her spare time are also unique.

But all-embracing tenderness is really healing.

Before Tazmi officially came out, Hill and Ma Yin went on a mission.

At the same time, a righteous girl holding a cute puppy is also looking for traces of the night attack.

Theoretically, Hill's death can allow Tazmi to officially transform, and the plot will be more logical, but I can't make up my mind, so I'm very confused.

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