Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 183 Sugar-coated bullets are too vulgar

At the beginning of the year 1513 of the Hainan calendar, a breaking news spread in the South China Sea. The South China Sea Federation, which had been semi-public until now, was about to be officially established, with its capital built on Batlila Island.

The enthusiasm about this news suddenly lit up the sea. Ordinary founding will naturally not cause a sensation. What really shocked the world was that this time the South China Sea Federation was jointly established by 70 small countries in the South China Sea and jointly formulated laws and operating systems.

There was no king, but a parliamentary system. A political system in which the parliament is the center of national political activities and the government is responsible to the parliament.

The parliament will temporarily vote on the decision by the leaders of 70 countries and representatives of the revolutionary army. The subsequent merger will change according to the current situation. The originally planned more radical national system was not suitable after discussions and was eventually abandoned.

The troops are nominally a convoy formed by manpower from various countries. In fact, they are an armed force led by the revolutionary army to maintain security within the entire federal territory.

Subsequently, the 20 world member countries in the South China Sea declared that they did not recognize the South China Sea Federation and demanded that the South China Sea Federation immediately give up the idea of ​​​​founding a nation. Otherwise, it would be regarded as a deterrent to the world member countries and they would launch a force attack and jointly send troops to destroy Batlila Island.

The world government and navy are also paying close attention to this matter, and are a little wary of the South China Sea Federation, which has caused such a huge change in the situation in the South China Sea.

Today, people from a group of countries have united like this. What will you dare to do tomorrow?

Therefore, the World Government seems to be silently conniving at the attack on the South China Sea Federation by the coalition forces of 20 countries in the South China Sea. The annual protection fee is not in vain.

The South China Sea Federation and the 20 countries in the South China Sea started a preliminary war of verbal propaganda through the World Economic News. You post an article and I will reply to an article. Although it was 1VS20, it did not fall behind.

Morgans is ready to be on the scene again to capture the big news. The water here is too deep for ordinary reporters to grasp.

Regardless of the failure to establish the South China Sea Federation, Batlila Island fell into flames. The 20 countries in the South China Sea returned in defeat, and new forces divided the power in the sea area. All good news.

The World Government simply took the initiative and sent CP5 to the South China Sea to collect intelligence. If any unfavorable evidence was collected, they could beat this very unstable federation.

Spandam was very excited when he received this order. As the commander of CP5, it is boring to be squatting in the Seven Waters City to monitor the Tom Shipyard. He can just wait for the four sea trains to be built and find any reason to kill the target.

It's hard to get any great credit for something like this, unless you get the blueprint of Pluto.

But there was a new opportunity to perform meritorious service in front of him. He needed to communicate with his father Spangdyne to see what the superiors meant, and he would do what he wanted.

I found a secret corner, took out the phone, and communicated quietly for an hour. After that, I felt a little worried while touching my chin.

The general tendency of the world government is to 'find' evidence and destroy the South China Sea Federation. However, if the South China Sea Federation is more sensible, it is not impossible to let it fight with the other 20 countries. This measure must be grasped by oneself.

Spandam understood after hearing this. The two father and son were not very good at other things, but they were still very sensitive when it came to matters such as promotion. In order to achieve results, that's a lot of audacity.

This time we go to the South China Sea, both camps can take a walk. If the South China Sea Federation expresses enough and is willing to give some explanations to the World Government, then it is still okay to stand in a neutral position.

Credit is something that people above just say it has.

After receiving the authorization, Spandam immediately cheered up, pulled up the CP5 team and headed for the South China Sea. It was originally supposed to be a private investigation, but instead it was decided to be like an imperial envoy on a patrol.

First we went to the alliance garrison of the 20 countries in the South China Sea and received a grand welcome. Then there was a material offensive, giving money and beautiful women to express our sincerity. This group of nobles played this trick and treated Spandam very comfortably. .

At the same time, this group of nobles are still secretly rejoicing. Those country bumpkins know how to receive big shots. When the bad news of CP5 blows, this mud-legged federation will be gone.

After feeling comfortable, Spandam took a boat to Batlila Island in the South China Sea Federation. The person in charge of the reception was not a paunchy nobleman, but a young man with green hair, wearing gold and silver.

Shaking his head, Spandam felt that the South China Sea Federation was not sincere enough. This young guy knows what reception is. I don’t even bother to say anything anymore, just hang around pretending for a while, and then I can report it to the World Government and side with the 20 countries.

Lord Spandam, I am Tezog, the diplomatic director of the South China Sea Federation. I welcome you to come to our federation for inspection. Please come this way.

Hmm~ Squeezing the word um from the crack of your nose already represents the emotion of impatience.

After arriving at a conference room, I saw that there was no gold, silver, jewelry, or beautiful women and delicious food. I was even more disappointed and wanted to turn around and leave.

After sitting down, I was about to speak in an official tone, when I saw the green-haired guy opposite handed me a piece of paper.

Please take a look. In order to express our respect for the world government, these are some small thoughts we gave. It's funny.

When Spandam took it over and looked at it, his eyes became round!

This...this...what kind of property list is this? There are a lot of various rare treasures listed on it. They are all good things that cannot be bought with gold, silver and jewelry. Some of them are based on his uneducated mind. Good stuff everyone knows.

There is something about the South China Sea Federation~ Once this list is handed in, those old guys will not care what happens to the South China Sea.

Of course there is something. I asked Jinbei and the others to transport it from Ryugu Castle. As I said before, due to ocean currents, some of the treasures overturned and ended up on Fish-Man Island. So in terms of treasures, Ryugu Castle is really Not false.

Of course, ordinary baileys only have an average amount of gold and silver, because the paper melts after being soaked in water for a long time, and the gold and silver are too scattered, but the treasures are countless.

After passing through the pressure of the sea and flowing into a depth of 10,000 meters, there is absolutely no defective product. You can imagine what has been accumulated over the past 800 years.

Ahem, this is just part of it. There will still be some tributes every year in the future. After all, who doesn't want to become a member of the world. And we have also prepared some treasures for you, Lord Spandam.

Hearing this, Spandam became excited. Judging from the South China Sea Federation's actions, it must be extraordinary.

It would be insulting to give you gold, silver, jewelry, etc. It would be too tacky to give you food, beautiful women, etc. How about giving me credit for your hard work?

Oh, what credit?

My lord, who do you think deserves the most credit for catching someone at sea?

That's a lot, why don't you tell me.

Revolutionary Army!

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