Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1810 Noah’s Heavens and Worlds

Noah's expression remained as usual. This was the third time he had seen each other, and he could call him an old friend.

How many Chosen Ones are left now, and how many Chosen Ones have died.

[Death 463584385435 leaves 1.]

Noah's calm posture paused, and his breathing became stagnant.

[Yes, it’s just you. 】

A ray of light flashed, and Noah saw countless selected humans who died for various reasons during two or three time travels.

Among them are superpowers who are countless times more powerful than themselves. Just crossing the galaxy will cause turmoil in the universe.

Not every world is suitable for outsiders to survive. The more powerful you are, the more you will be bound by the rules of the new world.

It may even arouse the hostility of the world, just like Noah broke into the world of Naruto and encountered disaster.

After three times, I was the only one lucky enough to survive. Maybe I will die next time.

【I failed. 】

[Creating human warriors who are enemies of God will ultimately be like a mirror flower and a moon in the water. 】

[Stay, or return to the sea. 】

[The ultimate fate of mankind has nothing to do with you. 】

Alaya left the choice to Noah, and his self-rescue behavior could have failed.

Even if the timeline can be extended infinitely, it is meaningless.

Even if Noah is the best human being, the probability of reaching the end is negligible according to calculations.

So let the only remaining time traveler have a happy ending. This is the answer he came up with.

Noah was silent, and all he could hear was the sound of fire burning in the ancestral star.

Traveling through three worlds, traveling for decades and approaching a century, I encountered countless dangers.

The result failed?

Do you remember what you said to me the first time?

[Humanity needs to survive, and a crisis is coming. 】

Yes, since the crisis has not been resolved, I want to give it a try.

“Even if it’s just me, I can create endless possibilities.”

Spread fire all over the world, and I will appear in the final battle.

【.Why? 】

Alaya didn't understand that Noah was the most special existence among many time travellers, and he was always a human being who didn't care about his own life.

Sense of mission, reluctance, fear, expectation, and other human emotions have converged into my mood at the moment.

If you want to ask the root cause.

Noah thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.


The flames on Otsutsuki's ancestral star exploded more and more, echoing someone's mood.

I also want to return to a stable life in the sea, or travel through many planes in the world of Xingyue, but

There are people I care about in the three worlds, and there will be people I care about in every world I will experience in the future.

Human beings in countless universes are tired of fighting against fate. How dare a god dare to think like this? I can no longer control my anger.

They all deserve to be burned!

The raging flames soaring into the sky began to gather on Noah's body, and dazzling light burst out from his body.

With the thoughts of sentient beings in the two worlds of Naruto and Pirates entrusted to him, the violent overlord color once again reached the limit of what his body could bear.

There were scattered sparks flying out of Noah's body, as if he was burning himself.

The evolution of the Otsutsuki clan is very interesting. Their strength and will are immortal.


Noah is not just a person, but a hope, a spirit, and a will!

The phantoms of billions of creatures appeared behind Noah, and they shouted the declaration of mankind.

The body of the revolutionary light exploded at this moment, turning into countless sparks flying around Alaya.

Please spread these fires as far as the eye can see.

The red sun of all worlds, when Noah returns.

He was so decisive that his inhibitions were amazed. Perhaps only he, and only him, could come to the supreme battlefield of gods and men.

【.as you wish. 】

The blue star ring gathers the power of many human history and stirs up the long river of time and space. Thousands of sparks shine with unyielding light into the fantasy world of the sands of the Ganges.

Hedao Yiwen let out a cheer full of fighting spirit and threw himself into it, following a point of light.

[One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred fire seeds have been released. 】

[Noah, waiting for your return. 】

Since then, there has been no trace of Noah in the Naruto universe.

Imperial calendar, 1024.

The young boy Tazmi just made his debut by killing an earth dragon.

As a warrior trained by a retired officer, he has a certain foundation in martial arts and blacksmithing.

He is good at using swords and used his sword skills to hunt giant and dangerous species.

This earth dragon was nothing to him. If the two friends hadn't gotten separated, they could have hunted the first-level dangerous species.

Young man, the imperial capital is full of monsters with human faces and animal hearts. Take care of yourself.

However, the words of the caravan guards who advised him not to go to the royal capital were ignored by the country boy.

At this age, of course, joining the army with your friends, becoming famous and saving your hometown is the dream of youth.

Tazmi tightened the two swords on her body and strode into the whirlpool of the storm.

Then the country boy was thrown out of the military camp because of his recklessness, and then he met Leonai, who had a great heart.

Young man, do you want to be a soldier?

Invite sister to dinner.

Leonai took a liking to this country boy at a glance.

With his short stature, innocent smile, and clear eyes, he looks like a dream-chasing boy who needs a social lesson.

As long as you defraud this guy of all his money, he will become a frustrated person who leaves the capital in tears, hahahahaha.

Leonai's way of saving people is so unique.

It's so fun to tease the kid while drinking.

Hey, young man, I don't see that you are still a two-swordsman. But it seems that the big sword is not suitable for dual-wielding.

It's true that what Tazmi exposed was a two-handed sword.

So the other weapon wrapped in cloth is very interesting. Could it be a family heirloom?

This look will attract the attention of caring people even more. He really has no life experience at all.

Ah, this, this is the weapon I picked up.

Tazmi unsuspectingly put the weapon on the table and untied the cloth. There was no flash of golden light and no mysterious aura.

Just a gray, edgeless iron sword full of cracks? Or iron ruler.

I see.

Leonai understood why it was wrapped in cloth, because this kind of thing didn't need a scabbard at all.

This act of self-exposure also dispels the greed of the secret hyenas.

The village chief said that the material of this weapon is still very hard. When I become an officer, I can use it as material to build a more powerful magic weapon for myself.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after saying these words, Leonai's beast instinct felt frightened.

She was mostly drunk, thinking that her whereabouts might be exposed, so she hurriedly defrauded the young man of his money and ran away.

Only a young man holding an iron bar was left, waiting to become an official.

Then Tazmi was picked up by the beautiful Miss Alia and embarked on the road of spiritual transformation.

In the brightly lit manor.

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