A few years later, in the distant universe.

The Burning Legion has united most of the races in the universe and is besieging the ancestral planet Otsutsuki.

Fire! Fire!

Ten Tailed Beast Jade VS Ragnarok Main Cannon

The space battleship group is having an energy torrent duel with the Ten-Tails group, and the dark universe is illuminated.

The tide of energy rises and falls in the cosmic sea, and the fragmentation of space can be seen everywhere.

Just like the technological machinery side can continuously produce battleships, the biotech side can also produce countless Ten-Tails.

The strongest men of the Otsutsuki clan are fighting against the strong men of the Legion in the ancestral star or in the universe.

Waves of destruction came and went, and death and war covered everything.

The battleship exploded in the universe, and no one took a second look at the ten tails that were killed. Both sides were furious.

The battle between the two sides around this huge ancestral star has reached the final stage.

On the higher battlefield, Noah was having a final showdown with Otsutsuki Shiba.

This is Otsutsuki, whose evolution is closest to that of a god. He has been devouring fruits and evolving for thousands of years, and has reached the end of his chakra path.

Noah was seriously injured by this sniper when he broke into the world of Naruto.

Now the second battle has resumed, and the two are constantly fighting in the universe.

The red sea surrounds the god and continues to attack. Thousands of heroic spirits from the world of pirates and countless powerful people who have passed away from the world of Naruto are among them.

Every time Noah collides with Zhiju while holding the word Hedao, it is a life-threatening blow.

The aftermath of the horror was offset by the Hall of Valor, otherwise it would have been a catastrophic disaster for many civilizations.

Otsutsuki Shibaju's eyes were full of anger and confusion at this moment.

Noah, do you think there is any difference between you and me regarding humans!

Without Otsutsuki, there will be another god.

Humanity is the disaster of the universe!

Noah didn't answer, he was not just the guardian of mankind.

If human beings fall, there will be another existence to conquer.

At this point he will not be able to empathize with his enemies.

In the end, Sen. Nine-Tails killed the Ten-Tails belonging to Shiba at the cost of almost falling, which tilted the balance of the battle.

Noah took out the declaration of the whole universe and blessed it on the word Wado, and with the last sword, he killed the god on the Ōtsutsuki ancestral star.

Since then, the Otsutsuki clan has completely disappeared from the universe.


We won? Defeated the gods?


The sound of victory spread throughout this battlefield, this universe, and countless civilizations.

Noah looked at the Burning Crusade Legion behind him in a daze. Over the years, some of his former comrades had died, and some had returned to the Ninja Continent. They had long since changed.

Sansho Hanzo, Chiyo, and Onoki did not go out with the army and died of old age in the Ninja Continent.

The Fourth Raikage died in the first battle and returned to the Hall of Valor.

Mei Terumi and Jiraiya were sniped by the Otsutsuki clan on the third ocean planet and returned to the Hall of Valor.

Tsunade, Orochimaru, Kushina, Konan, Nagato, Itachi, Sasuke, and the Six Paths Sage fell on the Ōtsutsuki Ancestral Star and returned to the Hall of Valor.

Although returning to the Hall of Heroes is not a complete fall, heroic spirits are heroic spirits and humans are humans. After all, they are different.

The heroic spirits can only linger in the past of the ninja world's history, and nothing will change.

Even reappearing in the world requires coming as a guardian.

At this time, there are only a few people from the Ninja Continent who can still stand behind Noah.

Kakashi, Yahiko, Naruto, Sakura, Shisui, Scorpion, and Rasa.

After experiencing a long war, I am used to seeing the flames of war in the universe.

They also felt a little unreal after the victory of the war, but the looks of the soldiers from various planets crying with joy behind them also proved that it was really over.

The war is over.


Looking at the burning Otsutsuki Ancestor Star, their mission is over.

This universe no longer needs the Burning Legion and they no longer need them to fight.

The joy of the victor did not infect these men.

Luo Sha collapsed on the spot and returned to the Ninja Continent to find her son.

His most fortunate choice was to forcibly reject Gaara's application to go to the front line, because no one knew whether humans would still be human after decades of fighting.

Scorpion went to mourn Orochimaru. It was a pity that a fellow traveler died. There is a huge gap between the creativity of the heroic spirit Orochimaru and that of the human Orochimaru.

Having only machines as companions from now on is also a good ending.

Naruto lost too much, lost his mother, lost his best friend, and lost his yearning for Hokage, and left sadly.

He may become a writer wandering the universe and write his own The Story of Strong Perseverance.

Yahiko gave up his position as the leader of the Akatsuki organization and returned to the Rain Country with Konan and Nagato's relics, a place called the Rain Country with very normal rainfall.

I've had enough limelight this time, so I have no regrets.

Sakura took the initiative to take over Kakashi's position and became the leader of the Space Alliance, preparing for the distribution and celebration after the war.

She is the strongest ninja who never lost her will to fight until the end, and has a toughness that is unmatched by ordinary people.

Kakashi followed Noah around the universe, bloodbathing all kinds of monsters, monsters, and monsters that appeared after the victory of the war.

Then the two returned to the Ninja Land.

On top of Konoha Shadow Rock.

Kakashi, this world is entrusted to you. If the new Universal Parliament falls, the fire of revolution will be rekindled. The struggle should never stop.

Teacher, are you leaving?

Yes, your historical mission has been completed, but I have just started.

The separation between master and disciple seemed to have been foreshadowed for a long time, so Kakashi was not too shocked, but regretted that the teacher could not take him with him.

The light of the universe disappeared from the eyes of the world, and the Fifth Hokage Hatake Kakashi never mentioned this person again.

Just continue to spread the fire of the will of fire, so that the light will never go out in the universe.


Noah returned to the still-burning ancestral planet Otsutsuki alone. This planet will burn for a long, long time before it can feed back the energy plundered over thousands of years back into the universe.

The extremely powerful energy is separating, and the chaotic disintegration process creates a distorted space-time gap, which is the weakest point in the material world.

Stepping in, relying on the position of the Hall of Valor all over the universe, he saw the restraint he wanted to see.

The invisible vortex of power is rotated in the center by two star rings. In the blue glow is the wish of countless primates to survive.

The inhibitory power of primates, the collective subconscious of mankind descends across the multiverse.

[Human Noah, it’s great to see you. 】

A familiar anthropomorphic voice came, this time with some emotion.

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