Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1811 Announcement: Kill the Red Eyes

Sayo and Iyeas?

Yes, we have agreed that even if we get separated, we will meet up in the royal capital.

Well, I will use my connections to help you find a partner.

The kind and steady middle-aged gentleman, the beautiful and kind-hearted lady, and the lovely Miss Alia, this family is really great.

However, Tazmi's expression did not relax after returning to the guest room.

I felt uncomfortable from the moment I came in. It was not the discomfort of a country person, but the hostility born from deep within.

Moreover, the gray iron bar behind him was getting hot, and when he was alone, there was even a slight red light shining in the cracks.

What's this.

Although he is stupid and naive, he is also somewhat clever.

The next day, he observed carefully and noticed the unnaturalness of this false warmth, as well as the abnormal vigilance of the guards around him.

In the evening, Tazmi couldn't bear it anymore. The temperature of the iron bars behind her was getting higher and higher, as if the cloth and clothes were going to be set on fire.

Especially when passing by a certain area of ​​the manor.

The sun had just set, and he followed the guidance of the weapon to bypass the guards and open the door of the warehouse.

Purgatory on earth!

Various bloody tortures, countless corpses tortured to death,

Eyes, arms, skin, internal organs, organs and human bodies are all separated.

They were subjected to the cruelest punishment before death. This naked shock made Tazmi's mind go blank for a moment.

This is

Sashayo, Sashayo!!!!!!

The once beautiful girl was hanging naked in the air. Her body was covered in filthy blood and scars that were unbearable to see. Her missing thigh had begun to rot.

Why, why, why!!!

The boy collapsed, he couldn't accept this scene.

Yeah, I was discovered by Tazmi, so I can't continue playing games with you.

Miss Alia, who was once kind and angelic, walked over with brisk steps, followed by a large group of guards and heavily paid guards.

It's so fun to trick some country people into coming to the castle as guests every day, and then let them fall into hell.

By the way, do you know that woman?

Why does this livestock have such flowing hair? And I spend a lot of time taking care of my hair every day.

So I humiliated her until she died. She was lucky.

The twisted face showed the deepest malice towards the lower class, and it was so dirty that it made people sick.

Tatazmi! Is that you? Run! Run!

A weak voice came from a corner of the warehouse, and the spiky-headed boy in the cage had a lifeless look on his face.

Tazmi looked in that direction.


Tazmi! Run! I have been implanted with a virus and will die soon. You must live.


A mouthful of black blood spat out from the mouth of the hedgehog-headed boy, but despite this, he still murmured for his good friend to escape.

This scene made Alia, who was blocked at the door, very satisfied.

After she discovered that Tazmi was going to the warehouse, she knew she couldn't hide it, so she brought a large number of experts to capture the boy.

The moment when such clear eyes fall is extremely wonderful.

But Tazmi's spirit did completely collapse and she shed bloody tears.

Anger was also pouring out of his chest and gathering at his back.

[The young man holds the sword! 】

Under the guidance of his heart, he grasped the hilt of the sword behind his back. It was not the two-handed sword worth 5 gold coins, but the broken iron bar.

For some reason, he chose to believe in the weapon that was burning his heart.

Draw your sword!

The gray-black sword body was uneven, with a large number of cracks covering it, as if it would break if it was swung a few more times.

But red light shines from the cracks, and the temperature in the warehouse is rising.

In a trance, Tazmi saw the roar of free will on the sea, and the lights in the universe sweeping across the stars.

The smoke of war stimulated his eyes with a hint of death.


The edgeless iron bars smashed the chains hanging the girl's body into pieces without any hindrance, and cut into pieces the cage trapping the young man.

Tazmi covered her friend's body with her top.

Iyeas, wait until I come back.

There was only killing intent in the young man's eyes.


Charge against the many guards and strong men with one person's power.

No weapon can block the attack of the iron bar, no one can avoid the looming sword energy, and no attack can hurt the young man.

Everything was sensed, time slowed down in the eyes, and the black iron bar drove Tazmi to wield a sword skill that was almost out of this world.

But none of this matters, killing is the most important thing to do at this time.

When Tazmi broke through the guards and came to Arya, the noble lady who spoke so much about the upper class and the lower class was already crying in fear.

Lihua was about to beg for mercy temporarily when she saw her body.

'I am dead? ’

Tazmi's hand holding the sword was a little loose, but a thought was transmitted to her heart.

【Eliminating evil】

The young man's eyes flashed red, as if he saw the wealthy couple still pretending to be in the mansion in the distance.

Then kill!

When the two people who attacked at night arrived at the manor, their faces were a little solemn.

Been preempted.

Leonai's beast king's sense of smell was filled with the smell of blood.

He and Chitong looked at each other and decided to enter it to explore the source of the accident. On the way, they saw the heads of the wealthy businessman and his wife, as well as the corpses of the guards scattered in every corner of the manor.

Awesome, his attacks are more decisive than ours.

In night raids, in order to avoid being surrounded by large imperial forces, they basically kill the target person and then run away.

This kind of killing aimed at exterminating a family is really rare.

Chitong's face also showed a rare change.

The opponent's swordsmanship is superb!

Leonai endured the discomfort and pointed in the direction of the warehouse, where the richest flavor was.

When they arrived, they saw a shirtless teenager walking out holding two corpses.

Is he a sunshine boy? He's not sunshine anymore.

Leonai didn't expect that the guy he played with yesterday was a murderer, and he couldn't tell at all.

Both of them are veterans of fighting. From the boy's behavior to the sadness of picking up the corpse of his companion in the warehouse, you can understand what he has gone through.

The target chosen by the wealthy businessman this time is a tyrannosaurus.

You are wanted for night raids.


I want to join you.

Leonai was a little serious. Although the other party's qualifications were first-rate, but what was the reason?

I want to sweep away all the sin and darkness in this country and burn all this garbage.

There seemed to be two fires burning in the young man's eyes.

Chi Tong had no reaction. Leonai was moved by this look and agreed to take the boy back. The boss would decide how to do it.

Take your companions and come with us.

Wait a moment.

It says that if you want to wake up the world, you must not punish without teaching.

Tazmi handed the body of her companion to Leonai, and then raised the iron bar in her hand.


Unrivaled mental oppression erupted from the sword and swept across the entire imperial capital.

Dark clouds gathered, lightning flashed and thunder thundered.

Red sparks flew out from the sword and turned into a pillar of fire that reached the sky and the earth. The power of red will shocked everything.

Every sinful person in this filthy place saw the fire and death rising to the sky.

If I had to describe it, it would be - a natural enemy!

[Young man, announce your arrival to the world, announce my arrival, announce the coming of war! 】


The flame slash landed in the manor and began to burn crazily as if it had encountered fire oil. The sea of ​​​​fire was overwhelming.

The sky-high flames attracted everyone's attention.

This is.

Burn this hell of sin and tell other evildoers to wait for me!

Leonai felt that this little brother was too interested in him, and he was the evil killer.

The three returned to the meeting point.

Hey, this is my new Teigu user. By the way, young man, what is the name of your Teigu?

Tazmi, who had adjusted her mentality, returned to her naive temperament and said in a daze.

It didn't tell me. It said that I could only use it after passing the hell training.

.The kind of special training that will lead to death.

Night attack on everyone:?

The Teigu wants to train the Teigu user?

Thanks to the group of friends for reminding me, I almost forgot about the foreshadowing.

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