Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 182 Two dragons making trouble in the sea

Noah took out a Devil Fruit from the space, which was shaped like a gourd with golden patterns on it. This was the Golden Fruit.

Looking at Tezog, he thought about it and threw the fruit over.

Catching it with one hand and looking at the fruit, Tezog felt that he had a strange sense of fate between himself and the fruit in his hand.

This is the Golden Fruit. The original plan was to give it to you after you have made some achievements, but now we have to implement a very critical plan, so I will give you a boost in combat power first. By the way, read a book before eating it. The Wealth of Nations and then read Money and Finance.

Um, will reading before eating the fruit have any different effects?

Long, Bonnie, and Xiao Feng all looked at Noah. They were all fruit ability users, but they didn't know there was such a thing. Could it be O'Hara's unique skill?

That's not true, it's just that the Golden Fruit is special. I don't want you to be swallowed up by the original sin of capital, so I want you to control your mentality before eating it. You are a smart man and know what I am talking about.

After taking a look at the fruit, Tezog stuffed it into his arms. Of course he knew what Noah was worried about. Not only Noah was worried, but he was also worried about which path he had really taken in Beihai.

Okay, I'll give you the fruit, don't let us down. If we get into trouble then, it won't be an easy thing to get over.

Can we get some more people from boot camp?

It's up to you. The first goal this time is to ensure the establishment of the South China Sea Federation, the second is to disguise the relationship with the world government, and the third is to weaken other world alliance countries. You can control the scale here, come on.

After saying that, the three people went back.

After leaving the conference room, the three young people relaxed immediately.

You dare to give us such a task, those big guys are too ambitious. Bonnie complained casually, God knows how nervous she was just now, Xiao Feng also nodded.

What are you thinking? Instructor Fujitora is pressing down from above, and bosses from other departments are watching from the dark. We are more of tool people. Don't make things more difficult for yourself. This is more about Teacher Noah giving us A chance for the recruits to show their faces.”

Terzog casually punctured the surface illusion. Not to mention the secret assistance of so many seniors, Teacher Fujitora alone had basically ensured the safety of the establishment ceremony.

Back in his room, Tezog took out the fruit and looked at the golden lines. It was so intoxicating. It's a golden fruit. Sure enough, the teacher understands me.

After admiring it for a while, I put it in the corner of the desk, pulled out the two books Noah mentioned, and started reading slowly.

They are all books that have been read more than once. These are extracurricular books, the kind that no one will read except him.

After briefly flipping through it, I felt more at ease mentally, so I picked up the fruit and put it to my mouth.

‘Stella, I will make this world full of smiles. ’

Click, click


Holding on to the table, he kept retching.

The taste of devil fruit is too disgusting and disgusting!

On the way back, I asked two friends around me, are Devil Fruits really so unpalatable? How they answered.

Bonnie: It's okay. It tastes a bit unpleasant. It's not that exaggerated. It's all nonsense told by others. Don't worry.

Xiao Feng: I think you should eat the fruit in large gulps and eat it all, so as to ensure the effect of the fruit.

Damn Bonnie, it's obviously terrible and unpalatable. Looking at the remaining fruit in his hand, he was about to throw it away. It was written in the book that all you need to eat a Devil Fruit is one bite, but I remembered Xiao Feng's words. I don't believe him in this kind of thing, and I feel a little guilty.

hateful! !


The rhythm started to pick up, and it was really torture. This kind of pain is enough to pull me out of the original sin of capital. Teacher Noah, you are really worrying too much.

Over there, Tezog kept eating fruits in a rhythm. Over there, Noah was chatting with the dragon.

You're going to the New World? Why?

Long looked puzzled, what do you want to do when you go to the new world at this time? Although the affairs of the South China Sea Federation can be handled by Yixiao and others. But there is no need to go to the New World at this time.

To attract attention, when the news of the establishment of the South China Sea Federation comes out, I will start things in the New World, attack the east and attack the west, and distract some of the world government's attention to the New World. Isn't this a good plan?

There is a smile in the South China Sea that can withstand any storm. If you can't take action openly, there's not much point in staying here.

Long Yi thought so. As far as the combat power of the Revolutionary Army in the South China Sea was concerned, it was only half as good as the Navy Headquarters.

However, is the new world too dangerous? The Three Emperors are on the throne, and Red Hair is also on his way to the summit. There is also Kizaru of the Navy. The Shining Fruit is really difficult to deal with. It is said that Lieutenant General Crane of our headquarters is also in the G1 branch. Support, it’s really a dragon’s pond and a tiger’s den right now.”

It's just that the situation is complicated, and it's safe to do things. Based on my past experience, as long as I show up and communicate with any emperor, the Navy and the World Government will be in panic for several days. It's just that Kizaru is really in trouble, that shiny fruit is so disgusting .”

Long thought for a while.

Okay, let's go together!


Since there is no use staying here, let's go together. If we join forces, the admiral is no match. Wouldn't it be safer? We can also do bigger things and scare the world government to death. The two core members of the revolutionary army are at the same time What will happen if you appear in the new world?


What Long said means something is wrong! If two people join forces, even the emperor can fight. The exception is Whitebeard. His group attacks are just as abnormal, and his body is not as weak as it was in the last stage. Let's let him do it once.

But isn't it a bit wasteful to send out the highest combat power and just attack in the east and west? Then let's collect the historical text by the way. We won't use it for now. If we don't keep it all, we will need it in the future. The more legendary props that are so useful, the better.

Who to fight first?

Although the revolutionary army at this time has no manpower to conquer Wano Country. But Kaido-sensei’s thunderous gossip can still be seen, so let’s start with his historical text.

This time you can see what special use the red road sign text has.

A battle with an emperor will definitely cause an uproar in the new world and attract the attention of the world.

Chatting with white beard or red hair in public, the world government will go crazy to find out what they talked about.

Maybe they just chatted about how the weather was and what delicious food they had eaten.

I decided to just do it. I didn’t expect that this guy Long was quite crazy. I had to keep an eye on him this time when I went to the new world.

Little did he know that Long thought the same way. Noah usually likes to cause big troubles. This time he went to the new world and he had to keep an eye on him.

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