The tumultuous year of 1512 has finally passed, and the top leaders of the revolutionary army gathered together again to summarize and plan.

A bustling group of people squeezed into the conference room. Looking at the full room, they decided to change to a larger conference room next time.

Noah specially asked Yixiao to bring the top three student representatives from the boot camp to listen. In the future, young people will enter here. It is good to feel the atmosphere earlier. Moreover, outstanding people will shine now. .

Daxiong is the person responsible for summarizing information and reporting. Although his voice is as smooth as a robot, the content makes everyone present excited.

“This year the revolutionary army has achieved great results, and has basically stabilized its progress in all aspects in the South China Sea.

First, the South China Sea Federation plan has come to an end. Most small countries have signed the agreement and are willing to jointly build the South China Sea, and have also agreed to the stationing of our guidance personnel.

There are still some people who are in a wait-and-see state. The rulers are unwilling to hand over their power or do not want their power to be regulated. We are working on these things and do not rule out the use of force to liberate.

The federation is currently finalizing legislative negotiations and is expected to make an announcement early in the first half of this year.

Second, the cleaning and control plan of the South China Sea Naval Branch is progressing very well, and both parts have been completed perfectly.

First, Her Royal Highness Princess Otohime conducted a color screening to mark the moths within the Navy one by one, and then our intelligence personnel conducted in-depth investigation and evidence collection.

Then with the help of General Zefa, we cleared out the interest groups that stood in our way.

Now the senior leaders of various bases of the South China Sea Navy have arranged their own personnel, and this ratio is still increasing as General Zefa's work progresses.

Let the infiltration work proceed more and more smoothly, and it is expected that within 3 years, most of it will be completely under control. After that, the South China Sea Navy can be counted as our combat power.

Third, the China Unicom plan for Base Station 0 is also going very well. The construction of ground base stations has slowly spread from the Sobel Kingdom to the participating countries of the South China Sea Federation, ensuring that every island with human habitation can cover the signal.

Base station production bases and instant messenger factories have also been deployed in some poor countries, and construction has started without polluting the local environment. The latest radios have also been born under the design of Noah consultants.

Fourth, agricultural improvement, soil reform, institutional reform, business model changes and other plans are slowly being adjusted and carried out according to the unique conditions of each country. At present, the feedback from the public is very good, and there is basically no rigid reform behavior. The situation is excellent. For Our support has also been great.

Finally, the penetration of South China Sea World franchise countries is also continuing, but it is relatively slow. As vested interests, the upper class is naturally antagonistic, so it is very hard, but we are still continuing.

As Da Xiong sat down, the senior leaders of the revolutionary army present all started discussing eagerly. Although everyone did it by themselves, when they summed it up, they discovered that they had done so many great things that could be said to have improved morale. high.

If we continue with this plan, within two years, the South China Sea will be basically conquered.

The three young people who came to the meeting also let out a low cry. This year, while they were immersed in studying and training, the revolutionary army had done so many things.

Bonnie and Xiao Feng were completely shocked, while Taizog's eyes were filled with fire. His instinctive love for power was second only to money. If he could join such a magnificent event, he would have no regrets in life. !

Long and Noah looked at each other and smiled. When we are strong, the enemy will be weak. Let the people of Nanhai experience the new life first.

Then Noah stood up and cleared his throat, and everyone became quiet again, wanting to hear Revolutionary Light's work arrangements for the new year.

Ahem, in the new year, the most important thing we have to do is to formally establish the South China Sea Federation. We will definitely face great pressure by then. It is impossible for other world member countries to see such a huge alliance. The Federation was established in the South China Sea.

Moreover, the laws, policies and ideas of the Federation are fundamentally different from those of the traditional rulers. Panic towards us will also prompt them to take action, not to mention disputes over interests.

What’s more serious is that during this period, most of us are unable to directly help. The Navy and the World Government will definitely pay attention to such a thing. We are helping the Federation by not taking action.

So currently only Mr. Fujitora can stand at the front desk, and...

Following Noah's gaze, everyone looked at the three young recruits in the new camp who were listening to the lecture.

The newbies themselves were confused.

This everyone present hesitated. Isn't it unsafe to hand over such a difficult task to a few young people?

Bo Ni and Xiao Feng are already very good in the South China Sea, so everyone should rest assured. Taizog's abilities have reached a level where they can officially participate in the plan. It's time for them to shine.

Both Bonnie and Xiao Feng, who were fearless, didn't think they could bear such a heavy burden. This is a critical period that shoulders the heavy responsibility of tens of millions of people and is also the core of the revolutionary army's future plans. Why is it just left to a few of them?

Only Tezog was startled at first, and then his ambition ignited. Is this why we came here specifically?

Noah motioned to Tezog to explain why they were chosen.

Because we are all new faces, the Navy will explore our past, but what is discovered will be innocent family backgrounds. Just like Mr. Fujitora, it will not cause them to be more vigilant for the time being, and it is only temporary.

After we show our combat power, more investigations will come, and I believe Teacher Noah will prepare everything for us.

Moreover, in the later stage, the South China Sea Federation will need external spokespersons and representatives, and I think it will be the three of us, right. And everyone just can't take action directly, but indirectly, seniors can still find ways to help.

Very good! The role of the South China Sea Federation is very important, and we cannot stand in front of the stage for the time being. Such outstanding young representatives can better show our vitality and slightly reckless foreign strategies. I believe that the world government and those who have joined the Congress will understand.

In the end, this proposal was passed. After everyone thought about it, there was really no better way. Most of the people sitting here could not be exposed.

With the strength of Fujitora and the recruit training camp, they have basically swept the South China Sea in terms of force, so they should do some auxiliary work.

After the meeting, the three young people were left behind by Noah and the dragon.

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