Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 180 Zefa’s Stubbornness

You have also seen what the South China Sea looks like now, and you have also seen what the South China Sea Alliance has done. So is it possible for what I said to you five years ago to come true?

All intelligent races in the world unite?

Yes, you see we are already uniting the people of the South China Sea, and the fish people are also participating. This is a good start.

You have indeed done what you said back then, but the world government is not that simple.

Hmm~ The one from the Throne of the Sky? Or the ancient weapon?

Do you know too much? In this case, do you still want to do this? Seeing your actions in the South China Sea, I can even see the coming of a world war.

Then come and help us so that the world war can be ended soon.

Hahahaha, are you kidding? I approve of what you have done for the people, but I don't approve of your future for the sea. How much do you know about the strength of the navy + the world government?

Why can't it be the Revolutionary Army + Navy?

Damn little brat, you are really up to no good when you come to me. Let's go. I'll let you go this time.

Zefa dragged his seriously injured body to prepare to go back, so he couldn't say a few more words to Noah. He was really a dangerous person, and he exerted the power of words unparalleled. When I got back, I suggested that Warring States raise this guy's bounty. 5 billion was too little.

He jumped up and ran in the direction he came from, but his back staggered a little from time to time while running.

Looking at the black spots disappearing in the distance, Noah couldn't help but sigh, he is really an old guy who has always been strong in his life. And he still had a lot to say, but he didn't expect that he would just run away and become cunning, Mr. Zefa. But as long as you are in the South China Sea, you cannot escape.

Touch your broken bones.

Hey~ It hurts a little, but I won.

Yes, Noah won the final showdown. That sword defeated Zefa's iron fist and broke through Zefa's defense. At the last moment, the power of the sword was forcefully deflected and vented through the Gate Fruit.

A fan-shaped sword energy space with a radius of a kilometer was formed behind Zefa. Land, water, and life were completely wiped out from this area. It may not be as shocking as a sword that opens the sky, but its power is definitely even greater.

According to Zefa afterwards, when facing that sword, there was always a voice judging his heart, and he wavered slightly. As a result, the power of the sword increased sharply, and he was defeated.

He repeatedly stated that it was not because he was older, but simply because Noah’s overbearing look was too weird.

Forget it. It's better to go back to the Island of Rebirth first, recover from your injuries, and then come find Zefa. He casually opened a space door and stepped in, sending out the infinite method of opening doors and rushing on the road.

Over there, Zefa returned to the warship at dawn. The adjutant and the recruits were stunned when they saw the miserable teacher Zefa.

The life sunglasses were broken, the justice coat was missing, the body was cut into tatters, several pieces of purple hair were shaved off, and the blood was scabbed on the body. This must be too miserable.

Hmph, what are you looking at? Don't you need to train? Go and run 10 laps along the island for me. Go quickly.


A group of new recruits were silenced by Zefa's loud voice and went running, gossiping while running.

Hey, brother, why didn't you say that you have so many powerful masters in the South China Sea? You see, our instructors were beaten when they first came to the South China Sea. It's only been a few months and we were beaten again. The Grand Line is not so fierce.

Who knows this? When we were in the headquarters, they said that the admiral was the pinnacle of the sea, so I thought, why wouldn't this pinnacle be so powerful if it comes from the Grand Line?

Not to mention the masters of the South China Sea, I don’t even know how much my family has changed. Do you dare to believe that there are still free schools on a small island? That’s outrageous.”

“This trip to the South China Sea has opened my eyes.”

I didn't lose the first game, I was on par with that blind swordsman, no less! That scene with Noah, huh!

Zefa in the distance heard the recruits whispering, and became even more furious. He picked up the adjutant and said, I'll ask them to do another five rounds later. You can watch from here.

After that, I went back to my room to sort out my style.

Entering the room, looking in the mirror, okay, everyone feels like they have lost.

After washing, he took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, took out the phone bug for contacting Warring States, held it for a long time, and then put it down.

Oh, I really don't know what to do. Let's take another look.

Sometimes Zefa would think that if the revolutionary army could do something bad, he could arrest those guys ruthlessly.

When he walked out of the bedroom, he saw the adjutant standing there, staring at the recruit training. He was very satisfied and sat reading a book. He didn't even finish the first book in a box of books. He didn't know if it was aimed at him or the revolutionary army. There are so many books to read internally.

Teacher Zefa, do you need to report what happened last night to the headquarters? Now it seems that the matter in the South China Sea may require the support of the general.

No, I won last night. There are no other problems in the future. Let's continue to check the naval branch in Nanhai. We should dig out those moths one by one and send them all to the Impel City.


In the Revolutionary Army, Noah came back with an injury and immediately went to Daxiong. Because the domineering real damage of Zefa's attack was very high, it took Daxiong a lot of energy to take out the injury. A huge pink bubble appeared in the air, but he resisted it.

It can already handle such general-level injuries, and it seems that the fruit development has reached a certain level. From now on, it’s just a matter of hard work, or waiting for an epiphany.

Xiong, your physical fitness needs to be improved a little. Generals cannot have physical shortcomings, otherwise they will suffer. Noah said personally that this time the fight was very dangerous, and the ability to resist attacks with pure physical skills was too great. It's strong, and there are no loopholes in the opponent's moves. It's really strong.

Yeah. Big Bear nodded and went to the cafeteria, ready to choose a lucky sea beast. Oh, I have to pick a few sea beasts this time, otherwise I won't be able to bear it.

The soldiers who had been training for a day and the students from the boot camp came to the cafeteria at noon. They were a little surprised when they saw the table full of meat. What day is this?

I'm so hungry that I can't stand it anymore, and I don't care what day it is. Angmu took a bite, damn, the meat was so rotten, this was another masterpiece of the Tyrant Bear! But this time, the quantity was too much. The meat was too rotten and not chewy, which is not very delicious.

The canteen chef was also very helpless. He couldn't eat the meat and couldn't waste it.

And after working as a chef for so many years, he still has sympathy for sea beasts. It's too tragic.

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