Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 179 People in Bawangseli

Pulling Wado Ichimonji out of the scabbard, the great swordsman's sharp energy was exuded and then extremely restrained throughout his body. This was an all-out gesture.

The fact is that Noah lost the physical battle just now. Zefa was suppressed, so if he didn't get out of his sheath, he wouldn't be able to save the situation.

Seeing Noah draw his sword, Zefa also threw away the cloak behind him, untied the tie at the collar, and unleashed all his firepower!

‘This boy, you can’t fuck him unless you take off his clothes, he’s evil. ’

Zefa and Noah have never really fought, so the information about each other's battles is only on paper and from the mouths of their comrades.

According to Akainu, Noah is a top swordsman with a unique overlord look, vicious moves and no martial ethics. Physical fitness is poor, and hard power does not match the record. For example, he was very dissatisfied with the record of defeating a certain naval admiral.

In CP0's intelligence, Noah's combat power was raised to the level of a suspected great swordsman. Of course, Zefa didn't believe it.

He believed that Akainu might have belittled the opponent's strength because of his own experiences, while CP0 had raised the opponent's strength in order to shift blame.

So it only makes sense that the real Noah is the strongest one below the general level. After all, at this age, he is not even 30 years old yet, so the possibility of advancing to a great swordsman or something is not very high.

This time, I felt something was wrong when I hit Zefa. He did suppress his opponent in the physical battle, but he was not sure of victory. The opponent is still a great swordsman, and he is fighting like this even without using a sword. So, does he still have to be a great swordsman with a sword?

Maybe, maybe, CP0's information should be somewhat accurate.

Take a deep breath. Along with it, the muscles on his body swelled again.

Return of life.Final.Fighting martial body

The beating of the heart becomes stronger and stronger, and the sweat all over the body is evaporated by the temperature of the high-speed flowing blood, forming white water vapor. The vitality stored in daily life is released, the white hair turns black, and the wrinkles on the face become much lighter. Ligaments, bones, and flesh are greatly strengthened.

This is the culmination of the Six Forms of Mystery, another application of life return. Distribute your will to every corner of your body, release your hidden vitality, and return to the admiral who commanded the sea when he was young - Zefa!

As he grew older, he felt that his combat power was declining, so he created a variant of life return. As long as the body is healthy, part of the vitality will be trapped and hidden deep in the cells when it is slowly drained. When it encounters an opponent who really needs to fight, it can be released and restore the highest combat power of youth.

Because each of the six moves must be thoroughly studied, and the control must reach an inhuman level. Within the navy, except for him, no one else has succeeded in practicing it. It can be said to be a unique skill to keep the bottom of the box.

The reason why he used it when fighting Noah was because this battle was more about Zefa's self-judgment of faith, ideas, peace, and justice.

Since you said you want to change the sea and start a world war, then defeat me first! If you can't even defeat me, don't talk nonsense like that. You can't defeat those guys who have been hovering on the throne of the sky for 800 years with strategy.

Come on, Noah!

Looking at the transformed naval veteran in front of him, Zefa's eyes clearly conveyed his meaning.

Then of course Noah would help him and let him see the power of the new era.

Overlord color, go all out!

With Noah as the center of the circle, the red domineering energy roared in like a wave, sweeping in all directions and hitting all objects in the real world. The moonlight was obscured by dark clouds. The clouds continued to rise and roll with Noah's domineering power, and the sound of lightning and thunder echoed between the sky and the earth.

On the island, the earth is sinking, and the waves around the desert island are flattened, but those who face this domineering force are standing upright.

Ka, ka, ka, ka, ka

Zefa's sunglasses were crushed together with the gravel on the ground, revealing the shocked pupils of the navy veteran. This is really a domineering color! ?

Why could he seem to see figures appearing one after another in the domineering air, including workers holding up sickles and hammers, soldiers charging on the battlefield, mothers standing in front of disasters, fathers holding up the sky, and so on? There are madmen singing in the fire, and more ordinary people.

In the end, it all turned into the richest red, retracted around Noah's body, and then extended to the weapon, completely turning the realm of the black sword into a red sword.

The surroundings were quiet, as if nothing happened just now.

Is this your domineering look?

This is my domineering color.

What a spirit! Come, come, come!

The two people exerted force under their feet, crushed the ground, and started fighting in mid-air.

The high-speed battle caused the two people to suddenly appear and disappear. When they met again, it was a collision that set off a strong wind of level 12.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of high-speed and dense collisions overwhelmed the thunder in the sky, and the entire island was torn apart by the aftermath of the collision. Sea water began to pour in along the cracks, and the impact of the water flow made the fighting environment more dangerous, but this could not stop the two people's fighting rhythm.

Now that this island has been destroyed, let's find another one. There are many desert islands in the sea. Wenwense sensed another island not far away. The two of them walked and fought, hitting one after another on the sea. Shockwave. It is common for the fist wind to tear the sea apart, and the sword energy to split the sea is even more common every few sea miles.

In the end, the two men destroyed 6 islands overnight and stopped on the seventh island.

I really regret not winning the first prize in the Grand Line back then. At that time, you were just a young man who had just stepped into the threshold of swordsmanship. I didn't expect that you have grown to this point now.

Then I have to thank you for letting me go, Mr. Zefa. The last move?

Last move!


The red stream of light wrapped around the overlord color continued to flow on the sword, forming the shape of a lightsaber. After sinking all his mind into it, he calmed down. The crimson sword body became dull, and the sword's intention, domineering power, and belief were all sealed in this blow.

Zefa also activated his armed color to the extreme. Black domineering energy surged from his body and finally concentrated on a pair of fists. This was the blow that decided the winner.

Look at each other and take action!

One sword, one punch. They collided in space at a weird speed.

There was a loud sound, but no sound came out at the moment of collision. As a circular shock wave spread from the center, finally, a huge collision sound came to the world.

A strong light covered the entire island, and the gas explosion cloud enveloped the sea area with a radius of 10 nautical miles, and the sea water was pushed away directly.

The broken sword energy and scattered shock waves caused a huge tsunami in the nearby sea area.

Win? burden?

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