Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1772 Five Villages United

In a cave somewhere.

This is the situation outside now. Noah has completely held the five major countries in his hands.

Konoha. I can never go back.

Sarutobi Hiruzen reported to Black Zetsu the itinerary of the past few days with a calm look on his face.

Sneaking into Konoha, he evacuated in time without discovering the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, went to the outskirts of the Iron Kingdom to watch the battle, and then escaped, and was finally discovered by Black Zetsu.

This is his previous whereabouts, nothing to hide.

Black Zetsu was speechless. Madara was beaten to death in the Iron Kingdom, and he was also thrown around. You guys are very comfortable.

It's not that his mentality is unbalanced, but that the anxiety in his heart is like a hundred ants eating his heart.

What a great strategy originally used by Sarutobi Hiruzen to use the power of the Eastern Three Kingdoms to fight the Ninja World War.

The Five Shadows Conference is just a formality.

You must know that the five countries have begun final war preparations internally, and will open fire as long as the time delay is enough.

The result was completely overturned by Uchiha Madara.

Before setting off, what did you say about killing a few people, catching a few tailed beasts, and measuring others' courage?

It would be fine if the Five Shadows and the Akatsuki organization were defeated in a battle, but in the end they were pushed to the ground and hammered.

Well now, the great help has become the enemy.

He even helped Noah, which was outrageous.

The five major countries are now preparing to attack themselves and others, and they must use strong men and human sea tactics to face Uchiha Madara.

If he hadn't kept the Hundred Thousand White Zetsu and the Forbidden Earth Reincarnation Technique in Hiruzen Sarutobi's hand, this war would have been really difficult to fight.

Madara who has not become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki can only be regarded as Otsutsuki in his childhood and will die.

Black Zetsu thinks that the Uchiha family are too outrageous.

Fortunately, in the end, Noah's arrogance gave him a chance to turn defeat into victory. After gathering the reincarnation eyes, Madara only had to collect the tailed beasts to complete the six-path carrier.

So there must be no more problems in the final battle.

He felt that he could no longer let that idiot continue to be willful.

So he decisively began to arrange the final battle to ensure that the final work of collecting the Ten-Tails was completed.

.Come with me.

Under the leadership of Hei Jue, we arrived at a temporary base.

Uchiha Madara, who had changed his appearance, was sitting on the top of a mountain blowing in the wind, his long white hair fluttering in the wind, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Only when I got closer did I hear some sounds.

Hashirama. Peace is coming.

This is very embarrassing. Hashirama has not appeared for a long time, but here we are still remembering this first generation who had few scenes.

Black Zetsu suddenly felt bad.

At this time, you are not thinking about how to kill Noah, but are you still thinking about the ideal of peace? ! Still thinking about Senju Hashirama?

It was as if he felt the confusion of the two people behind him.

I have become a true half-sage of six paths, and Noah is no longer my opponent.

You won't understand this realm.

In the twilight years of his life, Madara opened the Samsara Eye, but at that time, his energy and blood were declining, his chakra was also almost scattered, and he could not enter the Six Paths mode at all.

Moreover, without the physical condition of a prime man and without the chakra support of the tailed beast, he would not be able to perform any decent Yin-Yang Escape in his old age.

If Super Shinra Tenzheng is released once, the person may die.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be as decisive as I used the Samsara Eye to lay out, and it would be useless to keep it.

Now that he is at his peak, he can better tap into deeper power by taking over the reins of these eyes.

As long as he possesses the Chakra of the Ten-Tails, he is a god.

The influence of Uchiha's bloodline and the support of Six Paths' strength make him very confident and confident.

After explaining, his eyes glanced at the conspirator Sarutobi Hiruzen on the side.

The meaning in his eyes was a bit strange.

The three-tailed Jinchuuriki is also the only tailed beast in his hand.

Under the gaze of those reincarnation eyes, Ji Fu in the sealed space.

Why am I the only one of the nine tailed beasts so unlucky?

What a bad fate.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, do you know what's special about Loulan?

As a second battle with Noah, Uchiha Madara did not fly into the sky just because his eyes were focused. The beating from the Iron Country still had some effect.

The information from the first three generations of Hokages can come in handy at this time.

Loulan. I remembered.

Before the Third Ninja War, a sand ninja rebel puppet master appeared there. Minato once led a team to investigate.

It is considered an S-level mission, and the specific mission records are kept in the Hokage Tower.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had no ability to lie under the power of the human world.

This rhetoric did not dispel all doubts.

Next, Sarutobi Hiruzen analyzed the wave from his own perspective.

It's just because it's a desert. There hasn't been any human habitation since the last Loulan people moved away more than 20 years ago.

Noah values ​​ordinary people much more than ninjas, and a large number of weak people is more important than a few strong people.

Hypocritical people are like this. Even the battlefield must be chosen where it will not affect ordinary people.

The battlefields in these years have been either on the sea or in the forests of the Kingdom of Waves, with the highest frequency being in the Kingdom of Iron.

They are all small countries with small populations, and there are restrictions on the specific locations where the war can begin.

Considering that there will be ninjas from the five major nations participating in the battle this time, it would not be appropriate to place it in the sea. Treading water will also consume chakra.

There is only the desert of the Kingdom of Wind.

It's well-founded and the analysis is correct.

This is partly why Noah chose Loulan.

Uchiha Madara finally let Hiruzen Sarutobi go down to prepare for the reincarnation of the group.


Sarutobi Hiruzen stood still, and a murderous intention that could crush him came from all directions.

Can I trust you? Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The faint words seemed to come from the sky. Master Ban, who had been designed by Noah until now, was already a little allergic.

Actually, there is no need to believe in me, just believe in yourself.

The wonderful answer was what Uchiha Madara wanted to hear most at this stage.

He let the former Hokage get down while laughing wildly.

Even though he is arrogant, he still has to face his staged failures. In this era, there are strong men who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him before.

Leave some time to yourself. Let’s heal.

The red will is very difficult to remove even with the power of the Six Paths, and it will take at least a few days to eliminate it.

That bastard's time calculation is really accurate.

Uchiha Madara is busy preparing for the final battle.

There is no idle time here in the ninja world.

The names of the five major countries are all dead, so the next matter of uniting the Ninja Army does not require them to hold a meeting through a remote communicator to decide.

The decision of the Five Kage is the will of the ninja world.

The ninja world was boiling, and everyone witnessed the historic scene.

The five major ninja villages work together to defeat Madara Uchiha and maintain peace in the ninja world.

At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the five countries was also announced to the public, and he was Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage of Konoha.

The four shadows who had witnessed the mythical battle in the Kingdom of Iron had no objections to this point and unanimously approved it.

At least Noah cannot be allowed to be the commander-in-chief. This is the last pride of the film crew. (End of chapter)

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