Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1773 Final preparations

It’s just that the situations in the five major countries are different.

The Tsuchikage was busy eradicating the cancer in the country while gathering the ninja army.

Fortunately, most of the work was completed because we were preparing to go to war with the Western Continent Convention. Due to some strange circumstances, only the final reorganization was needed.

Another good news is funding.

It’s so abundant, I’ve never fought such a rich war in my life.

The bad news is that switching goals is very difficult.

Although there are news that the mastermind behind the ninja world is Uchiha Madara, the hatred forged in the three ninja battles can't be easily dissipated.

In the recent third Ninja War, Iwagakure suffered a big loss at the hands of the Fourth Hokage.

The surprise attack force created by so many Jonin all delivered food.

It is impossible to say that there is no resentment and resistance after this hatred is inherited.

The hatred between him and Raikage is even more unclear, and several other ninja villages cannot escape.

Decades of mutual attacks have left a terrible legacy of bloodshed.

It's just that the old fox has a superb method after all. He started to explain the enemy's power in front of everyone, and even took out photos of the Kingdom of Iron.

see it?

This is the land of iron.

If we don't cooperate, this will be the next Iron Kingdom.

Do you think I am willing to cooperate with my enemies?!!

Ohnoki's eyes were red, and he looked like he had been wronged.

But I would rather grit my teeth and put down all this hatred to protect the village.

In short, this time the enemies of the Fourth Ninja War could easily bulldoze Iwagakure Village.

He endured the humiliation just to protect everyone, and he was such a flexible Tsuchikage.

She shed tears when she got to the emotional point.

An old man with a gray beard who had only a few days left to live did this in front of everyone, and it was impossible not to feel compassion.

This performance also conquered most people.

Yes, Tsuchikage-sama is the one who suffers the most.

Yes, Lord Tsuchikage has suffered, we can't do it anymore.

The old man was able to pacify most of the people by being affectionate and rational.

When he turned around and returned to Tsuchikage's office, he already had a grim look on his face.

Loess, send the families who made the most noise just now to the front line. The village doesn't need disobedient ninjas.

Kurotsuchi, continue to transport Daming City's resources back secretly, hurry up.

After sending the two of them away, only Deidara was left in the office with nothing to do.

Deidara, come here.



The old man jumped up and gave Xiao Huangmao a big blow on the back of his head.

The will of the new stone!


The will of the new stone!

Every time he said something, he was slapped, which made Xiao Huangmao angry.

Old man, if you cut it again, I'll do it!

Onomu looked at the rebellious little yellow hair with a happy and bloody expression.

Then another slap.


If I hadn't come back, you would have been the Fourth Tsuchikage.


As for whether you continue to follow Noah or do it yourself, I can't control it.


get out.

No matter what Deidara's expression was now, Onoki didn't want to see him anyway.

After staying alone in the office for a long time, the Tsuchikage, who had been in office the longest, left a scroll in the drawer and prepared to leave.

This game cannot be lost.

The situation that Leiying Village has to face is also very complicated.

The hatred caused by the alliance of the five villages is on the one hand, mainly because the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Ninja War is Hatake Kakashi.

That was Kumo Ninja's biggest enemy.

The strong men who stepped on them, even the jounin alone, did not know how many people had fallen, and even Master Dodai

It's just that the Fourth Raikage has completely controlled the village, so these objections have been suppressed with his personal reputation.

Shut up, everyone, I recognize Kakashi's strength.

Kuno Ninja has no choice now. It's okay to follow the strongest one.

Everyone goes to say their final goodbyes and we leave in 3 days!

After driving most of the people out, Mabuyi began to report on the progress of some sensitive issues.

The energy storage has been completed, and the chakra cannon is ready for ultra-long-distance strikes at any time.

Kirabi-sama and Yuzuki-sama conducted a re-examination after returning from the Land of Rain. Only the pure tailed beast chakra remained in the seal, and the tailed beasts have disappeared. This...

The Fourth Raikage breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Jinchuuriki's fate is the worst, and if he can save his life, he has earned it.

It's okay, don't tell anyone.

Mabuyi, you stay in the village for this Ninja War. If Samoy and I don't come back, the village will be left to you.

After completing his final instructions, the fourth generation went to the laboratory and obtained two sets of upgraded versions of the Thunder Escape Armor.

For this reason, the last bit of rare metal in the village was used up.

This armor played a very good role in the battle of the Kingdom of Iron. This time the battle is more dangerous, and the equipment needs to be backed up.

Uchiha Madara, I will let you know how powerful Cloud Hidden Village is!

In the kingdom of water.

Mizukage has already led the team on board.

The situation in the Kingdom of Water was very simple. Hiruzen Sarutobi was always in tune with Bai Zetsu's arrangements and the officials he secretly trained.

It takes almost no effort.

And the ninja's problem is easy to solve.

The vitality of Kirigakure Village has been restored, but there is no particularly impressive strong person.

In addition, during the blood mist period, all the old ninjas with hatred and ambitious ninjas were killed.

Therefore, the new generation are good subordinates who do not have deep hatred.

There is no objection to the Five Villages' alliance and Kakashi's role as the commander-in-chief of the alliance.

So Terumi Mei took all the masters and set off directly, without even making arrangements for his successor.

There is a high probability that Lord Noah will not let himself die. Kirigakure needs an obedient and smart leader.

Don't worry if you lose, it's over.

So Terumi Mei on the boat was in a good mood, and the ninjas in the village admired her relaxed attitude.

The land of wind.

Luo Sha was in high spirits.

Even in just a few days, I have already experienced the benefits of supreme power.

Military power and administrative power merged into one, which was supreme.

The daimyo before ninjas appeared were like this.

The resources of the entire country are in their own hands.

With just one thought, wealth, status, etc. are all at your fingertips.


These are all false. If Uchiha doesn't get rid of Madara, he will be just meat on the chopping board.

The scenes of the battle between gods and demons in the Iron Kingdom are enough to dispel any greed.

So I regretfully gave up the temptations at hand and began to prepare for the war with all my heart.

This made Xiaobai, who was secretly watching, regretfully put down his sword.

No wonder the organization said that there is something about this Kazekage.

Reluctantly, I returned to the organization to report. The task ahead was very heavy.

But Luo Sha continued to arrange the venue without knowing it.

Loulan is in the Kingdom of Wind, thinking about the scope of the aftermath of the Kingdom of Iron

He decisively began to use trains and various means of transportation to evacuate everyone within 300 kilometers of the area. (End of chapter)

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