Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1771 The Five Great Famous People Withdrew from the Stage of History

At this time, the other party is finally willing to give up eating alone and redistribute wealth. It is not impossible to talk about it again.

On this day, a total of dozens of nobles gathered in Daming City.

It was also thanks to the development of train routes that this group of people could arrive so quickly.

Master of the Dachiyumen family, long time no see.

Oh~~ It's the Huashanyuan family.

This time I'm coming.

They greeted each other on the way into Daming City, and secretly formed various cliques and alliances.

After all, this time we are here to talk about redistributing resources. You eat more and he eats less.

The wind direction that was originally down and up disappeared instantly, and there were quite a few moths in the dark.

But they didn't notice that all the minor masters and noble guards who entered the inner court were taken to the side room.

The side room seemed to be covered by the sealing technique, and no sound came out at all.

In addition, the gate suspension bridge of Daming Castle has also been retracted.

The city was completely transformed into a sealed inner city.

The nobles in the inner court were waiting a little impatiently. Why hasn't the daimyo come yet?

As he was talking, the daimyo came to the crowd without any guards.

The temperament is a little weird.

The daimyo counted a circle as if he were looking at pumpkins in the field, and only opened his mouth to speak after confirming that there were no omissions.

“I really don’t like being here.

I have to deal with you greedy stupid pigs every day. There are countless times that I want to twist your heads off.

Oh my god, why would anyone say at this time that the nobles should get 50%, the daimyo should get 40%, and leave 10% to the caravans and manufacturers?

What have you done? What did the great names do?

Even if I don't have a good brain, I know that this kind of manipulation is something that normal people can't do.

The nobles are frightened and the daimyo is crazy? !

Even if you scold us, why are you scolding yourself?

But the daimyo's spirit at the moment was really a bit hysterical.



I'm very disappointed in the intelligence of you people. It's hard to believe that you are human beings.

It's simply contaminating normal people's brains!

Xiaobai is now roaring to vent his anger and resentment.

You must know that it spent the first half of its life following Noah to conquer the world.

It participated in the fierce battle of Uchiha Madara in the Kingdom of Frost, it participated in the training of the Fifth Hokage in the Kingdom of Snow, and it also participated in the Night of the Nine-Tails.

Uchiha Madara, Hatake Kakashi, and Kyuubi, he had defeated all three of the strongest men below Noah.

What a glorious experience this is.

As a result, I was stuck here for the rest of my life discussing things with some idiots every day that would be difficult for normal people to think of.

For a special life form, it is an extremely terrifying torture.

This storm output shocked the nobles. Although they were sometimes terribly stupid, they could sometimes hear something.

Who are you? What happened to the name?

The Kazekage will tear you to pieces at any time!

The old head of the Huashan Courtyard shouted loudly, which was outrageous.

Now anyone dares to use his name! I wonder if the Kingdom of Wind is now considered a powerful country with military force!

Feng Ying. It's not time for him to wash the floor yet.

Then Xiaobai drew out his sword and killed the old man with one blow.

You are the most insidious old man. You insist on dedicating your family's beauty to me! That damn beauty is a beauty!!

He grabbed a fat man running towards the corner with his backhand and gave him another violent chop.

You stupid pig! You don't want 70% of the Daimyo's profit, but only the remaining 30%! Then you can repair the railway, you can repair it!

You can feel how hard Xiaobai has been polishing his will over the years.

At this moment, I finally stopped covering up and started killing.

The sword light flashed, and the entire inner court was filled with blood.

Huh~~ It turns out that Shuangyue Kendo is like this.

After killing the last noble, Xiaobai felt that the power of will that had been suppressed for a long time in his heart received a huge amount of fuel, and instantly ignited the sword in his heart.

It can only be said that everyone has their own way of practice.

Then he left Daming City in a free and easy manner.

Before leaving, a signal was given.

Feng Ying happened to land in Daming City along with the wind and sand, and he had nothing to say when he saw the rivers of blood being slaughtered here.

Anyway, the famous name is long gone.

The nobles are gone too, let’s talk about the future after beating Uchiha Madara.

After all, it won't be worse than now.

It just so happens that many resources can be recycled without loss, which can be regarded as the last contribution of these moths.

Sandstorm burial!

Golden sand and gravel rioted in Daming City, and the wind shadow looked up to the sky and roared.

Uchiha Madara!

The Kingdom of Wind is at odds with you!

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Sand Ninja Anbu began to attack everywhere, killing some of the people on the list, and claimed to be the accomplices of Uchiha Madara.

The information Itachi collected while walking in the Kingdom of Wind was very detailed, and no one could hide it from Uchiha who had turned on the kaleidoscope.

The people who had eaten so much during the period of rapid economic growth were all harvested.

In order to avoid causing widespread public panic, Luo Sha also said that we cannot let a bad person go, nor wrongly accuse a good person.

So when the little master and his samurai bastards were pushed to the gallows and executed, someone would tell them their crimes.

In addition to colluding with Uchiha Madara, various crimes were read out, exposing the darkness to the light.

The Kingdom of Wind is deconstructing the original political power at a strange speed.

However, after these managers were removed, it did not affect the lives of ordinary people. The actual operators of the business have always been staff trained by the Akatsuki organization, but it has become easier.

Of course, none of this is important to Luo Sha. After dealing with this, we really need to prepare the ninja army for the decisive battle.

At the same time, the turmoil in the Kingdom of Wind also spread.

Big news, the name of the Kingdom of Wind was brutally murdered by Uchiha Madara, please pay attention to other countries.

It's a pity that it still didn't grab the headlines, because the changes in the five major countries happened almost at the same time.

Fire Nation is the easiest.

The daimyo has been killed by Mizukage, and Kakashi is a person who doesn't care about such trivial matters.

The style is rough and scary, arresting people, trying them, and sending them to the execution ground. Since then, the Kingdom of Fire has completed its de-Damyoization.

Such trivial matters are not worthy of his attention.

The Kingdom of Water almost followed suit.

Terumi Mei led people to violently break into the Daiming Castle, and rushed into the inner court to arrest the Daiming in full view of the public.

Breaking this guy's neck in front of everyone.

Seeing the white and smooth body, everyone realized that the daimyo had been replaced.

What's even more frightening is that when they went to arrest those nobles, they found that they had also been replaced.

Almost all the prominent figures in the Kingdom of Water are not original versions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did a very thorough job, ensuring that every key part was replaced by one of his own.

So Terumi Mei almost took over a very clean Water Country, and even started to advocate that the Fifth Mizukage was the greatest Mizukage to save the Water Country.

From then on, the Kingdom of Water was the first to be pacified, and it did not take more than 2 days.

The Tsuchikage and Raikage learned the news

The Western Continent is under the control of the Akatsuki organization, so it is understandable that the work is going smoothly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen from the Land of Water is really outstanding.

They also did the same thing as Terumi Mei, but the wave of opposition aroused in the country became stronger and stronger.

You have to show the fangs of the ninja class and conduct a criticism from the weapons to complete most of the work.

It is estimated that the reputation will be mixed in the future.


Regardless, it’s hard to say whether he will survive in a few days.

Facing the juncture between world survival and destruction, even if the one-country-one-village policy is completely destroyed, it is only a trivial matter.

What's more, it was another big conspiracy of Uchiha Madara that was revealed before the war.

It also boosted morale.

Now everyone only cares about whether they can win this final battle!

Prepare the army for war!!! (End of this chapter)

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