Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 178 If you don’t speak, you just beat.

It was another busy day, and Zefa felt that he had to deal with too many and complicated things during this period.

And the things he dealt with were things he rarely had contact with. In the past, internal problems were handled by Ah He. With her extraordinary wisdom and sophisticated methods, she will definitely be able to handle them with ease.

It's a pity that there is no one at the headquarters. The red-haired people in the new world are making frequent moves. Ahe takes the staff to the G1 branch to coordinate with Kizaru. The World Government is second only to the Revolutionary Army in fear of the New World. Those emperors were all from the Rocks Pirates back then, and they may all have a certain understanding of the truth about the world. Their own combat power is also that of the emperors of the sea, which is a bit intimidating.

The red-haired climb to the top once again broke the fragile balance of the new world. What's strange is that the world government is unexpectedly kind to the red-haired man and doesn't even arrange for the navy to kill him.

It stands to reason that the other three emperors have all fought against the top combat forces of the World Government and the Navy. Only the red-haired one's route is strange, and only the Navy has been paying attention.

This time, there is no internal staff department of the navy to assist in handling the matter. It is a bit difficult to rely only on Zefa. His big, well-jointed fists are okay for hitting people, but holding a pen is really bad. Fortunately, although there are many problems in the South China Sea, they can all be solved as long as we stay upright.

I would not answer any invitations to dinner from the World Government member countries or phone calls from certain World Government officials.

I want to see if you have any other tricks! Back on the sea, fighting so many big pirates to the death, his will has not changed, just because of you?

Zefa just sat on his warship and followed the fleet without going anywhere.

Until another port belonging to the South China Sea Federation, someone handed him a note through the local port director.

Meet you at the desert island 20 nautical miles east at 10 o'clock tonight.

This handwriting! Zefa's eyebrows were raised, Noah!

How brave you are to come and see me! As soon as he clenched his big hand, the note turned into fine powder and flowed out from the cracks in his fist.

He immediately called the adjutant and told him that he needed to go out alone at night and not to worry. Then I started frantically processing the squeezed files to squeeze in more time for this meeting.

When I have almost finished writing, I can finally come to an end. I stretched my muscles and made a crunching sound. When fighting the enemy for 10 days and 10 nights, it won't even ring. After a few hours in the office, my body will be like this. At this moment, Zefa had some admiration for the Warring States Marshal of Malinfando.

Putting on the coat of justice, he said hello to the adjutant, walked to the deck, looked to the east, jumped out of the ship's side gently, and then jumped away in a few steps, heading straight to the desert island.

At this time, on the deserted island, Noah had been waiting for a long time. Holding the word He Dao in his arms, he stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the bright full moon in the sky, spreading his thoughts.

Moon, moon, I wonder how many secrets are related to you in the world of One Piece. It is really a mysterious place. Are there space pirates up there at this moment? The mysterious Bika City, ancient civilization. When the sea calmed down, Noah decided to open the door all the way to the moon and explore the secrets.

Um? Here we come. This momentum seems a bit fierce.

He quickly assumed the posture of a handsome sword god under the moon, looked at the western sky with a slight smile on his lips. A small black dot fell from the sky.

Huh? Why is this not landing? It seems to be falling!

I dodge! A space door opened behind him, and Noah left this cliff.

Sure enough, a fist dropped from the sky and hit the place where Noah was standing just now.

First there was a bang, then a click. The cliff collapsed. The rubble slid down from the mountain and rushed straight into the sea. The rumbling sound was loud.

Two red lights flashed in the smoke, and a figure rushed out of it and headed straight for Noah.

Sixth style. Finger gun. Continuous fire.

Zefa fired with both hands. It continuously fires out attacks like a machine gun to contain Noah's movement. Then he kicked hard on the ground with one foot and moved closer.

Six moves. Iron block. One punch.

An armed fist packed with powerful power, supported by iron blocks, struck the opponent. The gusting wind of the fist tore through the air, creating an explosion of energy.

He raised his eyebrows, This is going to be a fight first, Comrade Zefa! That's as you wish. The sword did not come out of its sheath, and the weapon was wrapped around the entire Wado Yimonji, and it was smashed towards the incoming fist.


The sound of metal colliding echoed in the battlefield, and waves of air were generated from the collision, sweeping across in all directions.

The two refused to give in to each other and continued to wrestle, causing terrifying cracks in the ground beneath their feet. The friction sound of Kazikaz brought out bursts of sparks, and the fighting between them reached its peak at the beginning.

Anyway, Zefa had thought about it on the way here, and he would just do it when he came, without giving that cunning brat a chance to open his mouth. If you let him open his mouth to speak, he will probably not be able to fight. That little devil's ability to confuse people is too strong.

As long as I strike quickly, I can finish the fight. So many old and new grudges can be settled this time.

You have used and plotted against me so many times, that time with Marigio, ah! This time in the South China Sea, ah! You still dare to arrange a job for me. If I don’t win over you this time, I don’t know what else you will dare to do in the future!

Noah's original plan was indeed to use his sharp tongue to try to persuade Zefa so that Zefa would not be so angry, and then throw out some terrifying secret information to divert attention. Finally, another wave of fire made Zefa completely fall to their revolutionary army.

In the end, it was interrupted by Zefa's unreasonable opening kill. The more losses people suffer, the smarter they become. Let’s finish the fight then.

In the end, the two of them used their strength together to knock each other away. As soon as he stood still, Zefa rushed forward and continued to hit him with his big fists.

It has to be said that Zefa's use of the Six Styles is really superb. Not only has he developed many derivative skills, but the timing of using them is also very precise. He makes full use of his tempered body to launch wave after wave of attacks like a tidal wave. , which made Noah open his eyes severely.

There are unexpected moves like Paper Painting, Fighting Body and Arashi Kick. When I was using paper drawings to avoid Wado Ichimonji, I felt a light stick to my feet. What kind of operation was this? It was the pinnacle of physical micro-manipulation.

This is not the first time he has fought against a pure taijutsu master. Like the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Gang Gu Kong, his taijutsu fighting style is just like his name, with all kinds of strength. To punch hard is to throw your fist, sprint, throw your fist, and sprint.

Zefa is more like a master of physical arts, with his own tactics in practical applications. There is no distinction between the two paths. We can only say that each has its own advantages.

Since his opponent was so serious, Noah couldn't show any weakness. He kicked Feilan's feet with a side kick and used all his strength to shock Zefa. He was about to take action for real.

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