Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1757 The young man’s life turns into a sword

Master Ban was furious. Although I was being mean, I was also complimenting you in a different way. You are only inferior to Noah. You just put me in third place?


It seems that this arrangement is okay, but I just feel angry.

Do I still need approval from a junior like you?

The murderous intent was stronger, and the two of them fought all the way on the battlefield, every step and every move was extremely dangerous.

It's just that the disadvantage of having a body made of dirty soil is reflected here.

Lacking the body's instinctive perception and resistance to death, if it lacks these, it will be impossible to exert its full power in close combat.

So he quickly fell into a disadvantage, and countless sword marks appeared on his body.

This is an absolute disgrace to a proud man.

Kakashi continued to wield the sword in his hand to implement his inner will.

Swing the sword, swing the sword again, swing the sword countless times.

Each sword is faster than the other, crazier than the other, and harder than the other. The long sword in his hand has turned into light and shadow.

He has hatred in his heart.


The person behind the crane knelt in front of him and cried bitterly, begging him to kill him.

The life path of a close friend in the Divine Power Dimension is so tragic that it is impossible to look directly at it.

From the moment Obito was pressed into the boulder, he had fallen into Uchiha Madara's trap.

He gave him hope of returning to the world, and planned the tragedy of Lin's death at his own hands.

Just to stimulate Obito and make him accept that disgusting and ridiculous fate.

The heart-wrenching feeling when Kaleidoscope opened its eyes in the Land of Grass, and the even more heart-wrenching regret after awakening in the Divine Power Space.

'Kakashi, kill me. ’

Death turned out to be the idiot's last remaining wish.

Kakashi once promised after killing Obito that he would kill the guy who controlled his life, no matter who it was!

At this moment, with the duel of swordsmanship, it was difficult to conceal the deepest hatred in my heart.

Since it is a body of filthy earth, let’s die a few more times.

The Sharingan began to rotate, and Madara was a little surprised when he caught the fluctuations on the other side?

not? ? ?


Using the Sharingan to perform Muji Genjutsu in close combat is indeed a very suitable killing tactic.

The Uchiha clan has made countless achievements on the battlefield with this hand.

It's just that Master Ban thinks it's very ridiculous to be used in this way.

What I see in my eyes is the Rinnegan, the superior eye of the Sharingan.

The resistance and manipulation of illusions has reached its peak in the ninja world. What kind of person would shamelessly perform illusions on him?

So he faced Kakashi's genjutsu calmly and prepared to rebound strongly.

To the younger generations of Konoha, you may be better at swordsmanship, but I am the pinnacle of illusions.

The illusion descends.

The familiar Hei Changzhi stabbed his sword into his heart.

Madara, for Konoha.

Although in his eyes the illusion did not last for even 0.01 seconds, the flashing scene made him furious.

Is this an illusion?

The C-level Narakumi no Jutsu used with the kaleidoscope is to mess with people's mentality.

This anger made him wield the flame fan even more powerfully, revealing a flaw that was not a flaw.

This is the moment.


The power of the sword surged, red light gathered on the sword body, and the space in the eyes where the divine power was activated began to distort.

The invisible flame between the eyebrows shines in the eyes of the enemy.

In the ninja world, apart from Noah, only Uchiha Madara, who had reached the Six Paths realm, saw this strange thing, and was naturally frightened and did not escape this disaster.

Across the space, there seemed to be several Kakashi's swords drawn out at the same time around the center.

It is completely different from the previous swordsmanship. There is no thunder, no gorgeousness and coldness.

But hot passion, reckless roughness, sincerity and depth, and innocence.

Kakashi is a genius. He spent several years weaving a world of his own for his best friend.

You can also use a few more years to wield a sword of revenge for your best friend.

The continuous sword light is the life that the young man has walked through in the fantasy world, and the fantasy-like swordsmanship blooms in the void.

Even Noah would be amazed by the emotional swordsmanship.

The light flashed across Uchiha Madara's body and was chopped into powder.

Before the rest of the head could react, a sword was nailed between the eyebrows.

This sword belongs to Obito.


Although the current appearance is extremely insulting, Uchiha Madara is surprisingly not angry. He really appreciates this amazing sword.

It turns out that the chosen puppet still has this bond and remains in the ninja world.

I thought Obito just went to the Pure Land with endless failures.

The most sincere feelings in the world put Uchiha Madara in a very good mood.

An extreme idealist, he is fond of all positive emotions.

If the Eye of the Moon is completed, the tragedy will disappear completely.

The emotions in the sword are moving, and I can also see your will.

Hatake Kakashi, you are indeed a powerful ninja.


Uchiha Madara took the initiative to blow his own head off.

The gray dust gathered again not far away.

Uchiha Madara stood on the same spot again with his hands clasped together, the fighting spirit in his eyes already visible to the naked eye.

You can just admit defeat in swordsmanship, and even if you are completely resurrected, you will not be a match for Master and Disciple Noah.

Then use ninjutsu to fight.

After Hashirama and Noah, you are the third strong person that I admire.

Let's have a fight and see if you can avenge Obito.

drink! ! !

With a loud shout, Uchiha Madara felt that he and Hashirama had become one.

The earth began to surge, and abnormal vitality began to reappear in the land that had become a wasteland.

The ominous premonition in the hearts of the four shadows in the distance reached its peak again.

Ohnoki suddenly looked nervously at the ground, and a green bud broke through the soil.

It represents life and death.

No way

His brain shut down immediately, and he glanced at Uchiha Madara's face, and then at the branches that were constantly appearing on the ground.

He would rather believe that this move was made by Kakashi Hatake than by that man.

The first Hokage was the one behind Uchiha Madara.

Already seriously injured, he immediately ordered the shadow guards around him to take them away from here immediately. The next battle may be beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The two tailed beasts were also urging the jinchūriki to escape immediately. Not everyone had the Nine-Tailed Head Iron.

At least Uchiha knew that he would run away immediately when he encountered Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

It had been watching this battle through Kirabi, and it exploded when it saw this.

The appearance of the Samsara Eye and Wood Release on a demon who regarded the tailed beast as an ox and horse really frightened the beast.

Sure enough, as they fled, the ground in the center of the battlefield had cracked open, endless green vegetation began to spread and grow, and the irrational vitality was twisting and extending.

Wood escapes. The tree world descends.

The big tree hugged by several people took shape within a few breaths of time, and the tree crown even began to move higher. In the blink of an eye, there was an endless primitive jungle in the Iron Kingdom.

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