Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1756 The little tricks of the battlefield rose

Konoha's traitorous ninja, Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara was in a trance.

He imagined all the things the new Hokage would say, and the result... Betrayal?

Do you know why the other four of the five great ninja villages are Sunagakure, Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure.

And only Konoha Village is called Konoha.

This name with a completely different painting style was chosen by me.

When he left Konoha, that hateful Shirogane Tobirama didn't dare to characterize himself.

Even after fighting Hashirama in the Valley of the End and feigning death, no one dared to say that Uchiha Madara was a traitorous ninja.

What is recorded in history is that Uchiha Madara left Konoha because he did not agree with the ideas of the first Hokage.

When you get to the Godaime, you can get there in one step?

What a courage.

Madara really wanted to tell the Fifth Hokage how he pursues peace and how he wants to eliminate war. .

He even wanted to draw Kakashi into his camp.

Since his return from the filthy earth, he has learned about what the Fifth Hokage did from all aspects, and it can be said that he is very satisfied with it.

They are both young geniuses, with talents beyond the ordinary, and with a sex like fire.

Of course, the one I admire most is the battle where Kakashi overthrew the Third Hokage in the Leaf Village.

Such a genius who implements the new will of fire and wants to launch a war in the ninja world is still a Hokage who possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan and is not from the Uchiha clan.

For Mr. Ban, there is a natural favorability bonus.

But at this moment, this good feeling was completely killed.

The style of language reminded him of the enemy he fought before his death.

You are indeed the disciple of that guy Noah.

But you seem to hate me?

Uchiha Madara was keenly aware of the truth.

I'm just correcting the mistakes of our ancestors Hokage.

Kakashi smiled, but there was a little murderous intent in his blood-colored pupils.

He thought his acting skills were okay, but he only discovered it when he faced him.

Some things are truly unforgettable.

It's better to ask for some interest first.

Eye shadow appeared, and the murderous intention and tranquility in his heart reached a strange balance.

At his level, the so-called sage mode's static and dynamic skills can be manipulated at will, just like Senju Hashirama.

Immortal magic, fire escape, powerful fire extinguishing!

Just now, Uchiha Madara's starting skill was used again by the Fifth Hokage, but with the addition of senjutsu chakra.

The sea of ​​fire, which was no less than the previous one, or a more violent attack, frightened the four shadows in the distance.

Unexpectedly, Naruto had not made a move for many years, and when he did again, he had become even more powerful.


Master Ban felt even more disgusted.

If Kakashi hadn't said that he was a treacherous ninja, he might have been interested in returning the genuine fire to kill him, but at this moment, he had no intention of responding to this provocation.

The previous appreciation may have been an illusion. The disciple of that guy Noah has the same extremely disgusting attributes as him.

Attacking him with the move of Fire Release Hao Fire Extinguisher is actually more provocative.

Just like he had the same thought when weighing the Four Shadows.

If that's the case, then Konoha will sever the inheritance starting from the Fifth Hokage.


The smoke flashed away, and a gourd-shaped fan with six magatama patterns appeared in Uchiha Madara's hand.

The Uchiha Homura Fan has the power to control flames and rebound ninjutsu.

A divine weapon made from the trunk of a sacred tree, this fan symbolizes the Uchiha people's proficiency in the use of fire ninjutsu. The fan is also the emblem of the Uchiha family.

When Noah went to purchase the goods, Madara refused to hand over the entire inheritance, and the fan was eventually passed on to Obito.

It's a pity that that guy is accustomed to using time and space ninjutsu to make sneak attacks, and he wasted this magical weapon.

Feeling the familiar touch in his hands, Master Madara felt murderous intent in his heart.

If you bring peace to the world, you will naturally bring peace to just the fifth Hokage.

A huge amount of chakra poured in, and a strong wind blew up with a wave of his backhand.

Even if the fairy flames could not completely rebound, most of them were blown away.

Then he left the sea of ​​fire and went straight to Kakashi.

Cutting off the head of a Hokage is a very good choice, and it is also a declaration of war to Noah.

And Kakashi also raised his long sword to kill.

Between the light and shadow of the sword, cold light flickered.

Both of them are top masters of close combat, with murderous intent in every corner.

Battlefield Rose has rarely encountered opponents in her life, so Noah can definitely beat him.

At the seaside of the Kingdom of Frost, he was defeated with swordsmanship until he was in a terrible state.

But Madara believes that apart from that weirdo, there should be no one in the world who can compete with him in physical skills.

The fourth generation Raikage just now, plus equipment and a Tsuchikage plug-in, was nothing more than that.

And Kakashi's record over the years has not been reported to be exaggerated, and he thought he could pretend to be a show off.

The result is really strong swordsmanship.

It turned out to be a draw!

Kakashi did not use the signature thunder escape chakra mode. The super speed of the fourth generation Raikage just now proved that this path would not work.

It's just that the thunder escape and the understanding of the nature of heaven and earth are integrated into the swordsmanship, making it difficult to tell whether it is thunder or sword light.

This is his own swordsmanship. Just like Kuina's Catching Fire, Kakashi also created his own swordsmanship based on his best escape technique.

Sometimes it is like spring thunder exploding, and all things grow.

Sometimes it shakes like winter thunder, and everything fails.

The sky and the earth changed, and it landed suddenly with the force of thunder.

Mifune was shocked by the exquisiteness of the swordsmanship. This is not the swordsmanship in the world.

The Kingdom of Iron. What is the significance of the existence of the Kingdom of Iron?

It turns out that not only the essence of ninjutsu is gathered in Konoha, but also swordsmanship.

The Raikage was sweating coldly when he saw it. If Kakashi used this kind of swordsmanship, he would probably not be his opponent even if he was wearing a cheat. He didn't expect that the opponent's progress was so much greater than his own.

It would be nice if Tsuchikage had Kakashi Hatake and Madara Uchiha died here together.

As expected, Ohnoki is more reliable when it comes to making movies, and he never forgets his identity.

The person who has the deepest impression of swordsmanship is definitely Uchiha Madara.

The swordsmanship ability of the junior in front of me has reached such an extent. Although it is still not as good as Noah's incomprehensible swordsmanship, it can be regarded as the best in the world.

If it weren't for the extraordinary power of Samsara Eyes, I might have been unable to withstand it.

After all, he is also a powerful legend in the ninja world. How come after his reincarnation, his record is only brushed against the four shadows.

Nagato, Konan, and Kakashi all gave themselves great surprises.

It's just a melee fight, but he initiates it on his own initiative, just like an invitation to a duel.

If he retreated at this time, it would be like admitting defeat. He was unwilling to lose anything in front of the Hokage.

So I could only hold on to death, and even said something like your swordsmanship is far worse than Noah's.


He has little skills, but he dares to do whatever he wants.

Kakashi thought to himself that although I am not good at this kind of thing, it is still easy to deal with an Uchiha.

I approve of your taijutsu. I, Kakashi Hatake, would like to call it third or fourth, maybe fifth.

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