Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1758 Do you want to dance?

There were not many witnesses to the Wood Release Battle in the Kingdom of Waves, but the Kingdom of Iron scared a few shadow guards this time.

In other words, even the Four Shadows were frightened. Uchiha Madaragi's combination can scare all sane ninjas.

Mifune didn't care, he was numb.

Anyway, how about the love of the Iron Kingdom? You can start to consider accepting the rescue from the Western Continent Convention after the war, just like the Kingdom of Waves now.

As for Naruto being surprised, no one is worried about Kakashi now.

The terrifying swordsmanship just now has conquered everyone, and the Fifth Hokage might also come up with some special moves.

Sakura was a little worried, but she calmed down a lot when she saw the confident look on the side of Metkai Jounin.

Except for Hokage-sama's stunning sword blow just now, Teacher Zhenju has not been surprised at all so far.

In the forest, branches of massive trees began to surround Kakashi like tentacles.

It's just that the area three feet in front of him has been shrouded in thunder sword light, making it impossible to invade.

Madara was talking to himself while directing the trees.

Aren't you curious why I can use Wood Escape?

In the Valley of the End Me

Until he finished talking about how he got the Wood Release, he didn't get the desired expression from Kakashi's face.

As Hokage, wouldn't you be nervous if Mu Dun was leaked?

It's not that Kakashi isn't nervous, but he knows Mu Dun too well.

In fact, most people in the Akatsuki organization can obtain the ability of wood escape if they want it.

Yang Dun's transformation medicine has never stopped researching and developing, and all he needs to do is transplant some of the original cells between the pillars.

Science is like this, and no matter how rare a bloodline is after being produced with replicability, it is nothing more than this.

Moreover, Orochimaru, Noah and others believe that Wood Release is only superficial, far less important than the Yang Release attribute, so there is no such invincibility filter for the members.

Most people are like Kakashi, they just give up because it doesn't fit well with their own fighting system.

The worldview of senior Uchiha Madara is outdated.

We in the Akatsuki organization all practice immortality!

The five-attribute escape technique blessed with fairy magic is a power that cannot be completely absorbed by wood escape, and is also a force that cannot be restrained by any known ability that can absorb ninjutsu.

This is the feature that the Akatsuki organization values ​​most.

The Three Holy Lands plus the Fourth Immortal allow four kinds of Immortal Arts to be practiced.

The threshold for spiritual practice has been continuously lowered by the simplification of the Nine Lamas, and the local power of the planet is rising again.

The Immortal Technique. The Five Elements Great Continuous Bullet Technique!

hold head high! ! !

Five giant dragons rose from the woods, hundreds of meters in size, swimming across the sky.

The earth is broken, the wind howls, the waves surge, the fires set the prairie fire, and the thunder tears the clouds.

Natural disasters were transformed by manpower, and this primitive jungle suffered a devastating blow during the natural disasters.

Trees keep growing and being destroyed.

Madara was even more shocked in his heart. He saw the power of the new era in Kakashi.

So the idea of ​​using Hashirama's Wood Style to sweep across the ninja world faded away, due to the limitations of the dirty earth body and the fact that I was not very good at it.

It is a bit arrogant for such a strong man who was worthy of a life and death battle during the Warring States Period.

Madara admitted that if Kakashi had been born sixty years earlier, he would have been the strongest person behind him and Hashirama.

With the cessation of chakra delivery, the Tree Realm was finally destroyed.

Mu Dun's second appearance after sixty years still ended in defeat.

The four shadows in the distance are as numb as Mifune, and the mythical battlefield is really the same world as the one he is in?

Uchiha Madara can actually perform the legendary Wood Release. Combining the power of two legends of the ninja world is so terrifying.

The shock of the vicissitudes of life is engraved deep in my heart. No wonder the evaluation of the first Hokage in history is so exaggerated.

And the young man Naruto hid it too deeply, and he was able to bear it all.

In other words, it still has an advantage.

Was this grandson playing us before?

With such exaggerated magic and swordsmanship, it was not impossible for our Yanyin Village to join the Western Continent Convention led by the Akatsuki Organization. After all, we are still so close.

And the Immortal Magic Rock Hidden Village must find a way to learn immortal magic!

The four shadows have different thoughts, and Master Madara's mood is very subtle.

In the first half, he swept through the four shadows with high spirits, but in the second half, he encountered Naruto and was brutally tortured.

I'm not good at swordsmanship, and I'm not good at wood escape. This is forcing me to use a unique move.

First, he laughed wildly for a while, trying to get Kakashi to talk to him, and then he took advantage of the situation and said that he was not serious before.

It turns out that the young man doesn't understand the world at all.

The look in your eyes that shows you how you can still laugh after being beaten like this is really hurtful.

You can only go through the process yourself.


Let me show you the true power of Uchiha, you brat!

The dark blue giant skeleton emerged, followed closely by muscles, blood vessels, and the body.

Uchiha Madara's gaze also began to rise, this was his own strength.

The Kages in the distance knew that the invincible Susanoo was about to come out again, and the incident of creating a chasm with a sword had frightened them.

Wait, why is this giant the wrong size?

“It’s still getting bigger!!!”

Luo Sha lost his composure, this thing was not the limit just now!

Compared with the previous four stages, the height of the new Susanoo's waist alone has exceeded that of the previous one, and the size of the entire giant has surpassed the mountain peak after it appeared.

In addition to the solid skeleton flesh and blood, it also has armor like a warrior god.

The armor on its back transformed into wings and was equipped with two machetes.

The complete Susanoo could easily split a mountain with just one swing of his sword. Back then, a plain was cut out near the Valley of the End.

Onoki was silent. When Madara Uchiha swept across the Iwagakure Village, he didn't release Susan in this form. It was me who was not worthy.

The fighting spirit burned in Raikage's eyes, but unfortunately this time there was no top nanny, Tsunade, so the fighting spirit could only lie on the ground burning.

Mizukage silently prepared to call for help. There was a flying thunder god kunai in her ninja tool bag.

This is no longer the time to show off your strength.

The Eight-Tails and the Six-Tails felt that they were still too close, and they always felt like they would be caught like little chickens.

Only the Jonin of Metkai remained firm.

Kakashi it's okay.

Well, Konoha people are so determined.

Standing in the perfect Susana, Madara finally felt proud.

The body of dirty earth suppresses the strength a bit, but Susanoo is composed of eye power and chakra, so it is not affected in any way.

Kakashi, did you see that!

Although you have used your Sharingan to its full potential, Susan... I'm so damned!

The defense was broken, he didn't understand.

The sky-blue chakra began to build a giant from scratch, and the speed of its growth felt familiar.

Like a replica, how Madara's Titan was formed is how Kakashi's Titan was formed.

The same size as the dark blue Susana, and also wearing ferocious armor.

Two martial gods stood on the ground, leaving everyone speechless.

Madara was also silent when he saw this scene. It was not an illusion, it was real.

Obito~~~Is it your destiny to give the Sharingan to its true master?

This battle was full of twists and turns, and every time Madara thought he had a chance to win, he would be slapped in the face by the speed of light.

There is also a problem with the pacing of the battle, which seems to be directed.

But even so, he will not lose.

The Susano giant on the opposite side took the initiative to draw his sword. For Kakashi, he wanted to make Uchiha Madara feel pain in all aspects.

Uchiha's Sharingan is really useful.

Madara, do you want to dance?

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