Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1755 The will under despair

The strongest ninja who combines taijutsu, ninjutsu, illusion, top-level combat experience and entry-level six-path application went crazy.

Countless S-level fire escape skills beat the four shadows into a state of disarray.

Ninja fighting is not just about amplifying moves. Madara knows how to use tactics when he is serious.

Eyes scanned around.

A genjutsu directly immobilized Feng Ying. His will was the weakest among the four, so he was regarded as the first breakthrough point.

The illusion released by the eye power beyond the kaleidoscope is indeed very powerful, constantly digging into the pain in the Kazekage's heart.

The image of the village being destroyed by the giant Susanoo demon was directly etched in my heart, and the despair at that moment was so real.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped forward and severely injured Luo Sha with his ninjutsu.

If it weren't for Mizukage's timely escape, the new honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization might have died.

Then Mizukage was retaliated. When he released his water release, he didn't end it in time. Madara used his backhand to knock down the woman with his Yin Release Thunder Style.

The sixth-level thunder escape directly defeated the chakra defense in the body. At that moment, the water shadow seemed to see the Yondaime who had just died.

Then he kicked a kunai from the ground and pinned the beautiful woman to the upturned rock formation.

I'm just good at fire escape, not thunder escape.

Without assistance, Uchiha Madara began to release various field control ninjutsu.

The superimposed form of the two shadows of thunder and earth was completely useless, and he didn't even dare to stop. If he stopped, he would die.

The Raikage's physical strength and chakra were forcibly consumed until the explosive state was released, and the armor on his body was almost roasting the meat.

Without the speed to exceed the limit, the two of them were quickly beaten down.

Only Uchiha Madara can stand on the battlefield.

This is the power of top combat power. The battlefield rose is the most powerful before giving up its brain.

Since you have worked so hard, let's experience what despair is.

The index finger of one hand points to the sky.

Heaven hinders the earthquake star!

A shadow fell from the sky. If you look closely, you will see that this is not a shadow, but a huge meteorite.

Tianzhen Zhenxing is not the strongest in single-target attacks, but it is the most intimidating ninjutsu. Its attack method is even more exaggerated than Super Shinra Tenzheng, which makes ordinary ninjas unable to believe it.

Sakura and the Shadow Guards' eyes almost popped out. Is this a ninjutsu? !

Even if you have seen the Thousand-Armed Buddha, it is a meteorite. If it falls, the Kingdom of Iron will be declared destroyed.

It must be stopped! Otherwise the area will be cleared of any life.

Even Metkai was ready to lift his self-restraint when he saw this.

At this moment, a small figure came upstream against the meteorite.

Ohnoki didn't know why he flew over so impulsively.

You must know that he can fly and is one of the few ninjas present who can survive.

He had already fought tooth and nail with Uchiha Madara just now, and even got punched in the waist, feeling like his lower body was almost unconscious.


From the moment I saw Uchiha Madara, some words seemed to be uncovered from the deepest layers of my memory.

The first generation of adults seemed to have come before us from the ages.

‘Ohnoki, your will contains the power to change the world. ’

'But when you encounter obstacles, you also throw them away, or you pick them up again with hatred. ’

‘So, don’t give up. ’

Thinking of this, he smiled bitterly, why did he wake up at this time?

My heart of weighing the pros and cons, my cunning and cunning attitude, how come I got the upper hand again?

Sir, my will of stone has become somewhat dusty over the years.

But now, I still have my original intention back.

Fortunately Deidara didn't come. I believe he will bring the village to a better position.

Even if it's the will of the new stone!

Facing the huge meteorite, he summoned up the last of his chakra, and even his blood was boiling.

The changes in the properties of Earth Release Chakra break through the limits!

Super light and heavy rock art!

Drink! ! ! ! ! ! ! Block it for me! ! !

Carrying this mountain-like weight with his own strength, Onoki's small figure was incomparably majestic.

Shout out to Raikage!

hold head high! ! !

The Terumi Mei seal was still nailed to the rock wall, and the scattered pools and streams gathered under someone. The water dragon rose wildly from the ground, carrying the blood-stained Fourth Generation Raikage straight into the sky.

However, the water shadow with deep injuries to his heart could not hold on after all, and the water dragon that had already flown halfway turned into rain and returned to the earth.

But Lei Ying stood still, and a ladder composed of sand and gold appeared in the void.

Luo Sha was vomiting blood while building stairs one after another in mid-air.

I can only help you so much.

Run it for me!!!

The Fourth Raikage, who was covered in blood, had a determined look in his eyes, and the tattered armor on his body activated for the last time.

Putting aside the extreme physical pain, lightning burst out again, and the brilliant electric light began to charge towards the sky.

Stepping on these floating sand gold, they continue to accelerate toward the meteorite.

Like a steel spear, it slammed into it without any hesitation or slowdown.

Thunder Escape, Hell Thrust, and One Hand!

Thunder circulated on the meteorite, and huge cracks spread from the penetration point.

Click, click, click

Here, open it!!!!

open ah!!

boom! ! ! !

A huge explosion occurred, and the huge rock shattered into countless fragments and scattered from the sky.

The earth shadows and thunder shadows in the sky also fell from the sky like rootless duckweeds.

That's great, it blocked it.

A green figure flashed through the air, catching the two figures and landing smoothly.

Metkai solemnly placed the two respectable people on the ground, and then he would be Uchiha Madara's opponent!

At this time, Onoki recovered his brain that was dizzy from the explosion and recognized the person. Such a distinctive ninja is basically unforgettable in the ninja world.

Meitkai Jonin, right? Get out of here right now. You are no match for him.

Please protect the two Jinchūriki and evacuate immediately.

And... tell the ninja world about Uchiha Madara's existence.

And Mr. Ban, did that green-skinned thick-browed man come running from the sky just now?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

You can block one, but can you block the second one?

Nani! ! !

The four shadows were shocked, the sky was once again shrouded in darkness.

Mifune in the distance had already knelt down. With the help of the Hokage, he finally completed the evacuation of the nearest villages. When he was about to go to the battlefield to fight for his life, he saw the Meteorite Second Company.

In an instant, he no longer trusted the long sword in his hand, and the sword's heart was shattered into pieces.

It is said that as long as a warrior's faith is strong enough, he can cut through anything.

But meteorites can also be chopped down?

Kakashi, who had been building a defensive circle beside him, showed his fighting spirit.

about there.

Shadow's battle had stirred his blood.

Chief Mifune, it's not that your sword is not strong enough, it's that your heart is not strong enough.

Also, there are no limits to the way of the sword.

As he spoke, he drew out his long knife.

And Metkai, who was about to open the door and kick the meteorite on the field, also stopped his warm-up exercise because his best friend arrived.

The sound of thousands of birds chirping echoed in everyone's ears, and a figure appeared in front of the second meteorite.


The sword light, accompanied by the water-like thunder light, gently cut into the meteorite.

spring thunder.

Click! ! !

Just like the thunder of spring brings vitality to all things, life seems to be breaking out of the ground inside the meteorite.

The thundering sword light penetrated the hard earth and stone like a branch full of life.

In an instant, objects that could destroy life on the surface were cut into pieces.

Kakashi didn't even look after he drew his sword. He took one step out of the divinely distorted space and walked to the four shadows.

Kai, take the four shadows to a place farther away.


Afterwards, only Hokage Hatake Kakashi and ninja legend Uchiha Madara remained among the ruins of the battlefield.

Hokage Hatake Kakashi, that's fine.

Madara is very satisfied with Naruto's performance. Only with this kind of power can he become Hokage. How can he be matched with a piece of shit like Sarutobi Hiruzen!

And when Kakashi opened his mouth, it was Frost Moon Kendo.

Konoha's traitorous ninja, Uchiha Madara.

The battlefield raged.

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